Saturday, August 31, 2019
Bottled Water in Australia
Bling h2o is a high end or â€Å"Super Luxury†bottled water product created by Kevin G Boyd a Hollywood producer / designer. Bling h2o costs from $US35. 00 to $US2,600. 00 per bottle and the water is bottled into glass bottles studded with Swarovski crystals. Bling has been featured on MTV music awards and The Emmys and on it’s website refers to itself as the Rolls Royce of bottled water. To identify the potential consumers in Australia we need to look at the target market and market segments bling are looking to fulfill. The premium status, and pricing, that bling put on their product would narrow the geographic segment to the economic centers of Australia, which Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane. A geographic segmentation is identifying and analysing the location that a company is looking to move into. In Australia a potential geographic profile would start at the state level, then move into cities, then if necessary a municipal level to identify potential consumer (Kotler, P. , Adam, S. , Denize, S. , Armstrong, G. 2009), The demographic make-up of a potential market is made up of the age group, income, occupation, gender, race, education and religion. Demographic segmentation is a popular form of analysis and very important part of identifying the size and methods of communicating with a target market. (Kotler et al, 2009) After reviewing the media on bling and the website the demographic profile for bling would be 20 – 35 year old age bracket with a high level of income. This is supported by bling’s involvement with MTV, The Emmy's and the price of their product. The psychographic and behavioural segmentation bling would be looking at is a benefits viewpoint (Kotler et al, 2009). The benefits class is the benefits the user perceives to obtaining by using the product. The benefits from bling h2o are that of social status and class by drinking bling users would be setting themselves apart. From the marketing segmentation identified bling would be looking at a young high income earners who place a high importance on their external image. Along with targeting the these individuals, 5 star hotels and up market nightclubs would also be consumers of these products due the overlapping target market and perceived image they are looking to convey. This is identified by bling themselves on their ebsite where Boyd had the idea whilst observing celebrities and how each of them treated the bottled water they drunk In 2004 – 2005 Australians consumed about 550 million litres of bottled water, with worldwide consumption growing 57% from 1999 to 154 billion litres. (Munro 2006). The main industry body in Australia is the ABWI which was established 10 years ago and clai ms its objectives are to promote awareness and use of bottled water, and to ensure that consumers have safe good tasting water. The ABWI boasts member such as Coca- Cola Amatil Ltd and Schweppes Australia ttp://www. bottledwater. org. au/scripts/cgiip. exe/WService=ASP0003/ccms. r? Roxy=0x0002f062=10007 Bottled water is being looked at as a serious environmental issue. The main packaging for bottled water is plastic, which is made from fossil fuels and Australia uses 314,000 barrels of oil in bottling water each year (Koutsoukis, 2007) Although the plastic bottled water comes in is recyclable, Australians are only recycling around 35% of the bottled water they purchases, 55% goes to landfill which accounts for 70,000 tonnes of plastic waste. Koutsoukis, 2007) (Munro 2006). It is been seen as such an environmental issue that Bundanoon, a small town in NSW, has banned the sale of bottled water in its stores when a company was looking to extract water from their underground reservoir, and claims to be the first town in the world to enact such a policy. A review of social media surrounding bling h2o a large percentage of blogs condemned bling for being over priced and had concerns about water being sold at such a premium when much of the world is without clean water. An internet blog by Sassisam title Bling H2O – Ego in a bottle. Sassi Sam points out that she consumes 4 bottles of water a day and that would equate to $US980 per week just for water. Sassi Sam concluded that she would consider buying from bling if they supported charities that focused on supplying clean water to those who don’t have access to it. Bling was featured on the site BoingBoing and points out that people who buy this must be fools. The interactive comments section of BoingBoing raised the issues of the importance of social status and that is reaching ridicules levels. BoingBoing was the only website that brought up the issue of socially responsible marketing by user Cameron Barrett. If the author of this article was the brand manager of bling h20 they would be associating themselves with one of the many charitable organisations that are helping provided clean drinking water. An organisation like charity water is able to provide a person with clean drinking water for $1 a year. This small cost compared to the premium charge would quell the concerns over the ethics of the company and leave the image issue with those who buy it. ttp://www. theage. com. au/news/national/bottled-water-the-new-ecodisaster/2006/02/25/ 1140670303250. html http://www. theage. com. au/articles/2007/08/18/1186857841959. html? page=fullpage#contentSwap1 http://news. bbc. co. uk/2/hi/asia-pacific/8141569. stm http://www. bottledwater. org. au/scripts/cgiip. exe/WService=ASP0003/ccms. r? Roxy=0x0002f062=10007 Kotler, P. , Adam, S. , Denize, S. , Armstrong, G. (2009), Principles of Marketing. Pearson Education Australia, Frenchs Forest
I Want a Wife Essay
Brady makes herself approachable as a writer with some authority on the topic of the unjustness of the common marriage. With this leading use of ethos, Brady not only gives her writing integrity, she also successfully gets the audiences respect and that opens them up to being susceptible to her argument. Bradys use of pathos is also a huge part of why her argument is so greatly ccepted. Being that no one, not even a woman, would like to be treated as described in the essay Brady conveys a plethora of emotions for the reader. She tells and even over exaggerates the stresses of everyday life and the unrealistic, selfish and servant like expectations for the wife of a husband. Brady, knowing that her audience is mainly women, targets in on the buried frustrations of the overwhelming responsibilities placed upon them giving them the inspiration for the change Brady is arguing for. Another important device that Brady subjects the audience to is logos. Through the passage Brady tells of the drastic measures wives are expected to go through. The expectations that are place are so extremely unrealistic and improbable with Just one wife that the reader can see the illogical expectations for what they are. The repletion of â€Å"l want†shows the audience the selfishness and gets them to see that husbands can’t have everything they want and that while it’s a nice idea to have a servant as a wife is not a healthy relationship but more of slavery. In conclusion, Brady successfully conveys her argument using ethos, logos and
Friday, August 30, 2019
CB Analysis
There was definitely a gap between these two States, ultimately creating a need for food (Sabina, 246). B) What product and brand did you choose? In this class thus far we have definitely learned that products can always be copied or replaced, but brands are often unique and timeless. May have chosen a simple Subway sandwich without even getting the entire value meal, but I chose to go with a brand that is known to always have fresh vegetable options, with quick service. C) What type of value did this purchase provide? At the time, purchasing this Subway sandwich proved very valuable to me.I was in a rush to head to class and needed to fuel my body with something hat could give me some substance to work through the rest of the day. Though just a sandwich, it was very necessary that I eat to continue my long day of studying and meetings. D) What was the type of risk involved with this purchase? The biggest risk involved in me purchasing this Subway sandwich was that it might not have the freshest toppings, and that the customer service might be slow. I knew when I was going to purchase my sandwich that the risk of me losing money or regretting my decision to buy the sandwich would be relatively low.Ultimately, I view this purchase as a low-risk purchase. E) What evaluative criteria were used? We learned from our book that evaluative criteria are attributes consumers consider when reviewing alternative solutions to an issue or problem (Fabian, 355). In this situation, my problem was that I was starving and in a time crunch in between classes. When I was choosing Subway as my meal of choice, I knew that potential benefits would be that it would be a healthy meal in a quick time frame. Considered going to Jimmy Johns, but it was quite a bit of distance from my apartment and I didn't have time for that.The criteria used were proximity to my apartment, price, and quality. ) Did you conduct an internal or external information search? Why or why not? I used internal in formation search, involving me retrieving knowledge about products or services from my memory (Fabian, 248). Because this purchase involved such limited decision-making, felt confident in my ability to use my past experiences at Subway to decide that I should go back there for the same, quick service. Was confronted with a need to satisfy my hunger, and I knew I could rely on myself given the time constraints. ) If you conducted an internal information search, explain your evoked set (consideration set), your inert set and your inept set. My consideration set consisted of Jimmy John's, a close sandwich alternative with great customer service. Subway marketers might want to consider why it is G's always has the best customer service, but in this case Subway won me over because of their proximity to my apartment. To be honest, did not have an inert set, or any alternatives to which was indifferent to (Fabian 249); Subway was the perfect place! One option I considered to be apart of my inept set was the Korean restaurant next to the Subway.It was unacceptable for me to even consider due to me not wanting o try out a new restaurant that appeared to take a long time to get waited on. H) What was the cost of this information search? Please explain your answer in detail, don't just give an estimated dollar figure. The monetary cost of this information search was free. Having said that, I do consider the cost to this information search to have been the time spent making the decision about where and what should eat. As was going through what little alternatives there were to Subway, I may have been wasting time I could have been using to study and prepare for class.Luckily, there was not too much mime wasted deciding how to satisfy my hunger, but there definitely was at least some low cost associated with my internal information search. This information search did turn into me buying the sandwich, so it did influence that small purchase. B. Extended Decision Making Pur chase-Apple phone 6 10/1/14 a) What was the need (actual state vs.. Desired state)? To be honest, really did not have a true need for a new phone, so my actual state was that I had an older phone that was working completely fine, but I did not have the new phone 6.My desired state was to own the newest Phone, because I always love using the latest Apple products. As our book pointed out, states Often change (Fabian, 247). Someone may have, at one time, been satisfied with a cell phone they had, until one day a newer, cooler version comes along and is the new desire. B) What product and brand did you choose? Chose to purchase a cell phone, but most of my money goes for paying