Friday, April 17, 2020
New Questions About Chemistry Topics for Research Papers Answered and Why You Must Read Every Word of This Report
New Questions About Chemistry Topics for Research Papers Answered and Why You Must Read Every Word of This Report You have to plan your studies smartly based on the time you're able to devote to the specific subject and its topic. Now whenever you have a list of potential topics, and you've picked your favorite one, it's time to work out the structure of it. A great abstract should include just a few sentences to summarize all sections, and you ought to avoid too many experimental specifics and preliminary outcomes. For an NTSE aspirant, it is just as important to get an in depth understanding of the subject. The Ultimate Chemistry Topics for Research Papers Trick Your high school research topics have to be focused and concise, and interesting, but in addition broad in their very own way so you can discover enough data to back up your thesis. Perhaps, your instructor will enable you to come across this kind of example. Therefore, it's crucial to adhere to the teacher's instr uctions to compose a high-quality work. Chemistry Topics for Research Papers - Overview These steps and tips will allow you to choose decent research paper topics. The stated research topics may be used among other people to produce interesting research papers. Also, new research is being done all of the time, so it is easy to find fresh ideas and data. Today, variegated research in the area is being conducted from the other side of the world. Chemistry Topics for Research Papers - the Conspiracy The very first step is to discover a topic you can write about, one that you're confident in. When selecting a research paper topic in the industry of biochemistry, it's a good idea to decide on a broader topic and apply it to a narrow or interdisciplinary focus. When it is now not up to date constantly, then there is not any blog. If you pick up the topic that you're interested in, it is going to be much simpler to motivate readers to observe your text and research. The entire research should be constructed around or from this issue. Focus on the subject you've chosen, collect the evidence to strengthen your findings and compose the paper like you attempt to explain it to your friend in place of a colleague. The highlighted tips are certain to supply you with a very good research topic and paper. You should understand completely that you're not writing a descriptive essay. If you just have a rough idea about what is required, writing that chemistry extended essay will provide you problems. Which topic you decide on could help determine the entire writing process, the research, along with the grad you'll get. You can proceed and divide the research into phrases to check at every aspect keenly. Hearsay, Deception and Chemistry Topi cs for Research Papers Some questions ought to be running through your head by now. Call upon the aid of the on-line assistances to find the job done. If you're able to pick a topic that is relevant to your life, you'll discover that you are better focused on completing the job. If you realize that you are having a hard time going past the essay introduction, you can seek out the support of a professional with Chemistry Topics for Research Papers - the Conspiracy A standard chemistry paper has an introduction, the most important body, and a conclusion. Students take part in research projects that correlate with their key regions of interest and offer a chance to investigate specific chemical reactions or phenomena. Chemistry is among the most hated subjects on earth because it's complicated and plenty of students face hard time understanding it. Physical chemistry researches chemical phenomena with the aid of the theoretical and experimental techniques of ph ysics. Provided that it's detailed with relevant information about the topic chosen, then it's regarded as a fantastic research paper. To prepare a productive essay, you require proper guidance and help. Obtaining high-quality papers is among the benefits of hiring our services. Out online services deliver completely free info on a number of chemistry topics to make it simpler for visitors to our site to get the sample papers they have to finish their chemistry assignments. Your conclusion is a short overview of your work, so that it should contain important outcomes and assess the entire research with regard to its basic intent. So, you might choose a specific experiment to describe. Your research will finally have a flow. If it is extremely broad, you're going to be overwhelmed and experience troubles when trying to organize your data.
