Tuesday, April 30, 2019
Not Finishing Well Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Not Finishing Well - Essay ExampleWe accept warfare or conflict as a normal part of life. The Divine Teachers want us to free ourselves from this stipulate by non looking backward but instead, by looking ahead.In Christian spirit, mavin sees that the most essential discipline is the nearness with Christ. Nearness implies the fidelity in carrying the teachings of Christ and applying them to ones daily life. This gives a person some plans or purpose in life. It is incumbent upon the followers of Christ to promote friendship or harmony among the believers. They should enlighten and educate children to instill a growing hope. Ignoring this call is like a journey back, a failure. In his article Longevity with Distinction and Dignity-Finishing Well, Pastor Eugene Harder echoes that Jesus died to remove the feller that prevented people from finishing well.We are reaching a new era in the history of mankind. And leap is knocking at the door. For our brief sojourn on this life-giving pl anet, we could say that even though we did not start well, we could indeed find time to finish well.
Monday, April 29, 2019
Annotated Bilbliography Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Annotated Bilbliography - prove ExampleBy incorporating this process, organizations will see a trend in accelerated innovation, which will be realized in operations, products, and processes. Agresti, A. (2000). Categorical Data Analysis. New York Wiley. The book explains the use of statistical methods for categorical schooling and explains its importance for sundry(a) applications especially in biomedical and social sciences. The book explains different methods using a variety of real schooling in different settings such as medical trials, environmental opinions and some(prenominal) more and is useful for researchers in different fields as is provides statistical methods used in evaluating and analyzing data that will be used for categorical responses. The book offers an introduction to the most important methods used in categorical data analysis and offers the latest methods for repeated measurements and other forms of clusters of categorical data that include fringy models, associated generalized estimation equation methods and mixed models that have random effects. Argyris, Chris. (1977). Organizational Learning and Management teaching Systems. Accounting, Organizations and Society, 2(2), 113-123. The ledger re-examines the ongoing debate concerned with the implementation crisis of management information systems considering the theory of organizational learning. The daybook explains the need for information management in organizations and elaborates on the use of management information systems to achieve comely information handling. The author explains that organizational knowledge is one of the most important assets of an organization and uses management information systems to show how organizations can ensure growth through proper information handling. It explains the need of management information systems in organizations for detecting and correcting errors that occur in the information requirements of organizations and explains that recommend ations made for different organizations fail because they are both in adequate or inconsistent with the organizational structures. Brown, A. (2004). Innovation Management and Contemporary Small try Research. Sydney Edith Cowan University, Australia. The book is about the process of innovation that has become an integral and critically important activity for the championshipes of bear age. The author explains how the process of innovation can help the companies in attaining the maximum productivity and benefits by getting competitive edge upon their competitors. Caron, Raymond J, Sirkka, L Jarvenppa & Stoddard, Donna B. (1994). Business Reengineering at CIGNA Corporation Experiences and Lessons Learned from the First Five Years. MIS Quarterly, 18(3), 233-250. The journal explains the uncertainty and confusion that exits concerning business reengineering and when it is effective and provides a longitudinal view of CIGNA Corporations experiences with business reengineering over ti me. The authors give an overview of CIGNA, which is an established insurance and financial services provider in the United States and the various reengineering practices it has conducted and enabled it to save large sums of money. The author explains how each fund invested in reengineering has brought returns in form of benefits as it leads to step-down of operational costs, maximizes on use of time,
Sunday, April 28, 2019
Normal Business Operations Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Normal Business Operations - Essay vitrineWithin this understanding and appreciation for the means by which key strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats define the way in which this particular(prenominal) store will delay to integrate with customers in the near future, the following analysis will want to provide something of a SWOT analysis with regards to this chain in the hopes that by understanding these key areas, the analyst will be able to define and appreciate the areas of hazard and potential threats the firm faces both in the present and at heart the near future. Strengths Firstly, with regards to the key strengths that Reeds grocers have within the current market, these can basically be understood with regards to the fact that they have established a resilient and well respected brand emblem among the client base and they also exhibit a resilient strength of the size and scope of their grocery store locations and gos. Starting from a humble family owned beginning, Reeds transitioned over time, just as have so m whatever other small firms, to encompass a great many stores and a wide compartmentalisation of product and service offerings. Moreover, consumers of the firm have come to respect them within the world of grocers. This market figurehead along with a substantive level of respect and appreciation by a rather puffy client base is a net asset as well as a authorized strength upon which the firm can seek to leverage any further market growth or development within the near future. ... Another key weakness that the grocer faces is with regards to the fact that it cannot count on stanch consumers to carry it through economically difficult times. Whereas in the past grocers could count on loyal consumers to continue to derive a degree of revenue/sales, the current model indicates that less and less consumers are in the end loyal to a single grocer and choose instead to shop many grocers in an attempt to increase their savings. This represents an effective weakness that the firm is no longer able to attract and retain loyal consumers within a market that is more and more cut throat with regards to overall earnings and sales. Opportunities Political/ effective With regards to the political/legal opportunities that the firm should seek to leverage, it is the understanding of this analysis that the firm, as well as any and all other firms within the system, should continue to engage with law makers and governments (at both the regional, state, and federal level) to continue to mansion house for tax breaks and caper incentives so that they may continue to provide the most basic of goods to the consumers that they provide for the hold of sustenance. Economic Similarly, with regards to the economic opportunities that the firm is faced with, these can be understood with regards to seeking to model their business plan, at least in part, upon the runaway success that many of its greatest competitors have employ ed i.e. offering at least a portion of overall goods to be sold as bargain buys and priced within the reach of a specific demographic of consumers that would otherwise be attracted to other stores instead. This serves as an economic opportunity that can be leveraged with very little overall cost to the firm and
Saturday, April 27, 2019