for the Apple brand. Paying for the Apple brand is not only paying the company for their uniqueness, but it is paying for me to have brand satisfaction with my mobile device.Products that buy often become instantly meaningful, but t is the Apple brand that lasts longer and becomes more and more meaningful over t ime. C) What type of value did this purchase provide? This purchase of an phone provided me with a value that truly satisfied my need to have the latest technology and the most efficient APS. Like I mentioned before, I really am an avid Apple user, and I enjoy being able to quickly pull up any information for classes or companies that I am recruiting for. Additionally, I really believe that the monetary value will hold for the most part over the next year-?if kept in good condition. ) What was the type of sis involved with this purchase? The biggest risk in buying the phone 6 was that it might not be all that it added up to be, and therefore not worth what paid for it. I would like to consider that I minimized my risk when I chose to do research on the Internet and saw whatever pros and cons there were on the new phone. Having said all this, my risk definitely increases the more money and time put into a good (unlike a sandwich). E) What evaluative criteria were used? The attributes I considered when comparing the phone 6 to the Samsung Galaxy phone, were size, price, speed, sound, quality, and appearance.It would take quite some phone to pull my brand loyalty away from Apple products, but think it is always necessary to keep my options open when brainstorming solutions to my problems or needs (Fabian, 256). F) Did you an external information search because I wanted to ask an expert, or in this case, research the Internet's various sources (Fabian, 249). Chose the Internet as my number one source because of how easy it is to obtain information and it takes me less time to comprehend a report when it is in a compiled list like I found online. G) If you conducted an external information search, explain how oh did this using terminology.When I conducted an external information search, I really already knew what my evaluative criteria were. Typed in the search engine a question such as â€Å"How big or attractive is the phone 6. †I was immediately presente d with the newest reviews on the phone, and faced information overload after awhile. Began not being able to assimilate all of the information. It made me think that I may want to be more specific with my future searches (Fabian, 249). H) What was the cost of this information search? Please explain your answer in detail, don't just give an estimated liar figure.The cost of this information search was the time I spent researching on the Internet. Fortunately, I did not have to spend too long evaluating the phone, but like I said before did get a little overwhelmed. Though the search was free, I probably sacrificed time I could have been getting some reading or homework done for all of my classes. This information search did eventually turn into me purchasing the new phone, so it did indeed lead me into paying something. 2. Psychological Variables Charley Burger and Fry 9/25/13 One of the best deals on campus is on Thursdays at Charley.Their burger ND fry basket is not only huge in si ze, but it is only $4. 99. This Thursday was one of the best nights because I had turned in a big proposal for class due right before I went to dinner. Because I was in such a great mood, my self esteem for the night was at an all time high, encouraging me to treat myself to dinner (Fabian, 117). Struck There have been many days thus far where have had to rely on caffeine to allow me to get my homework and studying done. There are many variables that have encouraged me to purchase coffee, including my own awareness and have the proximity and convenience of Struck.Getting coffee often served as a motivation for me to study even more. There were nights my anxiety was actually calmed down knowing I could rely on Struck being right in the Winter Garden to help me get through all of the homework. Really love the high relationship quality and loyalty I have with Struck (Fabian, 25). 3. Social Influence Cottage Inn Pizza 9/13/14 This Saturday was a football Saturday where we were tired and so upset about the Michigan loss to Notre Dame that we decided to order pizza. TO be honest, I wasn't even hungry, but I decided to follow the group and pitch in to order the pizza.When in a social environment, I really don't need much persuasion for many small purchases, as it often easier to go with crowd (Fabian, 149) Bush's Grocery Store 9/5/14 This was the Saturday of syllabus week, meaning it was our last chance to enjoy life before glasswork picked up. My friend Garage not only suggested that we go to her sister's apartment complex, but that we go buy groceries to throw a big cookout. Decided to conform to what she wanted and help purchase groceries at a place had never been (Sabina, 140). 4. Purchase Influence Bolos Mediterranean Chicken Schwartz 9/1 0/14When was in the Sessile Cafe, I was just buying a soft drink when a friend of mine came up and said I should try the Chicken Schwartz because it is Mediterranean Wednesday. The biggest influence in this purchase situation w as my friend's word of mouth information. This information was sudden, but had he not informed me Of this deal I would have never made the purchase (Sabina, 161). Orange Leaf Frozen Yogurt 9/7/14 My friend Jacob works for a Flock Tag company who was running a special where if you signed up for a Flock Tag Card, you would get free frozen yogurt from Orange Leaf.The promotion, or purchase influence in this case, was what ultimately lured me into becoming an Orange Leaf addict and this trip being one of many trips (Fabian, 320). 5. Buying Patterns When looking at my complete journal, I definitely have recognized a couple of buying patterns. The first, and most obvious was the purchase of Struck coffee more and more as the weeks went on. This is partly because of the fact that the seasons have changed and it has been cooler. I also attribute it to the subliminal persuasion using their aroma as pass by the Struck in Ross (Fabian, 53).The second buying pattern that I have recognized is th e purchasing late at night on Thursdays and Friday. Those two days are by far the most expensive days of the week for me (Fabian, 328). 6. Post-Recession Consumer The biggest part of the article that pertained to my consumer behavior habits was when it talked about the consumers being more saws and aware of marketing techniques (Gerbera, 3). I feel as if I have grown increasingly aware of how businesses can manipulate naive buyers into spending marked up goods. Looking back at my purchases, I really feel that was never misled into purchasing something shouldn't have.The article said â€Å"Generosity binds a company to its community and its stakeholders (Gerbera, 4). †Couldn't agree more with that quote. When a Struck employee or a worker at a grocery Store goes the extra mile to put a smile on my face or assist me, I feel more and more consumer loyalty and allegiance to the business. 7. Changes After looking through and observing my buying behavior, don't see myself making a ny changes to my purchasing habits. The worst habits that I had or the days where would spend the most amount of money really weren't something that I considered to be that bad in the scope of things.
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Security Sector Reform and Weak States Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Security Sector Reform and Weak States - Essay Example The term according to the definition refers to the most commonly used term to describe these transformations of the 'security system'. Consensus on the precise definition of the term has yet to be reached; it is employed to describe both single-issue reforms such as disarmament, and comprehensive processes based on broad principles such as good governance. (Security Sector Reform) Thus the expression above has given the concept of security sector reforms which include all the conditions governing the security sector, with the aims and objective of mounting the sector. The concept further more expresses in a wider range about how the security reforms should be carry out based on the modern perspective, which focuses on human security, as for given protection not only to individuals, but to a wide range of communities against any negative threat, violence and injustice, including protecting them from all forms of human violation. is commonly understood to include all the organizations that have the authority to use, or order the use of, force, or the threat of force, to protect individuals and the state Additionally, unofficial actors play an important role in the security sector, both through their involvement in... (Security Sector Reform) However, when there is no security reform, then the human life will be in turmoil, since there would be violence here and there, conflict will also become unavoidable, others include lack of good governance that will treat its people undemocratically, corruption and torture would have a place to reign, while harassment of civilian will be a top agenda. The security sector reform is said to have gained its mainstay from the beginning of the 1990s, when groups of peace initiators, indigenous groups, ethnic minorities, and other concern organization across the glob vowed to ensure that justice, fairness and all forms of positive treatments replaces intimidations against humanity from all walks of life. But at this juncture, before stepping to the next important discussion of the essay, we should exactly the process of the security reforms, meaning how it is carry out. To this end, a statement said the objective of the reforms, and the specific country or community context, certain stages are common to many SSR processes. The UK Department for International Development ((DFID) describes this process from the perspective of a donor in their guidelines on SSR, including key steps such as: informal or formal consultations; a general diagnosis including identifying and determining which entry-point/s to address; specific assessments or reviews; stakeholder meetings; implementation; monitoring; and evaluation. (Security Sector Reform) THE CONCEPT OF SECURITY SECTOR REFORM AND WEAK STATES Meaning of weak states: Failed states serve as a catalyst to non-state terrorist networks. They provide locations for critical face-to-face meetings/training that create the lifelong
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
The Realization of Speech Act Requests encountered by Iraqi Learners Dissertation
