Saturday, December 28, 2019
Analysis Of The Movie Crash - 1394 Words
CRASH! This was the last sound Tim Horton heard before he crashed into the woods. His drunk body made the violent rolling of the car feel like nothing. His mind still back at the bar, crying for a better life. He wanted this attempt to be painless and quick, but was depressed to see his immaculated body upside down in his turnovered car. The drunk had no more tears to shed, he had no screams to let out; all he could do was hit his head against the seat. He wanted something to break ,but his mind made him sleep. After he woke up he started to look at his surroundings. He was at awe at the serenity of the forest at night and the fauna that are the denizens. He took off the seatbelt which made him fall into the surrounding broken glass†¦show more content†¦Ã¢â‚¬Å" Why are you making that fracas boy? Why bother an old man like that, don’t you know- Why on earth are you bleeding?†the western carped. Before Tim could respond, the old man sighed in anger and disappear ed into the dark innards of his home. He soon appeared with two brown plastic chairs in one hand and in the other he had dirty bandages and a disinfecting spray. â€Å"Sit down, I can treat it.†the man commanded as he placed down the seats. Tim sat down with great haste, wishing for the pain to go away. The old man eventually followed. â€Å"So, tell me why on god’s green earth you have this massive tear in your skin. What, you were playing in the forest?†Asked the elderly person. â€Å" I.. I’m Tim Horton, I accidently drove my car into a ditch near this forest and got this. I went here to find help. Why is your gas station here?†responded Tim. The western stopped treating and then suddenly studied Horton’s face for something, but Horton didn’t know what. â€Å"Well, I’m Mr.Grove. I decided to live in the forest where it is quite, instead with my kindred in the noisy city. I bought the station because it was the cheapest close by. This station is a facade, there is only my bed, bathroom and kitchen in there. I hunt for the food around me and drink the water from the stream near by. Now, I have said the genesis of my life and now you should say yours. What do you do?†asked the oldShow MoreRelatedMovie Analysis : The Movie Crash 1662 Words  | 7 Pagesn eed to know in a short amount of time.When it comes to the textual analysis of it all it all depends on how the script is written not only that but how the script is played out in the film. In the textual analysis of a film you have to really pay attention to the environment during the film. You have to pay attention to the race in the film, the themes throughout the film and the gender roles played in the film. In the movie Crash we see many pairs where they each have their own different points ofRead MoreMovie Analysis : Crash 1055 Words  | 5 Pages1108 23 November 2015 Movie Analysis Although the movie Crash aired in 2004, the movie does a phenomenal job at depicting social conflicts that are still evident in 2015. Crash, also deals with wide range of controversies and offers multiple narratives. And since narrative is always a two-way street, the movie does a great job of showing two perspectives of everything. More specifically, it challenges our ethical and moral beliefs in a sense that many of the scenes in the movie reside in the grey areaRead MoreMovie Analysis : Crash 1362 Words  | 6 Pagescalled â€Å"Crash†, this movie basically talks about racism and the impact it has on the lives of people in Los Angeles. This movie got a good response from the viewers, as it concentrated on some real harsh realities of racism and asked some hard questions which are generally avoided in movies. This movie clearly promotes the a very delicate issue, and hence requires some detailed assessment. I personally feel the movie was good and it portrayed some very common events of racism, I think â€Å"Crash†showsRead MoreMovie Analysis : Crash 1853 Words  | 8 Pages GENRE I RACE IN THE FILM CRASH DEPARTMENT OF FILM AND CREATIVE WRITING INTRODUCTION TO FILM STUDIES B MODULE CODE: 09 24802 STUDENT ID: 1613440 MICHELE AARON UNIVERSITY OF BIRMINGHAM 1. Introduction This paper is a critical analysis of the American film Crash, directed by Paul Haggis which was performed for the first time in 2004. This essay will therefore deal with Gender I and Race, two of the approaches discussed in the subject Introduction to Film Studies B in the secondRead MoreAnalysis Of The Movie Crash 963 Words  | 4 Pagesindividual, for instance the way they perceive others and also the way they perceive themselves. Paul Haggis’s movie â€Å"Crash†conceptualize on this idea and interpret it in an in entirely different way; so that we can see that there are reasons and motives to why our society is separated this type of way. The movie is full of many sociological issues, such as gender, race, and social class. The movie is centralize around racism, and wants to give its own interpretation on racism, the reasons why it happensRead MoreDepth Analysis of the Movie Crash2037 Words  | 7 Pagespaper will provide a broad analysis of the movie