Tuesday, April 14, 2020
High School Essay Topics
High School Essay TopicsPersonal essays are a wonderful tool for preparing for college and beyond. Essays can be used as preparation for admission essays, interview questions, and finals. All of these and other essay topics should be addressed before you begin writing your essay.The number one reason that students want to improve their grades is due to the fact that most of them have been put down in class or have encountered common reasons for failing. A very important aspect of writing an essay is to take into consideration what could happen if you fail it. Therefore, it is essential that you are prepared for this.While there are many things to take into consideration when preparing for your college essays, the most important part is the topic. Your personal essay topics should be important enough to create the basis for your future experiences. If you are in high school and want to write an essay for college, here are some important things that you need to know.You can find answer s to common reasons why high school students get failed. There are so many people in high school that don't have anyone to ask for help, and once you start looking for help online, you will discover that there are dozens of people ready to help you get through the process. If you are trying to improve your grades, getting a group of high school students to help you out will pay off.The next thing that you need to do when writing an essay is to figure out who you are going to write it for. What kind of academic need does your essay address? There are many different subjects that can be covered on an essay, but there are also different students who are more likely to take it on and succeed.Each student will have a different approach to various subjects. Knowing what type of student you are writing for will greatly increase your chances of success. Knowing what kind of grades you want to attain is another big reason that you should write an essay for your college career.Certain types o f students, like honors students, will be more inclined to take on these challenges. Honors students need extra help to deal with the difficulty of passing. The writing ability of an honors student is not as good as an average student's, so if you have trouble writing essays, this is the type of student that you should be writing for.Knowing the high school essay topics will help you prepare for the high school essay topics that you are going to write. Remember that writing essays for high school will require different types of essays than the essays you will need for college. Getting help from your parents or friends to get you started on your essays is a great way to get you started in the right direction.
Bus303 Human Resources Management Final Paper Essay Example
Bus303: Human Resources Management Final Paper Essay The primary function of human resources management is to increase the effectiveness and the contribution of employees, which are in alignment with the organizations goals and objectives. With in human resources management, there are many components or pieces of the puzzle that allow human resources management to exist. Such pieces of the puzzle include, equal employment opportunity, affirmative action, human resources planning, recruitment, selection, development, compensation, benefits, safety, health and benefits. Each of which will be discussed. In human resource management, organizations focus a lot of time and resources finding the right candidate that would occupy the position. Employers are looking for an employee who can manage to fulfill the organizations vision. In this case, once an employee is selected for the position, human resource mangers with in organizations focus on training employees to complete the job efficiently. In addition, employers also allocate funding to the recruiting employees who qualify for the position. Human resources management also may be able to provide organizations with the competitiveness they need to be effective in the job market. Functions such as employment, opportunity, affirmative action, human resources planning, and recruitment, selection, training and development, compensation and benefits, safety, health, and employee labor relations all play together to perform that primary function. We will write a custom essay sample on Bus303: Human Resources Management Final Paper specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Bus303: Human Resources Management Final Paper specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Bus303: Human Resources Management Final Paper specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer They are all important, but some areas have more important than the others, in which shapes the characteristic of employee behaviors with in organizations. Human resource management wants to also make sure that the employees that are being hired in the process are in alignment with the organizations mission and vision. As an employee seeking a new job, many factors come into mind when I think of finding the right organization to work for. First and far most, ensuring that the organization is in the best interest of me an my goals are important, more importantly, making sure I have an equal opportunity to move up in the organization is important. Factors include sex, religion, race, color, national origin, hiring, promoting, firing, and setting wages. It is important to understand how employers operate so that you can have a clear understanding on what you are required of you in order to advance. According to our reading, affirmative action policies â€Å"require employers to show initiative in recruiting a diverse pool of applicants for their job openings. (Youssef, C. 2012) This means that, employers must hire individuals in their organization, no matter how old, what race, or what physical condition they are in. There are many people who may try to argue and say, that they have a lot of experience, no sign of education under their belt, and argue that they are being discriminated against when a younger applicant wi th a degree gets the position and they don’t. However, I now understand that such applicants had an opportunity to complete their education, but chose another path. Human resource management consists of many other factors that help them prepare to hire an employee to fill the position. The other factors include planning, recruitment, and selection. Before understanding these concepts, one would guess that employers just go out and hire anyone just to occupy a position. In the planning stage, employers look for a certain number of employees to fill a position. It