The Realization of Speech Act Requests encountered by Iraqi Learners of English in Australian Universities - Dissertation Example The direct strategies will compare the respondents on the basis of imperative, performative, statements of obligation & necessity, statements of speaker’s needs and demands, and statements of speaker’s wishes and desires. The conventionally indirect strategies will focus on the suggestory formulae, the hearer’s ability when preparing a query and the hearer’s will when preparing a query. This is followed by the permission requests which are again query preparatory in the conventionally indirect strategies. The non-conventionally indirect strategies include the grounders, the feasibility for the requested act and the availability. At first the respondents were asked specific questions based on the ways in which they behave with other people when communicating or asking for particular requests in order to fulfill their requirements in one way or the other. This distribution clearly shows that the Iraqi learners living in Australia are more conservative and us e the conventionally indirect approach when asking other people for something or requesting other people for help in any of their quests. Most of them rely on the ability of the person they are talking to for their desired queries. This is followed by the ones who put in a permission request in order to satisfy their needs. 4.1 Choice of Strategy in High Power Settings: Question 1: The first question shows that the order questions made by the Iraqi people who have been in Australia for a shorter span of time will be focusing more on the permission request strategy which is conventionally indirect in the Australian English. These people are the ones who have been in Australia for a few months and others and have not been able to adapt the culture and the way Australians behave in a proper way. Almost 31.2% of the Iraqi people living in Australia will follow permission strategy which is followed by the hearer’s ability as 25.74% Iraqi’s were more inclined to use this as part of the request for the query that they may seek to ask for anything they have to. This is followed by the imperative style which takes in 22.86% of the answers of the Iraqi’s. This shows that they will be asking in a demanding way. There was equal distribution of respondents in their perspectives of the needs of speaker’s needs and demands and the speaker’s wishes and desires. This toll was around 8.57% of the 35 Iraqi respondents who were available for this survey. This shows that the Iraqi speakers will make some same and some different choices in terms of strategy compared to Vietnamese and the Australian speakers. Most of the Australian speakers use the permission and the ability strategy in order to make a request. The Vietnamese speakers will also use the imperative strategy along with the permission and the ability strategy. The rate at which they use the permission strategy is the same as compared to the rate of imperative strategy. Comparatively, t he Iraqi people will look forward to the permission strategy mostly, followed with the hearer’s ability when forming the strategy. They will also use the imperative strategy when it is needed but to a lesser extent compared to that of the Australians and the Vietnamese. Question 2: The second question was based on a situation in which one is an office manager who is looking for a document. The document is to be seen immediately after the meeting
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Propaganda methods that Bush uses in his speech on Iraqi threat and Research Paper
Propaganda methods that Bush uses in his speech on Iraqi threat and fact checking his speech - Research Paper Example Convincing people is an art and convincing people regarding a series of lies is mastery. A base that the mass consider as neutral is of utmost importance before the process of convincing a mass through a general address gets started. Besides, highlighting the negative points of the opponent acts as a positive catalyst that slowly but surely moulds the crowd in favour of the speaker. This action was followed by Hitler as a justification of the Second Great War and echoed in his vein vaunt regarding the superiority of German race over others. The Junior Bush taking the cue from the leaders who initiated war on the false ground, created a background to attack Iraq that eventually erupted like a volcano on Iraqi people and proved once again that war mostly happens owing to economic reasons rather than due to security ground. President Bush emerged as a great craftsman with his words in his speech that he delivered on Iraq in Cincinnati, Ohio. An air of fellow feeling spread quickly around the hall when he addressed the present audience as â€Å"Thank you all. Thank you for that very gracious and warm Cincinnati welcome. I’m honoured to be here tonight; I appreciate you all coming†(Bush). Without any further back ground Mr. Bush moved directly to the grave danger that is looming large on the world peace and generating from the old enemy of America and thus the rest of the peace loving world. Whoever can it be other than Iraq? He moves on to state the time frame of violation that Iraq has been indulged in following the first gulf war. Whether it is biological weapon or nuclear weapon; Iraq has vested least faith on the maintenance of the 11 years old treaty. Bush also harped the 9/11 disaster and once again disclose the vulnerable situation of the Americans from attacks generating from the M iddle East. His main point of attack was the Iraqi President Saddam Hussein whom Bush thinks to be disarmed with utmost importance. The
Monday, August 26, 2019
Social Change Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1
Social Change - Essay Example As per the data available of 2000 the most noted of these tribes were Pueblo, Iroquois, Blackfeet, Lumbee, Apache, Chippewa, Sioux, Choctaw, Cherokee and Navajo.2 However, it should be mentioned that all these tribes and suffer from ill health and poverty and related menaces like alcoholism and suicides. It is an extraordinary data to find that the American Indians consist only 1% of the population yet scores extremely high when poverty rate, suicide rate and alcohol percentage is taken into consideration. In accordance to 2003 census report it was found that about 88% of the Native American population lives under the poverty line.3 Other reports like Amnesty International of 2003 revealed that about 23% of all suicides committed in the US are by American Indians. American Indians also rank extremely high in the context of alcohol consumption and substance abuse. It is reported that 31% of alcoholism is linked with the American Indian community. Drug abuse is also reported as the rate of 26%. Unemployment is also high in this list of backwardness. It has been estimated that 34% of the American Indians are completely unemployed and about 40% o f the American Indians are partly unemployed. The American Indians also tops the list of community ill health. They are the most vulnerable community towards diabetes and heart related disease. They also record the highest percentage of infantile death.4 There are several causes of this backwardness. Initial military defeat has been morally and physically ramifying and this was corresponded by several factors like termination policies of the post world war period and slavery in the 19th century. In modern era they are deprived by favoritism, outlaw of language and culture, cultural assimilation with force, reservation related to confinement and overall cultural pressure along with economic and social discrimination.5 The "Digital Divide" is as well a major area of anxiety for Native Americans and other minority groups for the reason that many American Indians and Alaskan Natives have hitherto to be associated to basic telephone networks and are consequently unable to access the Internet, they are at jeopardy of falling even further behind in their facility to access employment, educational, and other prospects made accessible by information technology. 6 American Indians are also a racial community who from time to time face favoritism the same as African Americans do. In truth, earlier than the civil rights laws were endorsed, in some states three separate drinking fountains labeled "whites," "Colored" and "Indian" were found. There were as well three segments in some movie theaters. All of the civil rights decrees that defend people from favoritism for the reason that of race or color or national origin as well protect American Indians.7 Lately the Department of Justice took legal action a school district in Utah for not having a high school in the isolated community of Navajo Mountain. The Navajo and Paiute high school age students who reside in this community all had to go over 90 miles from home and live in dormitories or with relatives and attend boarding schools functioned by the Bureau of Indian Affairs. The school district had constructed high schools in the communities where non-Indians lived. The school district argued that because the Indians live on a condition they didn't
Sunday, August 25, 2019
Open-label study of risperdone in children with severe disruptive Research Paper
Open-label study of risperdone in children with severe disruptive behaviors and below-average IQ - Research Paper Example The drug acts by blocking the postsynaptic function of dopamine and serotonin receptors in the brain, however, how it is able to improve the behavior is still unknown (McCracken et al, 2002). These drugs enhance protection against extrapyramidal symptoms (Findling, 2003). This is one of the prime reasons why risperidone is used more frequently for the treatment of behavioral disorders among children (Risperidone in Children with Autism, 2002). So far, it is one of the few drugs that have been approved by the Food and Drug Administration or FDA to treat aggressive behavior and irritability among children with autism (Buck, 2008). This approval was expanded in 2007 to include treatment of cases suffering from bipolar disorder in children 10 years of age, and children with schizophrenia 13 years of age and over (Buck, 2008). The recommended dosage in children is less than 1 mg per day, which can be given once or twice daily. The drug takes at least one week to start showing its effects, where the child may become calmer and less aggressive in nature (Eapen and Guraraj, 2005). The duration of the drug is variable, and is prescribed based on individual needs. Studies are showing positive correlation between the uses of the drug and lessening of the effects of aggression among children (Eapen and Gururaj, 2005, McCracken et al, 2002). A common side effect of the drug is EPS or extrapyramidal side effects, which include muscle rigidity, eye rolling and restlessness (Eapen and Gururaj, 2005). Usually the EPS is reversed by the administration of diphenhydramine 25 mg, within half an hour of the episode. There is still somewhat limited number of studies about the side effects of the drugs and more research in this area is needed. Children with ADHD receiving the drug for a prolonged time are likely to display tardive dyskinesia, which is reversible after discontinuation of the drug (Robb, 2010). Other less common side effects include muscle spasms and stiffness, agitatio n and feeling of restlessness, difficulty in swallowing, unexplained fever confusion, and fast and irregular heartbeat respectively. Children can also rarely display high blood sugar levels, increased prolactine horomones and high blood lipid levels (Eapena dn Gururaj, 2005). Risperidone increases appetite and sleep, which is why it is of concern in obese children. Other probable side effects may include increased risk to metabolic syndrome, diabetes or increased lipids. These effects can be utilized for children who have low appetite or who are restless and difficult sleepers (Eapen and Gururaj, 2005). The selection of the topic for research is justified. There is need to expand the research and learn more about the mechanism of action of the drug, and how it affects the behavioral problems among children. Alongside, new research in the same area will help in reinforcing the already found conclusions as well as identify possible new areas of research, such as how to reduce the side effects of the drug among children. As stated in the study by Eapen and Gururaj, (2005), ‘Although psychostimulants remain the mainstay of pharmacological treatment for ADHD, they may not be tolerated by some children, may be ineffective in some, and in yet others may exacerbate a comorbid medical condition such as seizures or tics’(Eapen and Gururaj
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Environmental Conflict Resolution Research Paper - 1