Solar Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Solar - Essay casingnditions%2Fcq5dam.web.460.306.jpeg&imgrefurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.undp.org%2Fcontent%2Fundp%2Fen%2Fhome%2Fourwork%2Fenvironmentandenergy%2Fsuccessstories%2Fnepal--expanding-access-to-renewable-energy&h=306&w=460&tbnid=4gpPhF-p7HgfXM%3A&zoom=1&docid=V9tZ_mhngIfnxM&ei=Gp13VILWFYiVuATRyIBQ&tbm=isch&ved=0CFcQMyhPME84ZA&iact=rc&uact=3&dur=1131&page=16&start=173&ndsp=13 origin https//www.google.com/search?q=solar+energy+project+in+nepal&es_sm=93&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=faR3VJSuJI2-uASDxoF4&ved=0CAkQ_AUoAg&biw=1024&bih=499facrc=_&imgdii=_&imgrc=jWZR0Tizu69eqM%253A%3Bd91rPI8qOlmokM%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww.dit.ie%252Fditfoundation%252Fmedia%252Fditfoundation%252FSolar%252520Panels%252520-%252520Page.jpg%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww.dit.ie%252Fditfoundation%252Fseetheresults%252Fdittravelscholarshipinrenewableenergy%252F2013scholarsblogfromnepal%252Fgettingtheworkdoneinnepal%252F%3B400%3B257The project leave behind need both skilled and non-skilled labor. For the skilled la bor, the project requires three skilled electrical artisans. The artisans give sustain in making house lighting connections and direct the non-skilled laborers. The other workers will be sourced among the colonizationrs and provide them with nurture on how to take care and maintain the project in the future. They can, however, enquire for skilled artisans if complex problems surface.As indicated earlier, the transport system of Sandikohla is at a very dilapidated state. Transporting project materials by road to the village is challenging. Materials from town to the village will be transported using a truck. VR Kung Factory has trucks that they lend to their customers to transport the materials they buy. The drivers of the trucks also understand the extreme terrain of the area and will know the safe routes to use. Routes with minimal hills and less muddy will be used (Ewbchallenge, 2014).Source
Friday, April 26, 2019
Compare and contrast the difference between a psychotherapy threatment Literature review
contrast and contrast the difference between a psychotherapeutics threatment and religion - Literature review ExampleHowever, the psychotherapy treatment intervention is highly based on the psychologists dealing with the clients by stating them their level of separatist competencies required for coping. Moreover, psychotherapy treatment involves various theoretical methods as well as the behavioural assessments of the patients. Nevertheless, in religious therapy, intervention plan is highly dependent upon the patients willingness to cope with health disparities, difficulties, and abandon (DeRubeis & et. al., 2008).Correspondingly, the approach of psychotherapy treatment mechanism is regarded as the process, which works on developing interpersonal interventions to moderate the mental health problems of the patient. Besides, the approach of the treatment helps to develop the social well-being of the client in the close to effective and rapid manner and reduce the discomfort that they face. Moreover, during the course of treatment, practitioners utilise various techniques, which is based on enriching the relationship as well as the communication and changing the behaviour that will likely get to im advance the mental state of the patient. Similarly, intervention of the therapy is highly based on the problem of the patient, as many of the therapy highly focuses on changing their current behaviour whereas, other mechanisms emphasise over determining the former issues and resolving the existing problems. Nevertheless, the approach of psychotherapy treatment undertakes mental health issues including bulimia, depression, anger management, anxiety, phobias and chronic painfulness among others (Ritchey & et. al., 2011 Combs & Romm, n.d.).Apparently, the means of religion therapy treatment also plays an integral role to eradicate the issue of patient conditions and prove to be effective as a form of therapy. It is in this context that the means of
Thursday, April 25, 2019
The Application of Nietzsche's Principles to Society Essay
The operation of Nietzsches Principles to Society - Essay ExampleNietzsches evolution of righteousity points out that pietism has been defined differently in different period of score and that different people living at different periods in history have influenced the current meaning of morals. This paper argues that the current meaning of faith has been shaped by traditional views of justice or theories of justice that are shaped and molded by valet nature. By this, I mean that if human beings we able to put their natural tendencies aside, then morality and justice, including all the theory and the neo justice system could be unnecessary. If everybody were able to transcend to a certain level, then we would not exigency the justice system, as everybody would behave accordingly. History of the Concept of Morality Basically, morality is the manner in which mankind resolve their issues or problems following explicit rules or a set of codes of behavior. The issue of the connec tion between evolution and morality has been under discussion for a long time particularly after Darwins Origin of Species in which he argued that natural selection acts for the sole benefit of each being. This meant that the humans would public figure moral codes for the sole purpose of benefiting themselves hence increasing their survival chances (Nietzsche Web). Darwins work, The Descent of Man, which posited that the human moral sense had an evolutionally justification triggered more discussion on the issue of the human moral sense. According to Aristotle, childhood nurture plays the major part in the advancement of moral character. Evolution of morality is the view that human morals have undergone progressive modifications through history. However, Nietzsche developed numerous ideals regarding morality particularly if evolution, which I get out make use of in this paper (Nietzsche Web Leiter 35-44 Gayon Web). Nietzsche and the Concept of Morality Nietzsche felt that previou s genealogies had failed to fill out on the evolution of human morals. Nietzsche criticized the genealogists who had written works showing correlation between origin of morality and the concepts of morality. He felt that in that location is no direct correlation between origin of something and its usage. According to Nietzsche, there are two types of morality, which he referred to as the master and the slavery morality. The master morality is the kind of morality that dominates and does not require approval and is responsible of determining the human values. It is this kind of morality that leads to creation on human classes since morals are developed due to the need for humans to propagate themselves (Nietzsche Web Solomon 22-30). On the other hand, slave morality is essentially a morality of utility and originates from resentment. The slave morality arose when the slaves were dissatisfy with the kind of treatment they received from their masters. At some point, they stated cons idering the actions of their masters to be evil. This contributed to the development of the concept of good and evil, which still forms part of todays concept of morality (Nietzsche Web). The slave and master morality find its roots in the historic slavery in which the masters thought they were not create any harm to the slaves but instead thought they were making them stronger by making them work
Wednesday, April 24, 2019
Critical thinking Assignment # 3 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Critical thinking Assignment 3 - Essay ExampleAccording to Cole, Smith, and DeJong, the rationale of hermit confinement is that it serves as a form of punishment for prisoners who do not follow rules. There be strict rules that inmates must follow, and it is the right of correctional officers to enforce such rules. A good prison has captives that put up in an orderly manner (Cole, Smith, and DeJong 365). The authors define order as proper conduct that enhances a irenic and orderly co earthly concern of inmates and correctional officers. Assault, rape, and other forms of violence and threat are examples of disorderly behavior that threaten the existence of correctional officers and other inmates. Solitary confinement is punishment in itself because it isolates inmates from others, and hinders their social interactions. Finally, the authors mention that it reduces overcrowding in prisons later on watching the documentary, I think that troglodyte confinement is wrong and ineffect ive. Solitary confinement is like world buried alive. People go crazy while they are alone in their cells. Most of them are self-abusive and cause bodily harm. A solitary unit is a prison within a prison, and it does no good in bettering the attitudes of prisoners. They become depressed in the solitary confinement, and some often get into a mental state. In addition, there is an increased chance of suicide, insomnia, and paranoia. Solitary confinement severely compromises the mental health of a person, especially those who enter such units when already in a pitiable mental state. If they subsist the mental torture, there is a risk of being extremely anti-social when released from prison (Frontline).Officers put prisoners in solitary confinement for several reasons. Some are there because of their violent behavior, while others are there for the stake of their own protection. Mostly, it is about punishment for disruptive behavior, for instance, riots. When released from prison, th ey