really depends on the size of the company and how much you are looking to grow. So the number of employees varies based off of the organizations future activities and operations. Which brings focused efforts to recruitment with in an organization, making sure that employers recruit qualified employees is essential for the competitive focus in an organization. Human resources must be able to focus their efforts on finding talented people that fulfill the roles that is being filled. There are certain strategies that employers use to make sure that they find the right employee such as advertising, employment agencies, web, colleges, professional employment organizations, temp agencies, unsolicited applications, and soliciting specific applicants. There is more than one way to look for employees. My friend, Jonathon Montgomery wanted to start up a small marketing business for local restaurants and sought to hire lot employees to spread the word around town. He went on craigslist to create an ad and three days later he found himself interviewing multiple groups of people to fill the role. He did not have as much trouble in the interviewing process, but he has a lot of trouble in the selection process. In the selection process, it is important to understand the strategy used to select the most qualified employee for the position. Selection the right employee is important and was really important to Jonathon. Our reading states, â€Å" Selecting the right employee is one of the most crucial processes. †(Youssef, C. 2012) It is important, because when selecting the right employees, human resource management must take into consideration, laws of equal employment opportunity and while making sure they select the most qualified candidate to fill the role. In addition, organizations take into consideration within the selection process, employees are not only equip with the job qualifications, but they are equipped with the characteristics, such as motivation, morale, productivity, and retention. Now opening up an acceptance letter from an employer s very rewarding, because as an employee, you know that you worked hard and prepared to fill the position that was being filled. At the same time, employers want to make sure they are educating the new employee on the job. Organizations spend billions of dollars a year on the training and development portion because they want to make sure that they maintain their competitive advantage. It is important to focusing on the development of employees. Many companies process a learning and development department that assist in the overall training of the role. Organizations spend a lot of their efforts in making sure employees understand all technological, financial, economic, and political factors that come into play. The reason why is because companies are continuing to develop innovative, competitive, and efficient ways to do business. It is very important to keep in mind, that organizations are in need of effective system, which will not only save cost but also serve its purpose. In chapter seven, (Youssef 2012) states that we are always learning. Whether youve been with the company for 10 years or fairly new to an organization, learning and development and consistent training is needed to help the organization grow. There are different types of trainings, mentoring, coaching, test taking, and videos, on the job training, internships, and more importantly consistent development of employees. In my mind training programs must continue to evolve in order to do more what financial diminish. Our organization currently utilizes webinars, YouTube videos, interactive studies, surveys, and more importantly organization uses data that will help management evaluate and analyze areas of opportunities with in each department. Whats great about training in the 21st century is that there are more options in more ways of teaching employee how to perform on a job. I feel that training will continue to evolve in this competitive business world that we live in. With new solutions, purpose driven studies, and the many technological resources that are available, businesses have the tools to save cost yet still bring the competitive edge. Once an employer selects an employee to work full time on a job, many employers offer benefits for their employee. As an employee, while shopping for a new job, those factors are important to consider. It is important to consider because there are many employees that have families, and more importantly, there are families who have personal needs that need to be catered to. When seeking employment, benefits can be a deciding factor in making an organization the right fit. According to our reading, â€Å"Compensation directly affects the attraction and retention of talent, affects employee motivation through the satisfaction of various needs, and provides a mechanism to psychologically link performance with outcomes. Compensation also enhances perceptions of equity and justice and promotes desirable behaviors in the workplace. †(Youssef 2012) If I am an employee and I am not being protected with in the job that I hold, it is less likely that I stay at that organization. Benefit offerings have a major impact on marketplace competitiveness and have the ability to attract and keep quality employees. Benefits assist in motivating employees to come to work everyday and keeps employees bought in to the organizations mission. Benefits include but are not limited to health insurance. Healthcare is important to employees because it caters to their security needs. Employees want to feel healthy when putting forth time and energy into an organization. It will result in quality of work. Some organizations provide access to childcare, eldercare, and fitness centers at a discounted rate or no cost. I feel that this is a great benefit offering when considering market place competitiveness and attracts employees that may have children who may need a baby sitter. Other benefits that are essential are flextime, job sharing, telecommuting pay time off, vacation, bereavement, and sick time. There have been many issues with in human resource management, lawsuits, and many competitive debates about labor unions and its future role. In other parts of the world, organizations from the United States are tying to expand. Companies such as, Mc Donald’s, Apple, and other companies, have found ways to expand. Issues such as political government, may affect the equal opportunity laws in the United States. For example, Geert Hofstede’s uses a model that helps understand labor markets and its potential. Geert is s Dutch anthropologist who analyzed cultures