Environmental Conflict Resolution - Research Paper Example The expansion of the Oka golf course was approved in 1989 by the Oka mayor. The golf course would cover the land claimed by the Mohawks and it would include sixty luxury Condos and nine additional holes on the course that included members only. The Mayor’s office refused to discuss the issue despite the fact that many people in the region were against the expansion. This caused acute uproar from the Mohawks who decided to take an action by setting up barricades leading to the site where the expansion was being made. The mayor once again blocked all avenues of discussion and sternly ordered the barricades to be removed. The Mohawks were not ready to desert their quest for justice so easily and so they refused to dismantle the barricades. This made the Mayor to deploy the Quebec provincial police and the SQ to intervene and clear the barricades as well as removing the Mohawks who were demonstrating from the site. The way the Local government handled the case leaves many questions unanswered and so this paper will try to show the role of each party in environmental conflict management. The parties included in this case are;- 2. The legal system which is responsible for making the judgments’. Some of the judgments though based on the law fail to address the case at hand and so laws should be set to accommodate the communities’ historical information. 3. The local and the federal government should not use excessive force on its citizens. As it is always better to prevent a cause than to cure the disease, negotiations should always be emphasized. The interests of the community should be considered and the law should be applied to ensure that there is justice and peace after the issue is
Friday, August 23, 2019
Department of Veterans Affairs Medical Claims Backlog Research Proposal
Department of Veterans Affairs Medical Claims Backlog - Research Proposal Example The paper also highlights the possible solutions to what can strengthen the process of claims and reduce the claims backlogs experienced in the Department of Veterans Affairs (Dawns, 2013). This is because of the claims backlogs the veterans experience due to an inefficient claims process. In the study, it is proposed that a new working VA system should be installed to curb the claims backlog and speed up the claims process. It is recommended that new personnel to be hired and trained to use the systems that will be installed. Statement of the Problem In approving the claims, strong evidence is required for veterans to validate their claims and be compensated. The VA is supposed to assist the veterans in the process of validating their claims for them to be compensated. The VA does this by identifying and ascertaining two important things, which include; whether a veteran has been harmed and whether the veteran was injured in line of service. One of the prime reasons for backlog is t he problem of the complexity of tracking the records that would be used to prove the relationship between the harm a veteran has endured and if he/she was in line duty (Write, 2012). This study aims at establishing at how to intensify and strengthen the claims process and help the veterans be genuinely be compensated for genuine damages they may have underwent in line of their service. a. Nature of the Problem The process of claims has been weakened to extent that veterans with genuine claims are sometimes not compensated because the claims process fails to establish the connection between the injury the veteran incurred and whether the injury was incurred in line of service. In a report provided in the United States, there are a large number of veterans still waiting for their medical claims. The veterans wait for more than a year for them to be compensated their medical benefits using the VA systems. Pointed out by the United States Sen. Schumer Charles, the veterans have to wait for over a year, or more for their claims to be processed and they are compensated. This is because the federal computer systems are compatible and hence making the claims procedure to be long and inefficient. This process of claims affected the Central New York where more than 2000 veterans to wait for a considerable period for the long claims process to end (North, 2012). This claims backlog is basically because of the incompatibility of the Defense Department computer system with that of the Department of Veterans Affairs. b. Duration of the Problem A long claims process has been of disservice to the veterans who dedicate their life for the nation to stand. This problem has been in existence for quite a considerable time, and the veterans have endured the pain of the long waiting periods for compensation. On average, a veteran with genuine compensation claims should not wait for over a period of 30days for the claims process to be completed and his claims approved for compensatio n (Herring, 2013). c. Estimated Cost to Fix the Problem The estimated cost for an average veteran was $1,100 each. The backlogs have led to the loss of over $31,000 to be compensated to a veteran. The estimated cost of installing the system is 500 billion dollars (Downs, 2013). Solution to the Problem a. Proposed Solution In a bid to solve the increased backlog of claims, U.S Sen. Schumer, saw the need to organize and pilot the push of new legislation aimed at addressing the slow claims
Malignant melanoma or chicken pox or shingles or goiter disease. PICK Research Paper
Malignant melanoma or chicken pox or shingles or goiter disease. PICK JUST ONE OF THE 4 - Research Paper Example son is not strong enough to cope with the virus, it is more likely that the person will suffer from the painful rushes that result from the disease infecting the sensory nerves. At this point the virus gets the protection from the human body humanity system thus they drop into the nerves forming a painful rush in the skin. The characteristics disease (shingles) is commonly found in the human adults. Chicken pox is caused a VZV virus (Varicella-Zoster virus) (Kaneshiro 1). Young kids can be protected from Varicela by the use of varicella vaccine. Vaccination is done when the kid is about one year old. Also at the age of four to six year, a booster shot is recommended to increase the chances of avoiding the future infection. For the people who are over 13 years, two doses of the vaccine is recommended, one coming after the other at an interval of 28 days. The disease infection happens once in a lifetime however the virus can stay in the body for long and cause shingles in when a person is at the old age. The infection of the disease starts simply just like that of a flu infection. The patient might have some running nose, coughing and sneezing. After the second day of the infection, the patient’s skin grows rashes. The rushes usually appears in the face and in the chest first and then spread on the other parts of the body. The spread of the rushes sometimes reaches the ears and the mouths. The pox in the human body differs from one person to another. Some people are affected just very few while others gets the pox allover the body. When the rash begins to appear in the body of the patient, they are usually pink in color but changes immediately to blisters (Marshall Cavendish Corporation 185). In the rashes, fluids forms but crust after a period of between one to two days. For the first seven days of chicken pox infections, new blisters forms after each of the first ones crust. The blisters takes a period of up to 14 days to be scrubbed completely and become
Thursday, August 22, 2019
Central Excise Duty Essay Example for Free
Central Excise Duty Essay M/s. Technocraft Enterprises (hereinafter referred to as â€Å"the said assessee†) Plot No. 518, Adinathnagar, GIDC, Odhav, Ahmedabad were engaged in the manufacture of Roll for Rolling Mills and parts falling under Chapter 84 of Central Excise Tariff Act, 1985. 2.During the course of search operations carried out by the officers of Central Excise (Prev.), Ahmedabad-II at their factory premises, it was revealed that the said assessee had illicitly cleared certain goods without entering them in their records and without including the same in their clearance value during the year 2004-05 and 2005-06 their factory. 3.A Show Cause Notice was issued by the Asstt. Commissioner, Central Excise, Division-III, Ahmedabad-II demanding duty of Rs. 3, 08,485/- along with consequential interest and penalty under Section 11AB 11AC of the Central Excise Act, 1944. 4.The above Show Cause Notice was adjudicated by the Assistant Commissioner, Central Excise, Division-III, Ahmedabad-II vide OIO No. MP/78/Offence/07-08 dated 31.03.2008 confirming the above demand, interest and penalty equal to the duty amount. A penalty of Rs. 10,000/- was imposed on Shri Prakashbhai M. Shah, Partner of M/s. Technocraft Enterprises. The assessee had already paid the duty amount willingly vide TR-6 Challan No. 12 dated 31.07.2006. 5.Being aggrieved by the impugned order, the said assessee had filed appeal along with stay application before the Commissioner (Appeals-I), C. Ex., Ahmedabad. The stay application was disposed off vide stay order No. 37(Ahd-II)/2008 dated 09.07.2008 wherein under Provision of 35F of the CEA, 1944, the said assessee was directed to pre-deposit 100% of the penalty imposed under the impugned OIO. The assessee complied with the direction of Stay order and pre-deposited penalty amount of Rs. 3,08,485/- vide TR 6 Challan dated 29.07.2008. The Commissioner (Appeals-I), Central Excise, Ahmedabad vide his OIA No. 154/2008(Ahd-II) CE/ID/Commr. (A)/Ahd dated 16.12.2008 upheld the Order in Original No. MP/78/Offence/07-08 dated 31.03.2008 and rejected the appeal filed by the said assessee. 6.Being aggrieved by the OIA, the said assessee filed an appeal before Hon’ble CESTAT, Ahmedabad. The appeal was disposed off by the Hon’ble CESTAT, Ahmedabad vide Order No. A/34-35/WZB/AHD/10 dated 30.12.2009 to the extent that the penalty imposed on the appellant and paid by them is required to be reduced to 25% of the duty. Accordingly the impugned order was modified and penalties reduced to 25% of duty demand. Hence, the assessee applied for the refund of amount of excess penalty pre-deposited by them vide TR 6 Challan dated 29.07.2008 which was sanctioned vide OIO No. MP/36/Refund/10-11 dtd. 01.04.2010. 7.Meanwhile being aggrieved with the CESTAT Order, Department filed an appeal before Hon’ble High Court of Gujarat on 22.03.2010, and hence the refund claims of Rs. 2,31,364/- erroneously granted to the assessee vide OIO No MP/36/Refund/10-11 dtd. 01.04.2010 by this office was required to be recovered under Section 11A of the Central Excise Act, 1944 along with applicable rate of interest. 8.Therefore, M/s. Technocraft Enterprises, were called upon to show cause to the Deputy Commissioner of Central Excise, Division-III, Ahmedabad-II as to why the refund claim of Rs. 2,31,364/- granted erroneously vide OIO No. MP/36/Refund/10-11 dated 01.04.2010 should not be recovered from them under Section 11A (1) of the Central Excise Act, 1944 along with applicable rate of interest. Defense Reply and personal hearing: 9.The assessee vide their written submission dtd. 16.02.2012 have drawn attention to the High Court Order dated 12.01.2011 and have stated that as the Departments’ tax appeal has been dismissed by the Hon’ble High Court of Gujarat, the show cause notice may be quashed. Personal Hearing: 10.Personal Hearing was held on 16.02.2012. On behalf of the assessee, Shri Jay Kataria, working as an accountant with the said firm appeared for the hearing and re-iterated the submission made in their written reply dated 16.02.2012. He had nothing more to add. FINDINGS 11.I have carefully gone through the records of the case and the defense reply submitted during the Personal Hearing of the case. I find that the controversy involved in the present case stands concluded against revenue by the decision of the Hon’ble High Court vide Order dated 12.01.2011 in the Tax Appeal No. 736/2010. In the circumstances, there is no need to go into details; I find that the show cause notice is not sustainable.