Employee Involvement Impacts in Hiring and Promotion Process of Public Assignment
Employee Involvement Impacts in Hiring and Promotion Process of commonplace Agencies - Assignment Examplens that affect their jobs. Ide entirelyy, what this means is that through employee social occasion, it should be possible for each member of the workings hierarchy to have his or her contributions being welcomed in the course of decision making. Employee involvement is actually a leadership strategy in its own right (quote) and therefore could be said to be pertinacious with my bea of specialization, which is public focusing and leadership. cardinal other dimension or theme from which the topic that has been condition can be looked at is the theme of impact of involvement on hiring and promotion process in public sectors. Indeed, employee involvement affects hiring and promotion process in a lot of ways. For example, it has been noted that it is only when the management and leadership actually opens up to all members on the faculty hierarchy that the best qualities that ar e require to be occupied at various sectors and departments of the organization can be identified (quote). Essentially therefore, employee involvement ensure an effective and efficient hiring and promotion process because there is the guarantee that all members on the staff will bring together their inputs and ideas in the course of decision and during the actual implementation of hiring and promotion and so much can be achieved within a limited time frame and with limited resources. One other impact that employee involvement has also been found to bring on the hiring and promotion process is that it ensures and guarantees a very peaceful well accepted process. In effect, all forms of organizational and employee conflicts and post hiring and promotion disputes are minimized (quote).In the light of the discussions above, it can be seen that the research would have a lot of powerful contributions on the field of study, which is the field of public policy andadministration.Support yo ur Application Assignment with specific references to all resources used in its preparation. You are asked to provide a
Tuesday, April 23, 2019
Managing Human Resources Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Managing Human Resources - Research Paper ExampleLastly, he/she should be able to handle departure and always have an eye towards how to mediate a given situation amicably.Q2 A human vision director is not only charged with managing the day to day process flow of human resources just now also molding and directing the future form that the company wishes to take. This happens in a variety of contrasting ways but most importantly through selecting and testing new prospects to ensure they are an adapted fit for the firm in question. In the given question concerning choosing the correct employee to fill a specify as bank teller, the HR manager should look for someone with a customer service background, cheerfulness, force to handle responsibility, trustworthiness, clean record, and exceptional people skills (Holland, 2012).Q3 With respect to working closely with the business strategy work up of a given institution, this is an constitutive(a) part of HRs role and responsibility. Many firms overlook this integral part to their own detriment. HR can work to quickly mirror the goals and strategies that a company lays turn out for its employees. Human resources can take this responsibility so that each of the internal departments continues to function at level efficiency all the while the new goals and metrics can be tooled across the validation at a speed and efficiency that would not have been possible had each of the departments attempted to implement on their own time and in their own way.Ployhart, R. E., Van Iddekinge, C. H., & Mackenzie Jr., W. I. (2011). ACQUIRING AND DEVELOPING HUMAN chapiter IN SERVICE CONTEXTS THE INTERCONNECTEDNESS OF HUMAN CAPITAL RESOURCES. Academy Of Management Journal, 54(2), 353-368.
Monday, April 22, 2019
Appraisal of a capital expenditure project Essay
Appraisal of a capital expenditure project - establish ExampleThe three projects have different implications on the number of people needed to operate the machines, and pull up stakes in costs and capacity. Evaluating Capital Expenditures Choosing among capital expenditure projects should not rely solely on monetary assessment. It is also important to undertake a subjective evaluation of each(prenominal) of the projects, in terms of its suitableness for the macro-environment. An examination of the PEST (political, economic, social, and technological) conditions exit determine which of the firms, if any, must be excluded by environmental conditions, or which would base exceptionally suitable to these conditions. A risk assessment is another pre-requisite to determine which of the projects may pose wondrous or undue risk for the company or the workers who shall be involved in the installation or operation of the new machinery. Incremental analysis shall be employed in this stud y, which requires discounting the existing financial information reflected by current operations, and instead rendering judgment based on the analysis of changes introduced by each project. Incremental analysis includes only the financial data that would vary in the future as a result of adopting each of the possible alternatives all current data that ar expectn to remain unchanged are not included in the analysis (Weygandt, Kimmel & Kieso, 2010, p. 299). The accounts that appear in the next tables are the changes expected, based on estimates by the principal owners of the corporation, spouses Bill and Terry Anderson. Alternative projects view A involves the purchase of a machine, the bell and installation of which amount to 110,000 during division 0. This capital expenditure is depreciated over the life of the project, which is 8 years, and since there is no salvage value the annual emergence in depreciation expense is 13,750, using the straight breeze depreciation method. The project mechanises some of the production functions, and as a result of adopting this Project, fewer people will need to be hired. This results in a corresponding reduction in labour expense that gradually increases through the years as the operation becomes more efficient. Adoption of Project A does not foresee any change in revenues, cost of sales or operating expenses, other than the change in depreciation and labour expenses. The incremental accounts pertaining to Project A are shown in the next two tables. Since the increase in depreciation expense and decrease in labour expense have a cumulative effect on the net taxable income, there is a change in net income later on tax afterward application of the 30% income tax rate. If the depreciation expense, which is a non-cash expense, is added back into the net income after tax, then the cash flow resulting from the adoption of Project A is obtained. The cash flow stream for the distance of Project A shall be used in the no n-accounting capital expenditure assessment techniques Similarly, the incremental accounts for Project B are shown in the next two tables. Project B has a much little purchase and installation cost of 45,000 which comprises its initial investment. The resulting change in depreciation expense is an increase of 4,500 per year for the 10 years that constitute the life of Project B, using straight-line depreciation method. Project B has an false increase in revenues, owing to the fact that the business
Sunday, April 21, 2019
How the breakup of big labor is impacting future labor relations Term Paper
How the dissolution of macroscopic attention is impacting in store(predicate) labor dealing - Term Paper ExampleHowever, due to the economic changes and globalization, that influenced the modern labor market, the big labor has almost disappeared from the modern business environment. The following paper will discuss the impact the breakup made on the labor relations and will also illustrate to what extent this breakup influenced the in store(predicate) day labor relations.The recent cease of the compression of U. S. labor, which was created in 1955, has brought a renewed interest in the future of labor relations. Some experts consider such split as the other step in the diminish decline of coalition membership, while others see its influence on the development of a new coalition that is an important step in the revitalization of cores in the United States (Meyerson, 2015). There is an essential consequence of the union split, however, it is not the single factor that can p ut an impact on the future of unions and labor relations as they are. On the global scale, union developments are perceived as the dynamics of a global economy with its competition in jobs and the new types of workers who decide to join unions. Despite the declining nature of unions across the decades, at that place were about one out of three Americans in 1950s who was involved in the big labor. On the contrary, today, this sum is eleven per cent of American workers are union members and six per cent constitute union member in the private sector. There are no unions among employees of such sectors of the economy as in high-tech, fashion and finance. Such tendency is understandable due to the new generation of people, young activists, who find unions as something left from their great-grandparents generation. Those under and over 30 do not notice big labor. However, everyone see the consequences of labor unions. Under the absent a U.S. union movement, the American middle class is s hortened, the concentration of wealth increases, however, the corporal domination of government grows. Under the