Crash, and yet a specific picture of visual narrative techniques and audio techniques. The categories contributing to the nucleus and major movie components are theatrical elements, cinematography, editing, and sound. The Academy Award winning movie Crash is a story about society s controversial subjects projected in an in your face depiction of lives that in some way or another, cross. Depth Analysis of the Movie Crash The over-all theme ofRead MoreMovie Analysis : The Movie Crash1926 Words  | 8 PagesThe Movie Crash takes place in Los Angeles, California in the winter time. Throughout this movie, all of the stories connect in one way or another. This movie shows the lives of a diverse population of people, they have different race and social classes. In one of the first parts of the movie, they show a racist pawn shop owner that refuses to sell a gun to a man, simply because he is speaking to his daughter in another language, he generalizes all people of that race and accuses the man of â€Å"killingRead MoreMovie Analysis : Crash 1606 Words  | 7 Pagesare many movies out there that take a viewpoint form so many angles, this movie Crash does this that. Watching this movie brought about many emotions from my own life but to get a sense of what other people in the world go through when it comes to interacting with other races, the experiences we’ve had with them and also the perspectives we hold inside of us overall. This chapter will look at three scenes form the move crash and break each one of them down to showcase the significance of what individualRead MoreAnalysis Of The Movie Crash Essay1448 Words  | 6 PagesWriting Inquiry  September 29, 2106      Crash Movie Essay  Since the beginning of time, the world has been intolerant of people that are different or stand out. People have an issue accepting others that have contrasting views, values, opinions, beliefs, and even appearances. Whether we like it or not, there is a little bit racism in all of us, although it may not be as evident in one person as it is in another. In the 2004 film, Crash, race is portrayed as being an abnormality that negativelyRead MoreAnalysis Of The Movie Crash 1174 Words  | 5 Pages Crash, a movie released in 2004, was set during what seemed to be quite a short time after the incident of 9/11. The entirety of this film paints such an emotional and touching portrait of racism within our seemingly modern society. It shows quite a few ethnic stereotypes that many people still will witness today; an older man who must obviously be Muslim because he s from the Middle East, and a Latino gang member who bears an assortment of tattoos and sports a shaved head. The interactions
Thursday, December 19, 2019
The Warriors The Color Of Magic - 1546 Words
Terracotta warriors - the color of magic In an old pomegranate grove two men go about digging a new well, as their shovels sink into the soft earth they begin to find bits and pieces of terracotta pottery shard made to resemble human beings. The year is 1974 and neither of these men know that they have found one of the most important historical, artistic, and scientific architectural finds in history. The ancient history of the Chinese people the deaths of their leaders had been a major event in the life of the people. Leaders were believed to be the reason for the continued survival, nay the reason for living of their people. When these leaders died it was the cultural norm that the entire emperors household, servants, advisors,†¦show more content†¦-The necropolis is modeled on the Qin capital Xianyang, it has an inner and outer city, but the tomb of the great Emperor has not yet been excavated. Archaeologists are currently preoccupied with many other sites surrounding the tomb. Most of the work going into excavating and preserving the Terracotta Army to the east of the tomb mound. Thus the Terracotta Warriors were born. As a potter myself I have always been fascinated with the herculean effort and particularities of the production of the Terracotta warriors. Each figure is life sized, not made using a mold and utterly unique from figure to figure. Further more not just any clay would do, because the statue would be so heavy due to its size the clay itself would have to be uncharacteristically strong as well as dense to stand up on its own power and also not to explode in the hand bricked kilns used at the time. The clay used to make these 8,000 life sized figures can only be found in one place which is located only 18 kilometers away from the Terracotta warriors grave. The method used in making the Terracotta warriors is the coil method, where long clay coils, or snakes, are wound into shape of each separate piece of the warrior. So his legs would be made separately from his torso or head. It would then be smoothed over and embellishments are then
Wednesday, December 11, 2019
Cyber Security-Can Really Be Safe-Free-Samples-Myassignmenthelp