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Karen Newman Othello Criticism
Karen Newman Othello Criticism In her 1987 article And wash the Ethiop white: femininity and the monstrous in Othello,1 Karen Newman sets out re-examine prior critical analysis of Shakespeares Othello with the goal to re-read Shakespeare in ways which [] contest the hegemonic forces, [his] plays at the same time affirm (158). Her argument scrutinizes the the male-dominated Venetian world (152) of the play and the criticism that it has generated against correlating historical perspectives. Her main thesis about the play asserts that the union of Desdemona and Othello represents a sympathetic identification between femininity and the monstrous which offers a potentially subversive recognition of sexual and racial difference. Employing a feminist approach Newman reveals the racial and gender prejudices inherent both in the play and the critique levelled at it from 1600 through to 1980. In seeking new ways of reading Othello Newman draws on Derridas poststructuralist ideas to establish parallels between the relationsh ip of gender and race. She contends that Desdemona and Othello are equally marginalized by Venetian society; Othellos race and Desdemonas progressive sexuality presenting equivalent risk to the dominant white male society. In verifying how these attitudes pervade the play itself, Newman points out that fear of miscegenation functions on two levels. Firstly Shakespeare uses the white mans fear of the union of black man and white women (144) to generate the plot, and secondly through the binary opposition of black and white characteristic of the plays discourse. To substantiate she quotes from the play: Black ram tups white ewe and O, the more angel she, And you the blacker devil. The last line illustrates what Newman terms rhetorical miscegenation. Outlining the frequency with which black and white were used to denote polarization during the Renaissance, (145) she comments on how the emphasis in Othello of Desdemona as the idealisation of fair female beauty is usually read to emphasise the contrast between these two characters, and declares that contrary to early critics she views Desdemona not as a representative of opposition to blackness and monstrosity, as black is to white, but as identifying with it. Newmans assertion that the play is structured around a cultural aporia, miscegenation is the first cornerstone of her argument. Newmans next device is to establish a link between femininity and the racial attitudes inherent in the play. Again she refers to Ridleys criticism, claiming that his choice of example portrays a generalization of women as petty, thereby confirming his gender prejudice. Ridley has displaced the struggle of white against black man onto a cultural femininity. Newman is sympathetic to Stephen Greenblatts (1980) view that Othellos identity is reliant on his loss of his own origins, an embrace and perpetual reiteration of the norms of another culture, but criticises this focus as failing to recognise the other as black and female: Othello internalises alien cultural values, but his otherness remains apparent, dividing him from that culture and thereby linking him to the plays other marginality, femininity. Newman claims critical considerations with regard to the symbolic significance of the handkerchief reflect gender prejudices. Reigning critical preoccupations result in the significance of the handkerchief being limited to a sign of adultery. Contrasting this she terms the handkerchief a snowballing signifier, acquiring figurative and literal meaning as it passes from hand to hand. Newman contests psychoanalytical readings as problematic since they privilege a male scopic drama casting the women as a failed man once again negating her otherness and limiting female sexuality to fetish. (156) Identifying racial attitudes as inclusive of attitudes towards black sexuality, Newman references popular travel accounts of the time, outlining African as presented descriptively [] but also mythically (148) concluding: always we find a link between blackness and the monstrous, and particularly a monstrous sexuality. These attitudes Newman asserts assimilated into the drama of early modern England. (149) Newman observes the portrayal of Desdemona as voracious and devouring with a greedy ear; threatening to masculine perceptions of femininity. Her desire is presented in terms of an aural/oral libidinal causing Othello anxiety. Newman sees this anxiety as having a duel source the monstrous difference it invokes against his adopted culture, and that it allies her imagined sexual appetite with his own. Othello and Iago are linked in representing white male sexuality in the play. Simultaneously and paradoxically Othello also represents the threat to it. Newmans investigation of historic al criticisms surrounding femininity as represented by Desdemona, uncovers several ironies. Rymer and Cinthio in a cautionary moral link Desdemonas social disobedience to her sexual duplicity. Othellos punishment of Desdemona however simultaneously confirms the cultural prejudice which labels him a monster. In addition Iagos dramatic construction which leads Othello to see Desdemona as a whore, demonstrates how theatrical representation can provide false influence. Newmans undoubtedly subscribes to a feminist school of criticism, seeking to expose the nature of gender inequality and opposing the inherent male hegemony represented within the play. In addition, by her own account, her reading is also political in that it exposes the ideological discourses which organise the text. She comments that poststructuralist approaches highlight that even highly formalist readings are political, inscribed in the discourses both of the period in which the work was produced and of those in which it is consumed. Newman references Derridas work on racism and in addition to employing deconstructionist discourse his influence can be seen in Newmans design. Recognizing the binary opposition denoted by the polarization of Othellos blackness and Desdemonas whiteness, Newman develops this to assimilate the implied opposition of monstrosity or miscegenation represented by Othello and femininity represented by Desdemona. Deconstructive discourse incorporates the notio n that difference exists both between signified and signifier, and at the same time that the signified defers meaning to the signifier. The role of the literary critic is seen as seeking a slippage in the text, thereby denoting duplicity and revealing how the internal linguistic and thematic rules are inexact. Newman finds this critical slippage in both Rymers Short view of Tragedy (1693) and again in Ridleys criticism 250yrs later, to be the lapse from blackness to femininity. (155) Newmans approach offers new and valuable insights through its address of past criticisms, detailing not only how they relate to the ideology of the time they represent, but also illustrating how criticism in itself can be read to demonstrate new ideas and ways of reading the play. Her analysis however, places its emphasis on the Desdemonas interracial relationship with Othello and how her disobedience to her father and her choice of black man threaten the prevalent white male hegemony. Newman does not address other characters marginalised through class distinctions and gender. One such relationship is that between aristocratic Cassio and the courtesan Bianca. The secret nature of their liaison is both essential to the plot but also preserves Cassios social standing. Cassio treats Bianca with little respect scorning her foolishness in loving him. Cassio, Iago and Brabantio all share a mutual sexist prejudice in a similar way to the racist disdain which shapes their worldview. Othello can be seen to be outside this racial bigotry but Newman does not address the question of whether he accepts the central stereotyped perception of women. Newmans outline of historical womens roles focuses solely on a westernized version of society and does not address the way in which women were historically regarded within non-westernized cultures. Hinging on the underpinning social apprehension with regard to miscegenation, Newmans argument takes it lead from Bennetts notion that the position a text holds within relation to the ideology at its origin is not necessary an indication of the position which it may subsequently come to hold in different historical and political contexts. Some critics however claim Newman is anachronistic, applying modern concepts of racism historically. Shakespearian audiences would have understood race in a totally different way to contemporary audiences. It would then follow that Newmans application of contemporary ideas with regard to other cultural constructs such as gender would be equally out of place. Acknowledging that Shakespeare was certainly subject to the racist, sexist, and colonialist discourses of his time, Newman declares that by making Othello a black man and through Desdemonas love for him, Shakespeare stands in a contestory relation to the hegemonic ideologies of race and gender i n early modern England. Newmans argument is detailed and engages the play against historical points of view, addressing feminist issues and at the same time employing poststructuralist thinking to achieve her goal of establishing a link between femininity and race. Newman sees such strategies of reading as a social responsible in that they illuminate artificial enactment of works which may falsely represent those marginalised groups standing outside culture and simultaneously within it. This representation she sees as being obscured by the immediacy of dramatic performance. Her analysis of Othello is a demonstration of how seamlessly racial attitudes in early English drama where transmitted to viewpoints surrounding gender and sexuality, illustrating how mutually constitutive race, gender, and sexuality can be.
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
Agritourism Development In Sri Lanka Tourism Essay
Agritourism Development In Sri Lanka Tourism Essay Sri Lanka is an agricultural country and agriculture plays a vital role in the economy of the country contributing 12 GDP and 38 employment opportunities (Central Bank of Sri Lanka, 2010). Majority of the population of the country is in rural areas and the livelihood of most of these people is directly or indirectly related with agriculture. However, agriculture now has reached a relatively stagnation situation due to many problems in the sector such as high cost of production, low productivity of farm lands, poor marketing and processing facilities for agricultural products. Because of these problems, most of the people are moving out of agriculture and migrating for urban places finding jobs. This creates many socio-economic problems in rural as well as urban areas. Hence, adding extra income generating activities either through new enterprises on the farm or off-farm employment to sustain the field of agriculture would certainly enhance the economy of rural people. One of these ac tivities is agritourism that can help to find extra income, employment, and economic stability on their existing assets in a sustainable way. Agriculture is the most familiar industry for the rural people in the country and also barriers to entry the agritourism are fairly low as in comes under Small and Medium Enterprise (SMEs). Small-scale farms already have many of the assets that visitors seek. It can absorb the extra labour available in rural areas. When these factors are concerned, agritourism is highly suitable for Sri Lanka. 5.3.1 Agritourism development in Sri Lanka Looking at the current situation in Sri Lanka, it is not specifically recognized for agritourism as a part of the tours. The government promotion of the field is relatively very low compare to other tourism sectors. Focusing to currently available agritourism options in Sri Lanka, some of the major attractions are the privately owned farms such as CIC Farm (Windsor park) in Hingurakgoda, Paradise Farm Kitulgala, New Zealand Farm Nuwara-Eliya, Ceylinco Fruit Farm Midigama are the famous ones. Few local Community-based agro tourism and Individual Operations are also in practiced in a small scale (Malkanthi and Routray, 2012). However, in the country, the potential for agritourism is high. There is a good agriculture sector in the country with attractive rural landscape. Also variety in agricultural climate helping to cultivate different crops in different parts of the country, the countrys complex paddy-cultivation system, tea, rubber, coconut, fruit farming and horticulture are some examples of this diverse agritourism potential (Malkanthi and Routray, 2012). The country has an agricultural heritage which is 2,500 years old. Visitors not only learn about modern agricultural processes but also appreciate traditional methods employed many centuries ago. The ancient irrigation systems comprise more than 25,000 tanks ranging from small water bodies to those that are colossal, such as the Parakrama Samudra in Polonnaruwa. The opportunity to intertwine agritourism with heritage tourism will definitely add more flavour to the niche-market experience. (Galappatti, 2012). With the end of the war, provision of basic infrastructure such as road facilities, clean water, and electricity for many rural areas is now going on successfully by the government. Country is economically and political stable and now peaceful. Furthermore, a large number of local and foreign visitors travel across the country annually. Most of these visitors can be easily attracted if the operations are managed well. Resources rich culture and cultural diversity, geographical characteristics, and socio-cultural entities, smiling faces, visitor friendly behavioural pattern, and delicious culinary would essentially be helpful in promoting agritourism in rural Sri Lanka (Senanayaka an Wimalaratana, 2010). Hence, there is a possibility to give the tourists a wider choice in Agritourism in the country. 