Saturday, April 20, 2019
The Milky Way Galaxy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
The Milky Way wandflower - Essay ExampleThe Milky Way we see today is known as a ringlet galaxy due to its shape, a flattened platter that bulges in the center. Arms of concentrated matter whirlpool out from the bulge giving it its spiral appearance. Between the arms of matter are dust lanes, which gives the part a vacant look. The diameter of the disc is approximately 100,000 accrue years across while the onerousness of the disc is only 2,000 light years. The center bulge reaches out to a thickness of about 6,000 light years. The galaxy itself has a well-ordered motion revolving virtually the astronomical center and is surrounded by the galactic halo. The halo is made up of faint older stars that meander randomly, engulfing the galaxy.The galaxys spiral arms are create as the galaxy spins and density waves move through the collection of stars and gas. The waves compress different parts of the disc at different times and give it the characteristic spiral shape. These spiral arms rotate around the center bulge where most of the matter is contained, and as the galaxy spins it maintains its shape through the rotational gallery and gravity. The stars and globular clusters in the halo that surround the main portion of the galaxy give it an overall world(a) shape.The discovery of the Milky Way is a relatively rec
Friday, April 19, 2019
Dont blame Wal-Mart Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Dont blame Wal-Mart - Essay ExampleThe threat of millions of American shoppers to Wal-Mart is some other issue, which is discussed in details in the Reichs essay. Reich in his essay has not only highlighted fusss, but he in like manner suggests solutions.No doubt honest living is everyones right and we can see the same case in this crisis. Both, the workers of Wal-Mart and other shoppers need an honorable livelihood. The main problem is not that both sides like different things. The problem is that both sides do not have the complete picture.I also like the convenience that a one-stop shopping place like Wal-Mart offers me. Six days a week, I work like a slave, but on the day I shop at Wal-Mart, I feel like the sprite I love their service with a smile and their clean stores. Most of all, searching for bargains and seeing so many beautiful things give me pure joy. I cannot buy everything I like, but seeing those one-sided items on display gives me something to look forward to, so mething to save for, a future treat to savor for myself, my kids, or for our home. A few hours shopping at Wal-Mart helps me rest and forget the many troubles in life. Walking through and through the shopping aisles of Wal-Mart is like a relaxing walk in the park, and this is what I want to continue enjoying, at least once a week.The essay made me think of how we can strike
Thursday, April 18, 2019
Organisational strategy and decision making Essay
Organisational dodge and decision making - Essay usageIt has also been observed that the company had set certain strategic directions for future, such as enlarging note in growing economies and empowering its competitive positioning among others. In order to mitigate the strategic issues and successfully attain the strategic directions for future, certain recommendations comprising both short and long-term have been provided. These include adopting, as advantageously as utilising, the strategy of cost leadership and making substantial investments, especially in developing the performances of the entire workforce. Table of limit Abstract 2 Introduction 4 Internal AuditStrengths and Weaknesses 5 Strengths 5 Weaknesses 5 away Audit Opportunities and Threats 6 Opportunities 6 Threats 6 Discussion 7 Evaluation 9 Conclusion 11 Recommendations 12 References 14 Introduction Strategies atomic number 18 fundamentally described as the ways that a detail organisation selects to compete w ith its key business market competitors or to comply with the requirements of the customers. In this similar context, organisational strategies are often defined as a pattern of effective policies, decisions, performances or programmes that support an organisation to pass on its predetermined business goals and most significantly to attain significant competitive position over the major business market contenders (Rothwell, 1998). It has been apparently observed that the organisational strategies adopted as well as implemented by the organisations affect their decision-making procedures by a significant level. This is owing to the reason that the organisations deeply rely upon formulating effective strategies for the project of controlling as well as coordinating the information flow amid different parties such as the employees, stakeholders, investors and the customers (Fairholm, 2009). Tesco PLC is regarded as one of the biggest retailers in the entire globe which performs its business functions in 14 nations. The company employs nearly 5, 00,000 personnel and serves significant portion of customers every(prenominal) week (Tesco, 2013). The visions of the company are to attain utmost care for from the customers that it serves and also the communities where it operates its different operational functions. Moreover, the other major vision of the company is to flourish itself as a pioneering as well as a modern company and grow its business in every region throughout the globe (Tesco, 2013). In this discussion, the internal audit of Tesco in the form of strengths as well as weaknesses and the external audit in the form of opportunities along with threats will be taken into concern. Moreover, a comprehensive analysis about the different strategic directions of the company will also be visualised in the discussion. Internal AuditStrengths and Weaknesses Strengths One of the major strengths of Tesco is that it is a leading organisation in the business marke t of the United Kingdom and is known as one of the best retail chains crossways the globe. Moreover, the other strengths of the company are strong brand recognition, increased business reputation and deliverance of super quality products in accordance with meeting the requirements of the customers. In addition, the execution of e-retailing activities while conducting business is also regarded as the other crucial strength of the company. In this similar context, the company has acquired success due to its formulation
Wednesday, April 17, 2019
What is an Outcome Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
What is an Outcome - Assignment ExampleWhat is theoretical opportunity? It is the probability that assumes that all outcomes in a sample space are equally likely to egestWhat is relative frequency method or empirical probability? Empirical probability relies on authentic experience to determine the outcome of outcomesWhat is subjective probability? Subjective probability uses probability value found on an educated guess employing opinions and inexact information.What is a probability distribution? It consists of the values a random variable can assume and the corresponding probabilities of the values which are determined through experiment or through observation. What are the odds of an event? Odds of an event are applied in gambling games to make them fair.What is the multiplication principal for breakthroughing number of outcomes? P(A B)=P(BA)P(A) Chapter 7 section BWhat are self-sufficient events? Events can be independent if occurence of one of the events does not affect t he probability of another occurring.How do we find the probability of two or more independent events happening at same time? multiplication of the individual probabilities for each of the events What is the probability of rolling a single die three times and get a six on all three rolls?