Question: Discuss about Cyber Security: Can Really Be Safe. Answer: The safety in the Cyber world is a most important aspect to protect an online data from undesirable interventions. The cyber-attacks in present decade are a common issue because it is exposing a threat in the official data of a government as well sensitive data of an individual. The research states the significance of the cyber security and responds that the cyber security is simply not safe in present time. However its effective strategies can safeguard the future trends of cyber security. The exploration of cyber space is a greatest necessity in the present era. Almost half of the population currently spend lives in the usage of cyber technology. It is considered as a practical reality of the individual to operate the cyber world in order to establish to experience virtual knowledge. Availability of all services in one touch makes every individual life as easy going. However the accessibility of cyber world is facing a major issue on safety. In the report of RSA (Rivest-shamir-Adleman) cryptosystem, almost 40-50 per cent online transactions were hacked and introduced a high level of online malware and virus. Unfortunately, the user datas are sheltered by the weakest secured mechanism. Hacking of any individual user online identification and password is a common unsafe procedure (Byres and Justin). According to former secretary of US Cyber department Michael Chertoff, the common theme in the cyber security is that attacking of vector in the individual password. The complicated data mechanism does not equip with any softwares of anti-viruses or fire walls. One of the latest reports of the cyber-crime states that approximate 1800 users identifications were embezzled due to weak link on protection. Thus, the protection of the individuals password is a must condition to uphold the trust in cyber world (Pfleeger and Deanna, 597-611). In the month of last September 2016, National Institute of Standards and technology (NIST) of United States published a negative view on a threat of cyber security. The negative view states the SMS and E-mails are not considered as safe method of communication because it aids in leak of users data from their cell phones. The Short Message Service (SMS) are now officially treated as a compromised data. For instance- any online transaction which is confirmed through SMS are not safe anymore, the hackers are able to access the online transaction by joint merger of users data with its own data (Probst et al. 1-15). The most threats of cyber security are denial access of service attacks (Dos attack), attacks on social engineering, backdoor Trojan malwares and spoofing attack. Firstly, the Dos attack deals with a non-accessing of any legitimate user due to attackers attempts to prevent entry. Secondly, the social engineering is the psychological method to influence the user for a purpose to extract their credential information. Thirdly, the backdoor attack in a situation of leak in users encrypted data by the undocumented portal. Lastly, the spoofing is the cyber offence in the context of information technology where an invader attempts to acquire any credential data of the user by unauthorised access in the system (Elmaghraby and Michael, 491-497) In spite of many positive reforms or measures in the cyber security, the recommended strategies and policies are unfortunately does not implement properly in present time. Still, there is a lack of affirmative measures to secure the cyber world. The affirmative measures should not contain any illusory picture of cyber security. It must implement such strategy which safeguards every minute details of the user. It is important to take an effective measure so that a user faith can be built again. The unique implementation of securing cybercrime is a must. Such implementation should include users own fingerprinting or eye balls identifications. Hence, it is a vital step to target on highly systematic and secured data over cyber world. The increasing level in the threat of cyber security needs to be cut down by its roots. The best illustration is that the Canadian government implement the positive measures through the legislature aid. The object of Canadian technology law mainly concern with a protection of every citizens credential online information. It provides an implementation of proper standardisation and protocols to curb the existence factors of threats in cyber security. The central role of government and legislation plays a vital role in preservation of any cyber threats and challenges. The legal framework regulates the risk of cyber security by proper implementation of an effective strategies and policies like the departments of Homeland Security (DHS). It mainly focuses on preserving the individual information in a uniform and transparent level. The department of justice (DOJ) also plays the significant role in enforcing the legislation in context of information technology (Chan and Adrian, 103-105). According to Global cost of cybercrime, almost 400 billion expend for the development of ICT department and its infrastructure. Almost 15 to 20 per cent funds are spending on the IT agency by the federal government (Crdenas). The effective legislation on cyber security increasing a faith in the user like data-breach