along five dimensions on a scale from 1-100. His five factors included, Power, Self, Gender, Predictability, and Time. I think the dimensions in which countries are evaluated plays a major role in how each country is managed with in the human resources field. For example, Gender roles in Japan play a major factor in management. Men are considered aggressive and competitive, and women are expected to be gentler and concerned with home and family. In knowing this, in order for me to be successful outsourcing career opportunities in Japan I must know to put men in authority’s positions to ensure overall success in that country. Seeing that such factors impacts global human resource management, it is important to understand the demographical locations assists in the organizations success. (Youssef 2012) Collaboratively understanding the primary functions within human resources, may be beneficial to me long term because I want to eventually open up my own company. In knowing that, I must be knowledgeable on the components, which make an organization endure. I want to be able to increase the overall success of the organization that I am apart of and the organization that I will eventually own. Being knowledgeable about the human resources management functions helps me understand the ins and outs and will also help employees contribute to future organizational goals. Bus303 Human Resources Management Final Paper Essay Example Bus303: Human Resources Management Final Paper Paper The primary function of human resources management is to increase the effectiveness and the contribution of employees, which are in alignment with the organizations goals and objectives. With in human resources management, there are many components or pieces of the puzzle that allow human resources management to exist. Such pieces of the puzzle include, equal employment opportunity, affirmative action, human resources planning, recruitment, selection, development, compensation, benefits, safety, health and benefits. Each of which will be discussed. In human resource management, organizations focus a lot of time and resources finding the right candidate that would occupy the position. Employers are looking for an employee who can manage to fulfill the organizations vision. In this case, once an employee is selected for the position, human resource mangers with in organizations focus on training employees to complete the job efficiently. In addition, employers also allocate funding to the recruiting employees who qualify for the position. Human resources management also may be able to provide organizations with the competitiveness they need to be effective in the job market. Functions such as employment, opportunity, affirmative action, human resources planning, and recruitment, selection, training and development, compensation and benefits, safety, health, and employee labor relations all play together to perform that primary function. We will write a custom essay sample on Bus303: Human Resources Management Final Paper specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Bus303: Human Resources Management Final Paper specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Bus303: Human Resources Management Final Paper specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer They are all important, but some areas have more important than the others, in which shapes the characteristic of employee behaviors with in organizations. Human resource management wants to also make sure that the employees that are being hired in the process are in alignment with the organizations mission and vision. As an employee seeking a new job, many factors come into mind when I think of finding the right organization to work for. First and far most, ensuring that the organization is in the best interest of me an my goals are important, more importantly, making sure I have an equal opportunity to move up in the organization is important. Factors include sex, religion, race, color, national origin, hiring, promoting, firing, and setting wages. It is important to understand how employers operate so that you can have a clear understanding on what you are required of you in order to advance. According to our reading, affirmative action policies â€Å"require employers to show initiative in recruiting a diverse pool of applicants for their job openings. (Youssef, C. 2012) This means that, employers must hire individuals in their organization, no matter how old, what race, or what physical condition they are in. There are many people who may try to argue and say, that they have a lot of experience, no sign of education under their belt, and argue that they are being discriminated against when a younger applicant wi th a degree gets the position and they don’t. However, I now understand that such applicants had an opportunity to complete their education, but chose another path. Human resource management consists of many other factors that help them prepare to hire an employee to fill the position. The other factors include planning, recruitment, and selection. Before understanding these concepts, one would guess that employers just go out and hire anyone just to occupy a position. In the planning stage, employers look for a certain number of employees to fill a position. It really depends on the size of the company and how much you are looking to grow. So the number of employees varies based off of the organizations future activities and operations. Which brings focused efforts to recruitment with in an organization, making sure that employers recruit qualified employees is essential for the competitive focus in an organization. Human resources must be able to focus their efforts on finding talented people that fulfill the roles that is being filled. There are certain strategies that employers use to make sure that they find the right employee such as advertising, employment agencies, web, colleges, professional employment organizations, temp agencies, unsolicited applications, and soliciting specific applicants. There is more than one way to look for employees. My friend, Jonathon Montgomery wanted to start up a small marketing business for local restaurants and sought to hire lot employees to spread the word around town. He went on craigslist to create an ad and three days later he found himself interviewing multiple groups of people to fill the role. He did not have as much trouble in the interviewing process, but he has a lot of trouble in the selection process. In the selection process, it is important to understand the strategy used to select the most qualified employee for the position. Selection the right employee is