Respond to the question from a theistic world view .evaluate both Essay
Respond to the question from a theistic mankind see .evaluate both their naturalisic and theistic vew - Essay ExampleThe paper explores big questions raised by laypersons and experts, explained better through with(predicate) Christian Theism than Philosophical Naturalism.How did this world come into existence? Scientist, theologians, and philosophers hurt spent their lives finding the answer. Various theories and propositions have been presented, and the scientists now agree with the fact that the existence of world came into being from nothing and that it is continually expanding towards a wild end. The Big Bang Theory is the only possible explanation the Naturalists can give for the existence of the universe, which itself is contested in cosmological terms among scientists, providing in fitting answers regarding who was that being that made the Big Bang. The Christians believed all of this, long earlier scientists, through scriptures in the Bible referring to an uncaused, fi rst cause (God) that caused the universe. The Theists answer is the only possible explanation providing coherency and stability to the cosmology of the Big Bang Theory. This is done by explaining an ever-loving God that existed before anything else existed who made this world to show His supremacy, and for people to understand His nature and offer the glad tidings of an immortal life in the hereafter.Naturalists have pondered and presented various vague theories explaining the complex structures and systems involved in the make-up of this universe. Unfortunately, they do not make do a creator and that is why they are unable to present any plausible explanation. The biological explanations of melodic line of life are stated through Darwins Theory of Evolution, yet it is unable to provide sufficient evidence regarding the physical aspect of its origins. However, the Christian theism explains the harmony in which this universe has existed to be the cause of a creator. The (Genesis 2 7) explains that God has the power to create life from non-living
Tuesday, April 16, 2019
Amending the Constitution Essay Example for Free
Amending the nature EssayStep 1 Which way of life do you choose? The route I chose was Congress route. Smart start wherefore? You remembered that, historically, constitutional amendments have never been initiated at national conventions, even though that is one of the two possible methods outlined in member V. Your decision to use the route that has proved successful in the past increases the odds of your effort succeeding. heading 2 dramatic art or Senate First?Step 2 Which route do you choose? The route I chose was the House First. Great choiceWhy? You have two distinct advantages in the House that you dont have in the Senate (1) you are a senior and respected member, and (2) a block of House members al put in supports the amendment. If you succeed in the House, your odds of also succeeding in the Senate are increased because the House ballot may convince many skeptical senators. oppugn 3 Negotiations in the HouseStep 3 Whose support will you go after? Good moveWhy? Fi scal conservatives arent overjoyed with your decision, because departure in the two-thirds language will nevertheless allow the government the option to run a deficit. But, they still want some kind of amendment that will make running a deficit more problematic for the government. Moderates, on the other hand, are happy that youve sided with them. The result is that the bill passes in the House by a comfortable margin, with only a small block of the most ardent fiscal conservatives voting against it. Question 4 A Court ChallengeStep 4 What is your solvent? Good choiceWhy? As your supporters thought, the suit is thrown out. The judge rules that it is without merit. Having wasted no time on the suit, you are ready to begin working on the Senate to pass your proposal. Question 5 Negotiations in the SenateStep 5 What is your response? Smart moveWhy? The president gives a forceful speech in support of the proposed amendment and inwardly three weeks the bill passes in the Senate. You ve achieved your goal of succeeding at stage one of the process. Now youve got to twisting your attention to getting two-thirds of the states to ratify the amendment, and that could take years. Your work is cut out for you, but youve made it further than most You Are Proposing a Constitutional Amendment (cont.)Conclusion Amending the U.S. Constitution is not easy. Remember, only 27 amendments to the Constitution have been ratified, while over 10,000 have been proposed. One reason there are so a few(prenominal) amendments is that the writers of the Constitution made it very difficult to amend it. The two-stage process established by Article V sets the bar high and ensures that any amendments are supported throughout the land before they are added to the Constitution. establish on what youve learned in this simulation, consider the following * Are there any issues right without delay that you think have enough support throughout the country to become constitutional amendments? * Wh at is the primary attain to having a constitution that is so difficult to amend? * What is the primary problem with having a constitution that is so difficult to amend?You have completed this activity. To find out if your professor has made a rill available for the activity, close this window and return to your course.
Monday, April 15, 2019
Human Services Essay Example for Free
Human Services strainWhat needs do each agency meet and what demographic does each agency serve? The plane section of social operate caters to anyone who in in need of assistance as long as fundamental requirements are met. The DSS chiefly caters to women and children .This resource helps with food through a program named SNAP which stands for Supplemental comestible Assistance Program. The main role of this service is to supplement the incomes of the people who are having issues providing food for their family. This is done by Social services issuing an electronic benefit card also referred to as EBT card to assign stamps on a periodical basis until the family is able to provide for their family with no assistance. They having other programs in break through to assist with the needs of child care and some clients qualify to receive a cash compensation on a monthly basis until the family no longer qualify for the benefit. The program is a federal mandated program put into bit to assist the country people that are vulnerable to having a lamentable quality of life.The other agency that was selected was CAASTL this program is very similar to the department of social services exactly on a much smaller scale. The Community action agency does not off monthly benefits for food and living expenses. However they do have food pantry that is utilise to help family run through healthy meals and they offer assistance with utility instead of issues out a monthly allowance. This service mainly cater to families with small children and elderly people in need of assistance. This program was put in place to assist with need of the people who lived in the county and did not qualify for services which were located in the city. both(prenominal) agencies are there to help people that are in need the department of social services has more funding that CAASTL because it is a program that only receives funds to help pay for resources that would be used to assist p eople living in that community Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment.
Sunday, April 14, 2019
Performance - Dance Essay Example for Free
Performance Dance EssayContent the murder we saw was a truly simple setting with surprising contemporary dancing. It was a group of 6 dancers but 7 including the choreographer. Some very impressionable flakes were when they would do the lifts and floor work all unitedly I felt it was very strong and interesting.Interpretationconnection three important things I look the audience should know about the surgery is that the piece was a very different modern fiber of dance, it was based on animal instinct, and there was no specific genre of dance used for the performance to be based on. The most impressionable moment or me was when the dancers were each lined up on an individual basis with their backs towards the audience in between the pillars on the back wall up stage, I like this moment because I apprehension the lighting and spacing really caught everyone in the audiences eye.I felt the modern aspect, the foot of animal instinct and there being no exact genre of dance m ake me more open to the performance as art because I didnt try to compare it to anything else I just watched it for what it was. For exercising at first I felt it was very weird but as it went it went on I grew to be more open to it.Elements of dance shape- The use of shape in the performance was unlike anything I have ever seen, they used every shape humanly possible but still made it look effortless and keep the audience watching. Space- The performance was well spaced at many measure they were perfectly spaced between the large lines on the floor which was very cool looking. Time- There was no specific time ever really used because they has music that had no set beat or time. Dynamic- they used a large amount of emotion for this performance it was unique and really brought the piece to liveliness through there dancing.Overall impression My impression of the performance is I thought it was a very unique and strong piece of dancing. I liked the use of shape and spacing I though t they were done very well, but I didnt like the music I didnt really think it was the beaver for the dancing and they could have chosen much better music since the dancing was so strong. Overall I thoughtit was a strong and well done performance.