5.4 Tourism policies in Sri Lanka Tourism is a vital area in the policy framework of a country. The present government has identified tourism as an effective driving force in the countrys socio economic development. The programs vision for the tourism sector is to make Sri Lanka the foremost leisure destination in the South Asian Region (Ministry of economic Development, 2010). The program believes that the human resources, natural and cultural endowments values and ethos will be fundamental in transforming Sri Lanka into a centre of excellence and offer tourists the highest values of authentic experiences in its unique setting. Tourism policy in Sri Lanka has a quite long history. At the early stage (1960-1980) the policies were formulated focusing the development of mass tourism in the country. Since it was a big investment to run a tourist operation with lots of facilities, ordinary people couldnt do it and so, most of the benefits of tourism in this period had gone to the affluent society such as main hotel owners and tour operators. But, with the introduction of sustainable tourism concept in 1980s, a turning point of the tourism policies of the country took placed. As a result of it, rural tourism, ecotourism, nature tourism like niche tourism operations were initiated making the opportunity to engage in tourism by the local community and get some benefits. The Development Policy Framework of the Government of Sri Lanka is committed to a sustainable Tourism Development Strategy. Protection of the environment and distribution of economic benefits to the larger cross section of the society are key components of this overall vision. It aims at positioning Sri Lanka as a model tourist destination benefiting from the countrys natural advantages of having the highest biodiversity in Asia backed by a strong culture, historical artefacts, exotic beaches, green environment and friendly people all of which are solid building blocks for tourism development. The Sri Lanka Tourist Board was the primary agency of charge in promotional and organizational responsibilities of the tourist industry in Sri Lanka until 2005. It was the main regulatory and administrative authority of tourism facility development and activates in Sri Lanka as per the Tourism Development Act No.14 of 1968. Under this Act, the Sri Lanka Tourist Board approves registers and license all tourist establishments and proposed developments. In the year 2005, Sri Lanka Tourism Development Authority (SLTDA) was established under Section 2 of the tourism Act No. 38, as the apex body for Sri Lanka Tourism, replacing the Sri Lanka Tourist Board. Currently, Sri Lank Tourism Development Authority is dedicated towards converting Sri Lanka to be Asias leading tourism destination by developing diverse, unique and quality tourism services and products that would make Sri Lanka as a unique destination in the world. Recognizing and developing tourist specific, unique products and servic es, preparing and executing Tourism Development Guidelines, and assisting and implementing the legal and executive process for new services and products development are the main responsibilities of it (Sri Lanka Tourism Development Authority, 2010). Exiting plans for the development of tourism industry in the country are; Tourism Master Plan, Sri Lanka in 1993, Southwest Coast tourism and community infrastructure development study in 2000, Ecotourism Development Strategy of Sri Lanka in 2003 and Sustainable Tourism Master Plan, Northwest Coast Sri Lanka in 2006-2007 (Government of Sri Lanka, 2007). The Tourism Development Strategy 2010-2016, the Future-Development Policy Framework is implementing in the country successfully. The government believes the multiplier effect of tourism development in formation of employment opportunities and distribution of wealth through a variety of economic activities predominantly in the SME sector, taking the advantage of SMEs being able to link micro enterprises from one side and large scale corporate sector on the other side. The tourism sector has been identified as one of the key sectors propelling the countrys economic growth. According to the core philosophy of the present master plan for tourism development, the ultimate beneficiaries of tourism development strategy should be the people of the country: the farmers who supply rice, vegetables and fruit, the fishermen who deliver the catch of the day, the craftsmen who produce souvenirs, the guides who escort the visitors and the young men and women serving in the industry with the unique Sri Lankan hospitality. 5.4.2 Strategies involved There is a great scope for promoting tourism particularly within the region due to historic and cultural ties of Sri Lanka with the South Asia, Middle-East and Far-East. Sri Lanka is part of a region which includes already industrialized economies such as Japan, Korea, and Singapore and rapidly emerging economies such as India and China which are capable of altering the economic landscape of the world during the next few decades. Sri Lanka also with its unique geographical location, diversity, quality human resources, peace and stability has all the ingredients in place to play a key role in the regional development as a fast emerging market economy in Asia (Sri Lanka Tourism Development Authority, 2010). The Tourism Development Strategy 2010-2020 is addressing the wider important issues related to the industry including the government policy, capacity and manpower build-up requirements, infrastructure development, improving service standards, marketing and promotions, regulations, guidelines, public relations, tourist safety and improvements to domestic tourism (Table 5.4). In this ten year master plan, several important strategies that are going to be covered are creating an environment conducive for tourism, attracting the right type of tourists to the country, ensuring that departing tourists are happy, improving domestic tourism and contributing towards improving the global image of Sri Lanka (Tourism Development strategy in Sri Lanka, 2010). Table 5.4 Summary of Tourism Policy strategies and targets Source: The Department of National Planning of Sri Lanka, 2010 5.4.3 Policy Framework to Support Investors and the Industry The government has addressed several policy related issues that are affecting the industry such as, (a) the restoration of a simple tax regime to obtain benefits for the stakeholder (b) simplification of licensing procedures to make easy and quick procedure of getting license (c) reduction of the high electricity tariffs to overcome to cost of tourism operations (d) unification of the regulatory environment and creating a single authority for tourism promotion to make efficient and effective management mechanism,(e) creating opportunities to promote shopping of internationally reputed branded products and entertainment to enhance the quality standards, (f) simplification of the investment approval process by setting up of a One Stop Shop for tourism related investments to motivate the investors, (g) streamlining the process of alienating government land for tourism development projects to overcome the space problem, (h) attracting internationally reputed tourist hotels to enhance the standard of the industry and, above all (i) environmentally friendly, clean-city concept for urban development to make cities attractive for the visitors, (, 2012) 5.4.4 Ecotourism policy in Sri Lanka There is no separate policy for agritourism or rural tourism. They are still under the ecotourism policy guidelines. Ecotourism policy was formalized in the recent past and therefore, it has a very short history. With the expansion of the ecotourism sector and the related institutions, in year 2003 government has taken the initial step to develop the ecotourism sector with the help of the Norwegian Technical Assistance program and prepared the document ecotourism policy guidelines. It is a detailed document and all policy aspects regarding ecotourism have been explained clearly. The main features of the policies have been summarized in the table 5.5. This national ecotourism policy outlines the principles, objectives and actions that necessary to facilitate the development of a sustainable tourism industry that contributes to resource conservation while optimizing economic benefits for the current and future generations of the country. The regulations have been compiled as to help al l those involved in tourism in Sri Lanka to ensure that the industry is developed, managed, and regulated in a sustainable manner, to appropriate standards. By highlighting the core requirements of ecotourism, it is intended that the regulations will enable planning bodies to make fair and informal assessment of proposed ecotourism development, activities and facilities (Sri Lanka Tourist Board, 2003) . 5.4.5 Need for Agritourism policy As mentioned before, agritourism is similar to ecotourism in several ways. Both are rural tourism sectors and niche tourism operations. They have very close links with local residents, natural environment, rural development and local governments. So that, most of the aspects of agritourism development such as establishment, management, can be handled by the ecotourism policy in the country. However, when agritourism is concerned, it has a strong forward and backward links with one of the big sectors agriculture. Agriculture is the backbone of the economy of Sri Lanka. The ecotourism policy is unable to handle the agricultural side of agritourism such as agricultural land management, loans and credits, training and education, quality control of farm products, marketing of agricultural goods and services etc. As per the present statistics and future estimations of visitors in the country in the chapter 6.3, there will be a good demand for agritourism in near future. Moreover, as explai ned in the chapter 6.2, the present visitors are not satisfied with many attributes of agritourism operations due to poor levels. Furthermore, according to the chapter 6.3 regarding the local residents perception on the contribution of agritourism for the local development is not so high. In this context in order to have a better satiation, it is important to have a separate set of policy for agritourism development. Fortunately, the current government has realized the importance of agritourism and it has been included in the future development agenda (Ministry of Finance and Planning, 2010). Therefore, it is timely important to pay attention on important policies by now to motivate the agritourism development in the country Table 5.4: Ecotourism Policy in Sri Lanka Aspect Description Principles of Ecotourism 1. Minimize alleviate negative environmental, social cultural impacts. 2. Optimize revenues for industry and for re-invest in conservation. 3. Optimize the active involvement of equitable distribution of economic benefits to local communities. 4. Educate visitors and citizens about the importance of conserving Sri Lankas natural cultural heritages. 5. Promote ethical behaviour responsibilities towards the nature cultural environment. 6. Manage operations such that there are long term benefits to the resource, industry and the local community. 7. Deliver a high quality, value-for-money, enlighten and participatory natural resource and culture-based experience for visitors. 8. Encourage travel in a spirit of humanity, respect and learning about local hosts, their culture and the natural environment. Objectives of ecotourism 1. to promote facilitate the development of ecotourism sites, activities and facilities in a manner that is consistent with the principles of ecotourism. 2. to educate all stakeholders about the concept of ecotourism, the economic opportunities that it offers and the actions that are required to develop a successful industry in Sri Lanka. 3. to expand the range of ecotourism products, services and facilities available in Sri Lanka. 4. to increase the number of Sri Lankans involved in ecotourism and facilitate the development of community-owned and managed ecotourism enterprises. 5. to contribute to and influence a more sustainable form of tourism in Sri Lanka, through a diverse range of measures: incentives, education, guidelines, regulations and marketing. 6. to contribute to conservation of natural eco-systems. Ecotourism policy interventions 1. In the planning and regulation of the ecotourism sector. 2. In developing, managing and operating ecotourism facilities and activities. 3. In ecotourism at natural and cultural heritage sites. 4. In Community/local economic development. 