notification where users data is preserved by the unique entity number allocated by the portal sites or FISMA Reforms brought major changes in the information technology department. These changes are exclusion of antiquated report in order to improve the secured zone. The more informed and systematic policies are introduced in the field of advancement in Information Technology existing strategies (Clifton and Don) Therefore, the research paper concludes that the framework of cyber security must permit the critical information technology infrastructure by new blog entry. It must also focus on updating and advancement the cyber security through proper implementation of technical policies of system to develop a defect free or virus free computer systems (Hoffman). Ultimately, the draft of cyber security must strengthen by the proper awareness in the public in order to curb exploitation of any delicate and sensitive individuals data and information. References Byres, Eric, and Justin Lowe. "The myths and facts behind cyber security risks for industrial control systems."Proceedings of the VDE Kongress. Vol. 116. 2007. Crdenas, Alvaro A., "Research Challenges for the Security of Control Systems."HotSec. 2008. Chan, Haowen, and Adrian Perrig. "Security and privacy in sensor networks."computer36.10 (2009): 103-105. Clifton, Chris, and Don Marks. "Security and privacy implications of data mining."ACM SIGMOD Workshop on Research Issues on Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery. 2014. Elmaghraby, Adel S., and Michael M. Losavio. "Cyber security challenges in Smart Cities: Safety, security and privacy."Journal of advanced research5.4 (2014): 491-497. Hoffman, Lance J.Modern methods for computer security and privacy. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 2007. Pfleeger, Shari Lawrence, and Deanna D. Caputo. "Leveraging behavioral science to mitigate cyber security risk."Computers security31.4 (2012): 597-611. Probst, Christian W., et al. "Aspects of insider threats."Insider Threats in Cyber Security. Springer US, 2010. 1-15.
Wednesday, December 4, 2019
Social Media May Not Be So Bad For Your Kids After All
Parents have many reasons for limiting their kids screen time. Whether its to get them to look up from their phones when they cross the street or to drill in the risks of sharing too much information online, parents are often justified in being wary of the influence social media has. Weve all heard the horror stories: the student who publicly posts a hateful rant about his teacher that gets him expelled or the kid who uploads an Instagram video of her smoking a joint that shows up in a public search. The attention these instances have received often overshadow the positive aspects of social media.In a survey conducted by Common Sense Media, a nonprofit child advocacy group, results show that 1 in 5 teens said that social media actually improves self-confidence. This hasn’t gone unnoticed by some parents out there. Eileen Masio, mom of 2 children from NY, spoke with CNN about how she was pleased to see the positive comments she saw from monitoring her 17-year-old daughterâ€⠄¢s Instagram. Unlike what media outlets normally report, most of the comments were encouraging and supportive: â€Å"You’re beautiful!†, â€Å"OMG! You’re gorgeous!†In contrast, media outlets often cover stories about how social media contributes to the increase of cyberbullying that it has erased the positive impact it also have on teenagers who are still finding themselves. In the survey that asked 1000+ 13-17 year olds, 28% felt social networking made them feel more outgoing compared to the 5% who felt less so. For students who feel isolated in school, social networks is a place where they can cry for help. More importantly, it’s a platform where they can find their kindred spirits, and gain the courage to follow their dreams. Much like Justin Bieber’s success from posting videos on Youtube, social networks are a place for many teens to share their thoughts and talents and to receive recognition from their peers.Part of the uncertainty and criticism directed at social media stems from how little parents know about or understand them. But the truth is, they take some time to catch on and get adopted by users. Facebook took less than a year to reach a million users. Before anyone realized, all teenagers and college students had an account. Rebecca Levey, cofounder of a childrens video sharing platform, KidzVuz, agrees. She said, â€Å" I t hink part of the problem is parentsreally don’t know the rules themselves.†But times have changed! Pew Research Center recently conducted a survey that showed out of the 91% of parents online, 75% are using social media. Now that parents are on social media, Levey suggests all there’s left to do is talk to your children about it. As long as they know the risks of sharing too much or sharing stuff thats too personal, social media can be a great way to build confidence and connect with others. For all parents out there, what are your thoughts on your children’s social media usage?
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