Friday, April 12, 2019
Trade Liberalization Essay Example for Free
interchange loosening EssayTrade is very critical in any bucolic as it ascertains that although countries have different output signal capabilities they flock flummox either types of goods. diametric capabilities arise due to the fact that different countries have different indwelling resources, educational capabilities, varying sensible capital as swellspring as the technological knowledge. Trade relaxation means the diminution of limitations on throw across countries. Artificial barriers as well as other forms of distortions be trim back. (Alvarado S and Morici P, 1992, 59). vindicationism is completely eliminated and tariffs which entail the raising of import prices, quotas that see to it that at that place is physical limitation on goods that can be carry on as well as non tariff barriers like regulation and legislation that prevent easy intromission for foreign competitors are eliminated. The US is committed to ensuring that countries eradicate bar riers as is seen through its efforts in General covenant on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) and World Trade Organization (WTO) and in Free Trade Area (FTA). Trade relaxation behavior or policies ensure that economies are open to grapple and investments with the rest of the macrocosm. It is crucial for any race if sustained scotch maturement is to be attained. Free contend ensures the creation of jobs, better working conditions and the over all economic growth. No country can attain economic growth, which comes along with improved standards of hold if it is in exclusion with the rest part of the world. In other words, no country is self-sufficient. Trade openings as well as foreign direct investment ensure economic success particularly in tercet world countries.Trade liberalization has seen many third world countries develop competitive advantages in the production of certain products thus increasing their production and thus increasing the profits derived from them. This has s een the number of lot living in the margins of poverty decrease. It is evident that countries focus on the outward development rather than self-whispered developments thrive to a greater extent.Such countries focus more on the interrelated relationship with other countries and together all the parties involved gain. Countries as India, Vietnam and Uganda are relevant examples of how faster growth and poverty reduction is realized when craft liberalization takes place. Lowering of tariffs comes along with quick growth compared to those who do not. (www.kent.ac.uk). Trade liberalization benefits the silly more. Protection is associated with large implicit subsidies that most third world countries cannot afford. Liberalization of softwood ensures that the unfortunate peoples incomes increase with or so the same proportion as the total population as a entirely increases. With trade liberalization on that point is the creation of jobs, which can suit the semi and the unskilled workers in a nation, such a move, ensures their graduation from a lower social status to a higher one.Again, the reduced inequality gap that had been observed since the 1990s was partly due to trade liberalization and its effects on the economic growth. More gains can be accrued if many barriers to trade are eliminated. Third world countries are more likely to benefit from trade liberalization as a percentage of their gross domestic product than the developed countries since their economies tend to be more or exceedingly protected and withal because they face more barriers. (www.imf.org). To maximally leap the benefits of trade liberalization it is pregnant that countries specialize in producing goods that they have a relative advantage in. The opening of their markets and ensuring that their companies compete inter interior(a)ly then follow this. This necessitates stiff competition and increase efficacy that ensures that prices go down making the goods more attractive and affo rdable. Demand consequently rises and at that place is continued or change magnitude production to match it. As the businesses, boom the Gross National Income rises and all people benefit from it. Trade liberalization encourages or facilitates the increased imports of strategic goods and function, attracts foreign direct investment and enhances technological transfers. It withal ensures the development of endogenous capacities as well as the development of infrastructure that is appropriate to support national objectives for industrial development. It can indirectly be beneficial to a countrys natural resources as with the increased trade, countries can acquire the finances needed to support environmental protection, its conservation as well as remediation efforts. Although there are potential negative effects associated with trade liberalization policies that assist the positive effects ought to be enhanced. It is also important to ensure that institutional as well as human c apacities of develop countries or those that are in the transition process to the market economies are well organized. This would ensure sound integration between the environment, trade and development policies.Negative effects or impacts of trade should be avoided and curbed before they even emerge and once they start being manifested, they should be addressed quickly. It is important to take into account the sustainability of a countrys environmental as well as natural resources when designing the trade liberalization policies. This will go a long way in ensuring that there are fewer or no adverse effects. In Bangladesh, the shrimp culture became beneficial with the access of liberalization. The economic gains included the increased GDP that recorded an increase of approximately 70 %. Exports increased and there was the increased employment rate for the locals. Copper mining in Chile also benefited from trade liberalization. It axiom the increased GDP from the field. The secto r contributed to the countrys total exports to a tune of 41% despite the fact that it created employment for just a few people. The liberalization ensured that there was increased private exponentiation and this meant that efficiency and effectiveness would be enhanced.New technologies could easily be adopted and they ensure that costs of production were lowered, competitiveness increased and it was possible to explore previously marginalized areas. (www.kent.ac.uk). This is crucial in ensuring that rural development is attained. diversify economic development is vital for third world countries as it reduces the rural urban migration and ensures rural development. Infrastructures are developed in areas that could have remained under developed as third world countries lack qualified capital to ensure unified development. Liberalization enhances competition which works to increase innovation and exploration. It ensures that there is effective exploration especially in areas that ha d previously been marginalized. It also encourages the use of environmentally friendly technologies geared to ensure that there is minimal harm to the environment. With increased exports or trade in general there is the generation of foreign exchange, attraction of external investment and the creation of employment. Free trade ensures that there is the creation of trade and domestic production is substituted with cheaper imports. Trade creation is important as it ensures that there is effective production efficiency. (Peloso J, 2005, 154). Factors that take care the effects on trade depend on whether there are lower prices due to tariff reduction and if the price changes are responsive to the supply and demand in the market. Trade liberalization can be defined as a form of trade where a neutral nestle is taken and there is minimal government control. Most developing countries that register minimal growth had a level of poor implementation issue in totality. Trade liberalization and acquit trade ensures positive externalities that ternary to increased or greater competition that ensures there is much efficiency in resource allocation, economies of surpass as well as technological spill over effects. It reduces rent seeking behaviour and promotes the increased flow of technological knowledge across the globe. There is a greater access to new goods be they capital or intermediate. There is also a faster rate in the imitation of mod techniques that enable third world countries to prosper economically. It makes exports more competitive especially in the international markets since it involves the reduction in exchange rates distortion as well as export duties. Trade liberalization and free trade in third world countries ensures that there is export diversification among countries involved. Trade restrictions that hinder or act as an obstacle to trade are erased. Some third world countries especially in Africa would greatly benefit from increased trade thro ugh trade liberalization. Most of them have poor infrastructure that would need huge capital to develop in trying to increase the rates of production.Their unsatisfactory capital makes them it hard to acquire new and more efficient technology needed to ensure that there is considerable economic growth and development. Others are inhibited by their geographical locations in ensuring that they develop economically. With trade liberalization acquisition of goods that land locked countries like Uganda is made easier. Many gains are earned when countries exploit their comparative advantage in the face of free trade and trade liberalization. History proves that inward development among the third world countries where their governments intervene or control the economy are not effective in ensuring economic growth. In the 1960s and 70s when this approach was used it was characterized by ineffective or deficient infrastructures, underdeveloped financial markets as well as poor human capit al resources. Through trade liberalization, it was possible to acquire external finances that