important and was really important to Jonathon. Our reading states, â€Å" Selecting the right employee is one of the most crucial processes. †(Youssef, C. 2012) It is important, because when selecting the right employees, human resource management must take into consideration, laws of equal employment opportunity and while making sure they select the most qualified candidate to fill the role. In addition, organizations take into consideration within the selection process, employees are not only equip with the job qualifications, but they are equipped with the characteristics, such as motivation, morale, productivity, and retention. Now opening up an acceptance letter from an employer s very rewarding, because as an employee, you know that you worked hard and prepared to fill the position that was being filled. At the same time, employers want to make sure they are educating the new employee on the job. Organizations spend billions of dollars a year on the training and development portion because they want to make sure that they maintain their competitive advantage. It is important to focusing on the development of employees. Many companies process a learning and development department that assist in the overall training of the role. Organizations spend a lot of their efforts in making sure employees understand all technological, financial, economic, and political factors that come into play. The reason why is because companies are continuing to develop innovative, competitive, and efficient ways to do business. It is very important to keep in mind, that organizations are in need of effective system, which will not only save cost but also serve its purpose. In chapter seven, (Youssef 2012) states that we are always learning. Whether youve been with the company for 10 years or fairly new to an organization, learning and development and consistent training is needed to help the organization grow. There are different types of trainings, mentoring, coaching, test taking, and videos, on the job training, internships, and more importantly consistent development of employees. In my mind training programs must continue to evolve in order to do more what financial diminish. Our organization currently utilizes webinars, YouTube videos, interactive studies, surveys, and more importantly organization uses data that will help management evaluate and analyze areas of opportunities with in each department. Whats great about training in the 21st century is that there are more options in more ways of teaching employee how to perform on a job. I feel that training will continue to evolve in this competitive business world that we live in. With new solutions, purpose driven studies, and the many technological resources that are available, businesses have the tools to save cost yet still bring the competitive edge. Once an employer selects an employee to work full time on a job, many employers offer benefits for their employee. As an employee, while shopping for a new job, those factors are important to consider. It is important to consider because there are many employees that have families, and more importantly, there are families who have personal needs that need to be catered to. When seeking employment, benefits can be a deciding factor in making an organization the right fit. According to our reading, â€Å"Compensation directly affects the attraction and retention of talent, affects employee motivation through the satisfaction of various needs, and provides a mechanism to psychologically link performance with outcomes. Compensation also enhances perceptions of equity and justice and promotes desirable behaviors in the workplace. †(Youssef 2012) If I am an employee and I am not being protected with in the job that I hold, it is less likely that I stay at that organization. Benefit offerings have a major impact on marketplace competitiveness and have the ability to attract and keep quality employees. Benefits assist in motivating employees to come to work everyday and keeps employees bought in to the organizations mission. Benefits include but are not limited to health insurance. Healthcare is important to employees because it caters to their security needs. Employees want to feel healthy when putting forth time and energy into an organization. It will result in quality of work. Some organizations provide access to childcare, eldercare, and fitness centers at a discounted rate or no cost. I feel that this is a great benefit offering when considering market place competitiveness and attracts employees that may have children who may need a baby sitter. Other benefits that are essential are flextime, job sharing, telecommuting pay time off, vacation, bereavement, and sick time. There have been many issues with in human resource management, lawsuits, and many competitive debates about labor unions and its future role. In other parts of the world, organizations from the United States are tying to expand. Companies such as, Mc Donald’s, Apple, and other companies, have found ways to expand. Issues such as political government, may affect the equal opportunity laws in the United States. For example, Geert Hofstede’s uses a model that helps understand labor markets and its potential. Geert is s Dutch anthropologist who analyzed cultures along five dimensions on a scale from 1-100. His five factors included, Power, Self, Gender, Predictability, and Time. I think the dimensions in which countries are evaluated plays a major role in how each country is managed with in the human resources field. For example, Gender roles in Japan play a major factor in management. Men are considered aggressive and competitive, and women are expected to be gentler and concerned with home and family. In knowing this, in order for me to be successful outsourcing career opportunities in Japan I must know to put men in authority’s positions to ensure overall success in that country. Seeing that such factors impacts global human resource management, it is important to understand the demographical locations assists in the organizations success. (Youssef 2012) Collaboratively understanding the primary functions within human resources, may be beneficial to me long term because I want to eventually open up my own company. In knowing that, I must be knowledgeable on the components, which make an organization endure. I want to be able to increase the overall success of the organization that I am apart of and the organization that I will eventually own. Being knowledgeable about the human resources management functions helps me understand the ins and outs and will also help employees contribute to future organizational goals.