5. In conservation, education and awareness and 6. In Ecotourism implementation. Source: Ministry of Tourism, Sri Lanka, 2008 5.4.6 Agritourism Policies in Other Countries The development of agritourism raises substantial policy issues. Two reasons for this are that agritourism may generate significant externalities and that it is of considerable economic importance as an activity. Development policies are decisions taken by the government for the improvement of particular sector/aspect of a country and agritourism development policies are decisions drawn by the government for the improvement of the agritourism sector of a country. Many countries that are conducting agritourism have developed agritourism development policies according to their own context. Many government agencies have introduced policies and programs with the aim of encouraging agritourism development. A wide variety of government laws and regulations are essential for the smooth functioning of agritourism Operations and sustainable development in future. After reviewing the many policies and programs aimed at agritourisrm development, support can be categorized into three areas: fina ncial aids, technical information and marketing strategies. These broad strategies tend to promote agritourism development by affecting either supply or demand. Financial Aids Incentive policies and programs directed at increasing agritourism development have been launched in many countries (Hjalager, 1996; Frater, 1983). In Britain, the Farm Diversification Grant Scheme came into effect in 1987 and provided financial assistance to farm operators wishing to set up an ancillary business on or adjacent to their farm (Gasson, 1988). This policy was aimed at maintaining the farmers income while the government reduced support prices for agriculture products. Unfortunately, the policy did not prove to be successful, since many farm operators chose not to participate in the program (Ilbery, 1992; Gasson, 1988; Winter, 1987). Financial assistance for agritourism development continues to be provided throughout many parts of Europe (Williams, 1996; Greffe, 1994; Frater, 1985). In France, farmers can obtain grants or loans to finance the conversion of farm buildings (Greffe, 1994). In West Germany, financial aid is available for agritourism facility development withi n the context of village renewal and regional development programs (Williams, 1996). Authorities in Portugal, Belgium, Spain and ltaly also provide financial assistance for rural development. The Irish government created the Operational Programme for Rural Development as a mechanism to diversify the rural economy (Williams, 1996). Initially this policy met with limited success, until it was modified in 1991 to expand its financial support and accept a wider range of participants (Williams, 1996; Reid et al., 1993 Technical Information Another type of action taken by authorities is the provision of technical information and consultation services to farm operators. In the United States, the Small Business Administration organized advisory and training services (Greffe, 1994). Workshops are devoted to such subjects as retail trade, home-based businesses, promotion of tourist products and managing businesses in the hospitality sector (Gustafson, 1997). In particular, the state of New York has developed several publications on how to open and operate a farm based bed and breakfast business. Authorities in this state have also initiated conferences for agritourism fanners. These sessions focused on issues such as promoting and merchandising your business, insurance and legalities, making your business multi-seasonal and thinking like a tourist(Williarns, 1996). In certain European countries, the systematic labeling of agritourism businesses has become a primary objective for some authorities. Onicials in France, Germany and Austria have developed a national system to ensure high standards amongst al1 agritourism operators (Williams, 1996; Greffe, 1994). The guidelines used by authorities are very detailed and are strongly enforced. Many countries have organized information through training sessions. The Nordic countries have responded to the needs of agricultural universities by providing courses through universities and colleges (Greffe, 1994). In Austria, the Farm Holiday Association provides training sessions on tourism trends, marketing and sales, investments and public relations. These services are provided for both the farm operators as well as staff members (Embacher, 1994). German officials offer training sessions to local farm operators which focus on the needs of paying guests (Williams, 1996). In Wales, a specific program has been set up, Getting into Rural Tourism, which is intended to train people in the management of paying guests (Greffe, 1994). Marketing Strategies In many parts of the world, government agencies are trying to bridge the gap between agritourism businesses and their potential customers by offering marketing support. Promotion could include such strategies as the development of brochures and also participation in tourism trade shows. In Belgium, it is the Office de Promotion Touristique that assumes this marketing role (Greffe, 1994). It is the Austrian Farm Holiday Association that promotes agritourism in Austria. This association is a w-operative marketing organization which links individual farm businesses on a regional, provincial and federal level (Embacher, 1994; Bramwell, 1994). In France, the Gites De France Services, Logis de France Service and the WF Tourisme were al1 created for advertising and marketing purposes (Greffe, 1994). The federal and state governments in Germany are instrumental in promoting farm-based accommodations, especially for the small and medium-size farms. (Oppermann, 1996). The Australian State Tour ism Industry Association plays an intricate role in marketing and promoting host farms (AFACT, 1997). Finally, in New York State, the promotion and marketing of host farms is accomplished through Farm Tour brochures (Hilchey, 1993). 5.4.7 Issues and Challenges of the Agritourism sector in Sri Lanka Firstly, strength, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of agritourism were analyzed the operators point of view. After that, these factors were also discussed with key informants and local government officers of the area to examine them in different point of views to get a complete picture of it (Table 5.5). Finally main challenges (weaknesses and threats) were clearly identified. Table 5.5: SWOT Analysis for policy related issues of agritourism using Operators, Key Informants and Local Government Officers Strengths Availability of farm land/s for the operators. Use of traditional knowledge and skills in farming and agritourism activities. Ability to use family labour Ability to integrate with other tourism sectors and arts and crafts industry. Positive attitude and enthusiasm of the operators Weaknesses Mostly small size farms Problems on ownership of some farm lands Less variety in supply of agritourism Lack of knowledge on foreign languages (especially English) of operators Lack of necessary skills Poor level of processing of farm products Problems with quality control of goods and services Limited scope for direct sales of the produce Poor publicity and promotion of operations Opportunities Natural scenic beauty, clean environment and attractive climate in farming areas Availability of human resource (labour) for farm and tourism work. Some support form government and some NGOs for the operations (credit facilities/ training programs). Support from local people (community participation). Since agritourism is getting popular in the world, raising demand and potential for expansion. Up coming supportive infrastructure development initiatives at national and provincial levels. Threats Lack of organization, a responsible authority for development, marketing, facilitation and regulation. Unavailability of a common agritourism development fund at local level Competition among agritourism operations Lack of systematic taxation for agritourism operations Weak management of negative impacts. Poor distribution of positive impacts Tourism development by operators merely focused on income generation. Poor level of infrastructure facilities. Insufficient government intervention Monopoly of tour operators. Lack of stakeholder collaboration. Political influences Low number of visitors Lack of community participation and participation readiness due to low socio-economic conditions. Insufficient capacity of local community to take part in agritourism development successfully. Unavailability of insurance policy for many destinations Lack of research in agritourism There are significant challenges facing by the agritourism sector at present. This requires designation management approach to come up with solutions resulted from a clear strategic thinking process. Further, to fully realize the opportunities assuring mutual benefits through tourism, capitalize on strengths, understanding shared responsibility of industry stakeholders and communicates it appropriately expecting strategic commitment from the industry. 5.4.8 Policy Suggestions for Agritourism Development in Sri Lanka Policy formulation is a systematic process. Identification of policy goal, formulation of policy objectives based on the policy goals, understanding of policy action for each policy objectives and identification of strategy for each and every policy action is the general procedure. When a policy is formulated, it is very important to follow all the steps of the process to have accurate policies. The policy goal of this study was to reach the agritourism development in the country. According to the SWOT analysis, a number of challenges (weaknesses and threats) of agritourism development were identified. In order to overcome these challenges, three broad policy objectives were drawn as agritourism development, visitor satisfaction and community development. Under each policy objective, relevant problems, suitable policy suggestions and policy strategy for each and every policy suggestion were formed. Several discussions with university lecturers were conducted in this regards. Results are present in the (Table 5.6). Broad Policy Objectives of the Development of Agritourism Sector a. Agritourism Development in the Country Agritourism will be able to bring some support for life and prosperity of the country that is capable of sound economic prospects facilitating integrated development. It may require minimal additional investment and may utilize excess capacity of labour, capital, land, and natural resources. There are potential benefits of agritourism for local agriculture and rural communities. Tourists bring in money to local communities that keep rural communities alive and prosperous. Partnering of tourism and the green industry will help create and strengthen rural economics. b. Visitor Satisfaction in Agritourism Tourist satisfaction primarily reflected the service quality and is crucial to the continued viability of any service business, including agritourism businesses. Therefore, consideration on the aspect is important to successful destination marketing because it influences the choice of destination, the consumption of products and services, and the decision to return. Consideration should be on local and non local visitor satisfaction. It is vital to understand the areas such as how do visitors assess their satisfaction with tourist attractions as well as the factors influencing visitor satisfaction. c. Community Development and Agritourism It is obvious that the diverse communities that involve in agritourism seek fair rewards for their involvement, commitment, and resources deployed for development. The proposed agritourism development should focus on this aspect and be reasonable for delivering such rewards for the communities who actively take part in every aspect of agritourism from planning and development to operations. Table 5.6: Policy Goals and Respective Policy Suggestions and Strategies Policy objective Issues and challenges Policy suggestion/s (at different government levels) Relevant Policy Strategies Policy objective 1 Agritourism development Farm lands are small in size Provision of lands for needy agritourism operators by the national government Distribution or long term leasing of government lands Provision of access to public lands around the destination Introduction of Community-based agritourism for the farmers Networking of small scale agritourism operators Problems in the ownership of some farm lands Provision of ownership to the operators by the national government Provision of real ownership or user right. Avoid land disputes. Lack of capital for agritourism development Promotion of financial support systems by the national government Loans at concession rate for medium and scale farmers Loans at normal interest rate for large-scale operators Lack of knowledge and skills on agribusiness management Provision of required education and training, information technology and related extension services for relevant personnel by the provincial governments Workshops, seminars, awareness programs, lectures on agritourism development and marketing should be conducted in suitable time durations Unavailability of a responsible authority for development, facilitation and regulation of agritourism Formation of an Agritourism Management Group for relevant provinces by the provincial governments Agritourism management group should include representatives of all the categories of stakeholders and it should be the responsible body for coordinating, development, marketing, facilitation and regulation of agritourism activities. Low number of visitors due to poor level of promotion and marketing of agritourism Formation of marketing strategies by the Agritourism Management Group of the Province National government supported advertising and promotions Marketing via websites , face book, at
Monday, August 19, 2019
Restoring Wolves to Yellowstone :: Essays Papers
Restoring Wolves to Yellowstone In his book, Never Cry Wolf, Farley Mowat tells an Inuit tale, saying that in the beginning, caribou were created for humans to hunt. However, humans â€Å"hunted only the big, fat caribou, for they had no wish to kill the weak and the small and the sick,†creating a weak population of caribou. The creator then made wolves to eat the sick, weak, and small caribou, creating a natural health and balance to the earth (124). Humans have traditionally seen wolves as a competitor and a danger, but these misconceptions can now be put to rest. Because wolves regulate the carrying capacity, preserve the health of herds, and complete the ecological cycle in a balanced system, they must be restored to Yellowstone. To understand why wolves should inhabit the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem (GYE), we must first look to history. As Douglas Smith et al say, â€Å"The history of wolves in North America and the west is straightforward: we killed them†(108). This statement may sound simplified, but actual wolf extermination was thoughtless and thorough. Many wolves were removed from regions where they weren’t even threats to humans or livestock (Klinghammer 446) because wolves, like grizzlies, were perceived as competitors for land and food. Unlike grizzly bears, wolves didn’t survive in the Northern Rocky Mountains because of poisonings, shootings, and bounties for their pelts (Barker 177). These actions caused the extinction of wolves in western states, changing the ecosystems by eliminating a natural predator. The reasons for this genocide, according to David Mech, were â€Å"the possible predation by the wolf upon man. . ., competition by the wolf for man’s livestock, and the possible competition by the wolf for wild animals that man regards as game†(289). Each concern needs to be addressed to move to move arguments beyond social threats to ecological issues. The first threat, the danger of wolves to humans, is rarely known outside of fairy-tales. The only existent evidence of wolf-induced danger remains in countries with less wild prey, more protection of domesticated animals, and less protection of young children than in the U.S. (Mech 291). In Superior National Forest, which has many wolves, there have been 1909 recorded visitor days â€Å"without any incident of wolves attacking humans†(US Cong 101st 79).