would steer up the economy. The overall effects of trade liberalization are highly correlated to a countrys political, economical as well as social organization. It is also affected by the way reforms are created and implemented for instance reforms on import liberalization and the approach that is taken for example through tariff reduction, structure unification or reduced duty rates. In Tunisia, trade liberalization enhanced export promotion that created changes in the countrys economic growth and external payments. Import liberalization saw the promotion of domestic production that strengthened competition and consequently the economys efficiency was enhanced. It ensured trade competition with neighboring countries like Morocco, Algeria and Egypt. Liberalization of telecommunication sector made significant changes in the countrys economic development. Economic expansion in the country is also attributed to the increased privatization of most sectors making them more efficient and effective. Trade liberalization can be of much importance to third world countries especially because through trade agreements there is the enhancement of the regulate of law among the countries involved. Good governance, transparency as well as fair enforcement of contracts is ensured in the countries involved. (Wallace L, 1999, 89). Corruption is in most case eradicated as the rule of law is reinforced and it promotes foreign direct investment. Property rights are also empowered and they ensure that there is effective investment in the involved countries. This ensures that there is increased savings as well as investment and exchange.The competition that comes along with free trade benefits the poor especially in the third world countries where they are susceptible to exploitation by the elites or by a few monopolies. It promotes equality and eradicates the manipulation of trading activ ities. Free trade also encourages reforms in non-homogeneous sectors of the economy and consequently promotes growth. It sees to it that there is efficiency as the policies established are critical. Again democracies can be effectively strengthened with the establishment of free trade. Free trade in addition to promoting the flow of goods and services it also entails the transmission of ideas and values. Self confidence is therefore ensured as freedom is ensured. The World Bank describe of the overwhelming growth that came along with the reduction of trade barriers, it estimates that in the 90s the per capita of such countries rose by almost thrice. (www.usemb.gov.do). Trade liberalization encourages domestic reforms that are needed in third world countries. Freedom and nudeness promote effective governance and macroeconomic policies that ensure there is economic growth. The economic gains arising from increased trade would be effective in ensuring that third world countries redu ce the burden of seeking foreign helper that comes with strings attached or conditional ties. According to the numerous studies conducted by World Bank and also by the University of Michigan there are more gains attributed to trade liberalization especially in developing countries where trade barriers are approximately four times more than in developed countries. Another pick up by International Institute of Economics established that millions of people subjected to abject poverty especially in the third world countries would have their living standards improved with the global free trade. (www.usemb.gov.do). Trade liberalization and free trade therefore increases the flow of trade and benefit the third world countries.ReferencesIMF. 2001. Global Trade Liberalization and the ontogeny Countries. Retrieved on 11th April 2008 from http//www.imf.org/external/np/exr/ib/2001/110801.htmJennifer Peloso. 2005. Free Trade. H.W. Wilson Publishers. P 154Sylvia Alvarado, Peter Morici.1992. Th e Premise and the secure Free Trade in the Americas. Transaction Publishers. P 59America U Santos Paulino. Trade liberalization and economic performance among selected developing countries. Retrieved on 11th April 2008 from http//www.kent.ac.uk/economics/papers/papers-pdf/2000/0012.pdf.Michael McGee. 2006. Benefits of Free Trade Agreements for Developing Countries.Retrieved on 11th April 2008 from http//www.usemb.gov.do/FCS-e.htmLaura Wallace. 1999. Adjusting to the Challenges of Globalization. International
Thursday, April 11, 2019
Culture Acceptance of Homosexuality in the African-American Culture Essay Example for Free
refine handst Acceptance of Homo familiarity in the Afri earth-closet-Ameri derriere Culture EssayDifferent factions of sociologists depict hands. Functionalists suggest that a division of labor originally arose between man and women beca mapping of the womans business office in reproduction. By virtue of their bigger size and greater muscular strength, men were assigned hunting and defense tasks. difference of opinion theorists reject makealist arguments as simply offering a rationale for male dominance. They contend that a familiar division of labor is a social vehicle devised by men to assure themselves of privilege, prestige, and power in their relationships with women. By relegating women to the home, men grant been able to deny women those resources they need to come after in the larger world. Others say that the fundamental motive is mens desire to go through women readily available for informal gratification. And still former(a)s emphasize that the appropriati on of women is not for copulation just for procreation, especially to produce male heirs and daughters who can be used as exchanges in cementing political frugal alliances with other families (Hinkle, 1994).Indeed, this gender stratification promotes the extract of the species and fulfilling their stigmatise to be strong, men point use violence to assert their so-called masculinity, which in some(prenominal) case is portrayed by the sociologists as the more superior specie. unless when wizard takes a walking(prenominal) look into Kinseys reports, he or she wont help but notice an genuine existence of a third sweet or the second-class citizens as the popular belief says in the per countersigns of the human bes (Betancourt Lopez, 1993). For the trounce information on sexual characteristics, we ar indebted to the Kinsey reports.Kinseys greatest contribution was the uncovering that individual differences in sexual deportment atomic number 18 truly amazing. The reports were designed to give a scientific gloss to the normalization of promiscuity and deviancy. Kinseys initial report, released in 1948 stunned the nation by formulation that American men were so sexually wild that 95% of them could be accused of some kind of sexual offense on a lower floor 1940s laws (Kinsey et al. , 1948). The report let ind reports of sexual activity by boys, hitherto babies, and said, 37% of adult males had had at least wizard homosexual experience (Kinsey et al., 1948). Homosexuality is a appreciation for an individual of the same sex as a sexual partner. The Alfred C. Kinsey Institute for Sex Research estimates that cinque to six percent of the adult population is predominantly homosexual. However, since in that location are so many gradations in sexual behavior and orientation courses, many sociologists and psychologists take the view that thither heterosexual or homosexual practices but not homosexual individuals (Halgin, 2006). In brief, homosexuality and heterosexuality are terms that describe behavior, not the identicalness of a person.But gender identity confusion can current of air to fear of homosexuality. But behavior is not grossly disorganized, nor is functioning impaired if the delusions are not acted out. A gay man or a lesbian may or may not elect to engage in homosexual behavior (Bell and Weinberg, 1998). Fathers Presence A boy prefers the company of boys his favorite toys are cars and trucks and wants to be a fireman or policeman. The parents treated both the children differently, flush though they are technically the same. This shows how parents do watchk to socialize children into their gender roles, purge if they are doing it unconsciously.Parents provide distinctive environments for boys and girls. They give them different toys and robes and decorate their rooms differently (Fagot, 1995). They respond negatively to more obvious forms of cross-sex behavior. A very newfangled boy who tries on his mother hi gh-heeled shoes or puts on a dress or limn may be regarded with amused tolerance, but such behavior in older children is regarded as usurious rather than funny. Father reacts especially strongly to any such signs of feminine tendencies in their sons (Nicolosi, 1991).The men may interpret certain kinds of feminine interests or actions as signs of developing homosexual tendencies in their sons and react to their tendencies in the strongest terms (Nicolosi, 1991). Psychologists described the uniformity of reports from literature that gay males had poorer relations with their vexs and concludes, Every study reported findings that their relationships with their fathers were futile with the father variously described as cold, rejecting, indifferent, hostile, or simply distant (Moberly, 1983).Likewise it was concluded that the homosexuals ruinous relationship with the father results in defensive detachment, which is carried over to relationships with other men. Homosexuality becomes a form of a reparative drive (Nicolosi, 1991) in which the boy seeks a nurturing male relationship to undo the repression and regain the lost father. remarkable environmental issues such as the impact of the father-son relationship are indicated as important in the maturation of adult male homosexual orientation. As scholars suggested, the father-child relationship is one of many of the essence(p) elements in the training of any child.Deficits in this area may result in adverse effects to the childs (and later adult childs) identification with self as an adult, and this identification is generally considered to be crucial in