Sunday, April 12, 2020
Problems in Writing Your College Essay Prompt
Problems in Writing Your College Essay PromptIf you are one of the students in Emerson College, you may be facing problems while writing your essay. The students at Emerson College have taken a hard look at the essay prompt system and some have been frustrated by the fact that they do not know how to solve the problems they encounter. You can actually be awarded the essay if you find the ways to get around these problems.The first problem with the college essay prompt is that it was developed over a period of time and therefore was hard to change. It can be argued that the problems in the prompt were not particularly original and that some of the essays were quite similar to those written by students already at Emerson College. A better way to solve this problem would be to send out a paper that has a unique twist. For example, you could be writing about a personal experience that you have had or perhaps you could show how the subject matter you have chosen relates to the way you see the world and the role you play in the world.There are students who are frustrated because they cannot think of any ideas to include in their essay. The key to solving this problem is to develop a list of things that you could write about. With this list, you should not restrict yourself to writing about one specific area of the world.This is something that will come to the student's mind as he or she begins to write the essay. You should keep in mind that each subject has a unique perspective. Instead of restricting yourself to one area of the world, you should decide which area you want to write about and then turn the rest of the essay around so that it relates to that particular area.One of the problems with the essay prompt is that it is too much of a challenge to write an essay on its own. The student who wants to make the most of the essay prompt should know that he or she should consider writingit as a group effort. While it is important to know how to structure an essay, i t is also crucial that the students work together as a group to make the best of their essay.One of the major problems that students face is that they do not know how to take part in a discussion that would relate to the essay prompt. If you are like many of the students at Emerson College, you probably spent the entire time that you were preparing for the essay looking at the various problems with the essay prompt. This is a major concern for many students and should be considered when you are working on the assignment.One of the ways to avoid this is to create a list of the different sections that you might want to look at as you write your college essay prompt. You can then include a brief summary of what you have written in each section. The assignment is not too difficult to complete but is very frustrating because of the constant reminders that the entire assignment will be a set of questions and not a research project.The great thing about the college essay prompt is that it does not matter how hard you try to solve the problems. What matters is that you are going to be writing and that this assignment is going to be your opportunity to express your thoughts and opinions.
Friday, April 10, 2020
Hook For College Essay - How Does One Make a Hook For College Essay?
Hook For College Essay - How Does One Make a Hook For College Essay?Is a Hook for College Essay the right way to express your thoughts and feelings? The short answer is yes. That being said, the college essay is about so much more than the phrase, 'personal essay.' The ability to express yourself can be quite valuable as well as impressive.So how does a Hook for College Essay help? Well, it can be a great tool in expressing your feelings and thoughts. If you get your hook right, you will actually show your essay. A short and powerful Hook for college essay will reveal your essay and aid in the drafting process.There are many options to choose from in terms of the length of a Hook for college essay. Some say that a 500 word essay is adequate. Others say a thousand word essay is ideal.Therefore, if you really want to impress your reader, you have to make sure you are coming up with a Hook for college essay that is worthy of being put into the spotlight. To do this, you first need to ta ke a look at your topic. Is it something that is particular to you or do you have some experience in writing about this subject? Is it important to you?Once you know the reasons for doing a Hook for college essay, you can narrow down your essay writing topics. You will find many hooks for college essays online. Many different places offer free essays with the click of a mouse. Online Hooks for college essays is good but most people find it best to go through the copy from a professional.You can also get Hooks for college essays at a variety of different sources. You can also hire a ghost writer. This can really help. A ghost writer has experience anda vast knowledge of the topic that you are writing about. By hiring a professional, you can rest assured that the Hook for college essay you are writing will be in your favor.All in all, a Hook for college essay can help you come up with a powerful piece of writing. All you need to do is find out what is in your heart and mind. You can f ind Hooks for college essays online and this can give you some ideas on where to begin.
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