Sunday, August 18, 2019
An Argument Against Gun Control Essay -- Firearms Brady Bill
The Gun Control issue has sparked major controversy in America today. People who support gun control feel that guns are the reason for the soaring crime rate in our country. I disagree with the supporters of gun control. I feel that because of the black market, violent criminals being released from prison early, and the need to ensure personal safety, stricter gun control will have very little impact on violent crime in America. I believe that gun control works in theory, but not in real life. Sure, there are many violent crimes where guns are used, but most of these guns are obtained illegally, because the gun control laws enforced are not enough. With the growing gun-related crime rate in the United States today, many bills have been proposed to control guns. The most popular of these bans is The Brady Bill. The bill focuses on semi-automatic handguns. People wishing to buy a handgun will have to answer a federal questionnaire. The person’s background will be checked thoroughly for criminal records or records of past mental illness. The process should only take five days. This five day waiting period, or the â€Å"cooling off†period, is supposed to allow a person’s temper to cool down. The Brady Bill claims that people act on impulse. A person’s temper can interfere with his/her ability to think clearly; he/she is angry, so a gun is bought to get revenge. I have no problem with the Brady Bill, because it has stopped crime, but not enough. A bill was passed by former U.S. President George Bush which banned the production of nine types of assault weapons and the importation of forty-three types of assault weapons. Bush felt that assault weapons were responsible for majority of the violent crimes committed in the United States. Field & Stream writer, David E. Petzal agreed with Bush stating that, â€Å"Assault weapons are designed to put out a high volume of fire with a high degree of controllability. The only purpose these firearms have is to kill people†(27). Gun related crime is still very common. In the past, over 20,000 gun control bills have been passed through Congress, and crime is still running rampant through America’s streets. The National Firearms Act of 1934 was the first federal gun law to be passed. This act imposed a two hundred-dollar excise tax on the sale of fully automatic weapons. The Gun Control Act of 1968 made it a requirement for all... ... they are still getting them. As you can see, there is no way this controversy will be easily solved. There in no solution that will make both sides happy. Congress could pass gun control laws banning semi automatic handguns, and restricting other guns, but gun owners, including collectors would be unhappy. If Congress doesn’t pass gun control laws, the paranoid citizens of America would be unhappy. Taking the black market, self-defense, and collectors into consideration, the United States should not use gun control laws to try to reduce crime. Works Cited Bender, David L. Gun Control. San Diego: Greenhaven Press, Inc., 1992. Brister, Bob. â€Å"SHOT Therapy.†Field & Stream, May 1994, 82-84. Dolan, Edward F., Jr. Gun Control. New York: Franklin Watts, 1982. Hinds, Micheal deCourcy. â€Å"A Gun Dealer’s Story.†New York Times 6 June 1994: 13(A). Petzal, David E. â€Å"Reveille.†Field & Stream June 1994: 26-27 Simon, Jonathan. â€Å"The NRA Under Fire.†Public Citizen, July/August 1989: 9. Witken, Gordon. â€Å"A Suprising Ban on Assault Weapons.†U.S. News & World Report 16 May 1994: 31. Wright, James D. Taking Sides. Guilford Connecticut: The Dushkin Publishing
Saturday, August 17, 2019
I Love Yous Are for White People Essay
In the book â€Å"I Love Yous Are for White People†Lac’s quest for acceptance takes him through an intense journey to acquire self love and acceptance. The author Lac Su navigates through his childhood and adolescence seeking an extraordinary desire for love, acceptance and belonging he has been deprived from by his family. During his journey, Lac attempts to gain acceptance by friends and family, no matter what the consequences are. Lac Su’s upbringing was without much love and nurturing. His father was abusive, physically and mentally. For seemingly menial issues Lac would get a beating, one of those examples would be when he would get homework answers wrong. His father would grab anything that he could get his hands on to beat him. Lac stated that his father would grab â€Å"the plastic rod from the mini blinds, a spatula, a rice bowl, a fishing rod, my notebook, a radio antenna, a wooden yard stick, and a broom handle before settling on an extension cord as his weapon of choice. †(p62). Lac clearly was beaten often; his home life did not include any love, rather physical assaults and degradation. The impact of the blows grow dull and impersonal; I feel less of each new layer he adds to the wounds. †(113) Due to the horrid amount of beatings Lac Su would have to endure, he created a surreal world when it came to his home life. He learned to cope with the pain and impersonalize it in order for him to make it through the mental and physical abuses. Lac really had no other way to cope with the abuse be sides impersonalizing it. He disassociated himself from his pain both physically and internally due to the psychological absence from his family. Being a human being and needing some sort of approval, he sought after the love and attention he desperately craved for outside of his home. Outside of his home, Lac was able to exercise his other faculties which eventually made him feel more human, more loved and accepted.. He compensated the lack of feeling numb; therefore, he took the necessary consequences to feel more alive. Trying to gain a friend was one way to fulfill Lac’s need for acceptance and love. Lac’s desperate desire for a friend had him take drastic measures such as stealing. He would steal money from his parents’ piggy bank even though he knew that they were financially struggling. He was isolated from his family and the real world; therefore, he attempted to buy his way into a relationship: â€Å"I think I’m almost there. Last week, Javi brought me over to his house to show me his basketball card collection. His mother even made me a bean burrito and homemade horchata. I’m also hanging out with him at school every day. Javi lets me cut in line at lunch, and he always picks me to be on his team when we play socco – and his team always wins. After a long cold winter of solitude it feels like things are warming up – it feels like I belong. †(108) The acceptance of Lac from Javi gave Lac a sense of belonging. He felt belonging when he would be picked by Javi to be on his team and also due to Javi hanging out with Lac at school. Before Javi, Lac had no friends at all to hang out with, he felt like a looser. Javi provided Lac with his friendship; however, this came at a price. Lac could care less. â€Å"When I have money, we’re playing Spy Hunter. I don’t mind because Javi’s reliance on my money gives the impression that we’re tight. (94) The sense of belonging even if it pertained to Lac’s money was much more than the lack of love and respect Lac was receiving at home. To Lac the only important thing was gaining a friend who somehow portrayed a sense love and belonging. In this case, Javi would hang out with Lac at school, take Lac to his house, pick him to be on his team al l in return for Lac’s funding of his games. Lac also made friends with a boy whose street name is Frog. Frogs older brothers are in a gang called the Kingsley Street Gang. The Kingsley Street Gang intimidates Lac; however, their acknowledgement of Lac makes him feel accepted. Despite my insecurity, nothing bad ever happens to me when I’m around them, except for the occasional racist jokes aimed in my direction. But even the teasing makes me feel accepted. †(85) Lac’s insecurities came from not being able to adapt with the American norms. His family did not help him to adapt; instead, they made him feel isolated by not being there for him. His father did not validate Lac which caused Lac to have to deal with his insecurities on his own. Lac knows that the Kingsley Street Gang boys are intimidating for numerous reasons. Their tattoos, their macho ttitude and outfits; however, even being around these people does not stop Lac to be friends with them due to their acknowledgement of Lac. Since Lac was unable to get the acceptance of his father, he finds a substitute in the Kingsley Street Boys. Their acknowledgement gives Lac a sense of acceptance, love and fulfills some of his desires. The reason he also likes hanging out with the Kingsley Street Gang is because of some form of protection Lac is trying to have. The Kingsley Street Gang is consisted of boys who look tough and act as if they are not scared of anything; they somewhat resemble Lac’s father. Lac could be seeking protection from these boys in the gang due to the physical and mental abuse he has to go through on a daily bases. In some ways these boys gave Lac the opportunity to feel accepted; however, Lac was never able to open up to these boys and have a close relationship with them. This was because they did not have many commonalities culturally. They did not understand where Lac was coming from, instead of being there for him; they would make racist jokes due to not understanding what Lac was really going through. â€Å"I can’t believe it; Dragon Head is actually talking to me. He is approaching me because of the one thing I’ve never done in publicâ€â€speak Vietnamese. †(139) Dragon Head is a leader of a gang called the Street Ratz. Lac immediately bonded with Dragon Head due to their similarities. They both are Vietnamese, speak the language and have the same background. It was only natural that Lac would try to be a part of the Street Ratz due to the commonalities he had with them and for the acceptance he desperately was searching for. â€Å"The Street Ratz have treated me like family, even though I’m not a member of their graffiti gang. It’s comforting to have peers with the same interests. (156) The Street Ratz understood where Lac was coming from culturally; therefore, the way they interacted with Lac was more common to Lac and this made him fit in. In some ways they knew what his family life was like and they too sought after love and acceptance, and the way they found it was by from forming a gang and being there for each other. Due to their commonalities the bond Lac shared with boys especially with Dragon Head was very strong. â€Å"I don’t even know where to begin telling Dragon Head what keeps me up at night. But I sense he understands me anyways. (162) Both Dragon Head and Lac understood each other clearly, no words needed to be said. They both were going through similar issues. Through the Street Ratz Lac was able to escape his physical and mental abuse. He felt like that for once he truly fits in and that others understand where he is coming from. This also came at a price, the Street Ratz had bad reputations. For the acceptance, Lac was battling between being a part of the gang or doing the right thing and getting out. He was unable to escape from the love and acceptances the Street Ratz were providing him with. This was the reason Lac was involved in a few vile crimes which he was unable to get out of due to his emotional connection and acceptance from the Street Ratz. Not only did Lac try to seek acceptance outside of his home but also, he tried to be accepted by his father. â€Å"The real poverty is inside my house – where I go to bed hungry most nights, where I’m starved for affection, and where my father’s unpredictable anger has us walking on eggshells. †(81) The lack of affection from Lac’s father was making Lac crave it even more. He needed the assurance of his father, the love and affection from him; however, he never got it. Instead he would get beatings due to his father’s unstable stage of mind and his unawareness on how to be a father. â€Å"I don’t know quite what being smart is in his eyes, but I want to be that for him. †(62) Lac clearly tried to be exactly what his father wanted him to be. Being abused by his father clearly had nothing to do with what Lac was doing. He tried to be a good boy, he tried because he wanted to fulfill the emptiness he was feeling due to the lack of emotional connection he had with his father. Lacs father’s physical and mental abuse was the root cause of Lac’s low self esteem and for his desire to belong and to be accepted by others. If Lac would have received the affection he deserved as a child, his intense journey to acquire self love and acceptance would not have led him to befriend people who were bad influences in his life. Lac would have thrived in school and in life without having to make painful mistakes. Like many abused children, Lac Su may live his life always trying to please others for acceptance and love which he was lacking in his childhood.
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