determining the room in which children and adults form relationships with others (Blankenhorn, 1995). Conversely, boys counted to conform to the sex-role standards of their culture when their relationships with their fathers were warm, regard slight of how manful the fathers were, even though warmth and intimacy construct traditionally been seen as feminin e characteristics (Blankenhorn, 1995).Sons pubertal development was a significant predictor of both information sharing and, to a lesser completion, set sharing, with fathers more likely to utter with sons who had attained more physical development. The fathers recognition of his sons physical development appears to be an important factor in talking about sexuality. When fathers see their sons maturing physically, they may become aware of the increased possibility of sexual initiation, and this possibility spurs them to discussion of sexual topics (Moberly, 1983).In the movie Billy Elliot, the simple rights of gay people are also advanced. In terms of nature traits, boys are generally aggressive, independent, dominant, competitive, logical, direct, adventurous, self-confident, and ambitious. Boys are described as closemouthed, rough, and sloppy in their habits. Boys do not ordinarily enjoy art and literature, and cannot easily express and find it easy to express their feelings. This is what it means to be masculine in the eyes of biased society.But Billy, more than the crawl in for boxing his father wants for him, his natural brain falls for dancing, an art predominantly associated with girls. Most families, like that of Billy, urge boys to be little men even before they have any idea what it means to be a man. As a exit of fact, there is even more pressure on boys to be masculine than on girls to be feminine. They are constantly warned not to act like girls, not cry, not to be sissies.Most people have always considered it worse for a boy to be a sissy than for a girl to be a tomboy. Boys may have to prove themselves by being athletic or by being tough, men by making a lot of money or by being a mans man in whatever way this is defined by their associates. But the result of evidence is always present. And the burden is heavier than most people think. When cooing to a baby in a crib, they use one tone of voice toward a girl, a different one toward a boy. Mothers look at baby girl more often and talk to her more frequently.By and large, children have been brought up to reckon that women should be pretty and preferably slim, while men should be tall and strong (Sheinberg, 2004). This familial stereotyping is even carried on to the bigger world of the boys kn make as school. In the world that children enter at 6 there is a new adult, the teacher, whose discipline boys must conform to and whose acceptance they must court. Ordinarily the teacher is a woman, like the mother, and childrens behavior toward their mother can be generalized toward her.But boys who are identifying with their father and rebelling against their mother often have trouble in the early grades. They may be less fearful of rejection by the teacher and therefore more reluctant to accept her influence (Sheinberg, 2004). It was also open that fathers age at first intercourse would predict father-son sex-based chat. The rationale was that fathers who were sexually industrious at an earlier age would remember their experiences and would see their sons as needing information (Moberly, 1983).On the other hand, fathers who had sexual intercourse at a later age may believe it is best to wait, and they may talk with sons to instill this same value, while fathers who had sex at an early age might believe it best to inform their sons about sex in order to prepare them for it (Moberly, 1983). Without a doubt, among African Americans, a father is the most important thing a boy can have in his life. They relate to one another on a level that cannot be achieved through a mother-son relationship. It is important to have communication in the relationship because talking brings the two closer.A father, though, needs to know when to play an active role in his sons life, and when to be more of an observer. If he mixes the two up, serious repercussions may occur. A father can be the best thing in his sons life, but he needs to bid for the right (Sheinberg, 2004). Masculinity Another expert to have studied sexuality is Margaret Mead. Margaret Mead (1949) teach a good number of Americans about the significance of examining sensitively and plainly at other cultures to pause comprehend the intricacies of humanness.She contends that it seems quite probable that nature creates some inborn tendencies. But there is ample proof that heredity alone does not necessarily push men toward being independent and aggressive, nor women toward being passive voice and submissive (Mead, 1949). In one population that Mead studied, both men and women were what we would call highly feminine. both sexes shunned aggression. Both took care of and nurtured the children. In ultramodern times, girls and women are considered feminine unless they display overwhelming evidence to the contrary, but boys and men have to win the right to be called masculine.They have to prove their masculinity they have to face and succeed in all kinds of financial, intellectual, se xual, and physical tests. The testing process starts early and continues throughout life (Mead, 1949). In the other tribe, the members of one sex spent all their time applying cosmetics, gossiping, putting, engaging in emotional outbursts, and taking care of the children. Members of the other sex had clean-shaven heads, scorned any makeup or ornamentation, were active and domineering, and provided most of the tribes food and other necessities.But the last sentence describes how the women behaved. The preceding sentence, about a fondness for cosmetics and emotional outbursts, describes the men (Mead, 1949). The motives for affiliation and dependency are universal. So are the emotions that accompany them. Societys demand to suppress them is in effect a demand to transcend humanity. And efforts to do so can never completely succeed. Since it is impossible to program out all emotions, even the most extreme rivet can only approximate the masculine ideal.Thus every man, aware of the stir rings of the softer and weaker emotion he tries so dutifully to hide, is bound to worry about his own masculinity. Otherwise, he is prejudged as gay, a sissy, or a homosexual (Duberman, et al. , 1989). The Religions Take The church usually operates with a bureaucratic structure and claims to include most of the members of a society. The difficulties the society has experienced in recent years are reflective of that of the antique times and have contributed to the resurgence of conservative Christianity (Fisher, et al. , 1994).We have seen in Christie Davies Sexual Taboos and Social Boundaries that religion may be a conservative force, impeding modernization and reaffirming traditional authority (Davies, 1982). The bold article tackles Christianitys bias against such so-called sexual taboos as homosexuality, bestiality, and transvestism in North America and Europe. That is, Christianity is associatory with such concepts as hypocrisy, racialism, narrow-mindedness and conservativism (Fisher, et al. , 1994). Davies is referring to the passages in the Bible, which state that homosexuality is wrong.These occur most prominently in Deuteronomy. Is it not entirely possible for instance to believe that the Bible is entirely true eject those passages which condemn homosexuality which were inserted later by corrupt scribes (Fisher, et al. , 1994). Second, because homosexuals are considered deviants, the sacred, military, and political principals find a way to give them a reprehensible image by consolidating their boundaries. The symbolic interactionist perspective has been a useful ray for examining the complexities of this heterosexual-homosexual relationship.Thus, should the roles of certain members of the society depart from the normal conventions bordering on the taboo, as homosexuals have been automatically deemed doing, invariably there are spiteful consequences for their behavior and actions (Fisher, et al. , 1994). And third, Davies argues that the societys mainstream institutions dictate and class the homosexuals experiences. In large part, they unconsciously build up their sense of reality by the way the society orders its social agendas and structures social alternatives.To the extent that they are locked within the social environment provided by the heterosexual culture, the homosexual segment inhabits a or so restricted world outside and is thus considered an external threat to any open social margin (Fisher, et al. , 1994). Homosexual acts were punishable by death among the ancient Hebrews, but accepted and even admired by the Greeks. Later, the early Christians held that abstinence was the noblest form of sexual behavior, but at about the same time, the Romans were indulging in their famous orgies in the Colosseum (Fisher, et al., 1994). In England, at the time of Queen Elizabeth, sex was treated with a directness and frequently with a ribaldry that has no parallel in Western history. A little later, under Queen Victoria, it was regarded with such great circumspection that among some groups of these very same Englishmen, one would hardly have known that coitus ever took place and any falls from propriety were the cause of great shite and disgrace (Lenski and Lenski, 1999). Moreover, Davies also touches on dehumanization or slavery by way of Christian association.In the Western society, significant segments of the population reject coexistence with minorities in agree terms. Women and homosexuals are subsumed in the list of minorities in the large group of African Americans (Davies, 1982). The current debate suggests that Christianity or any religion for that matter, remains a powerful moving force in Western life. People are not close to settle how to relate peoples religious lives to their religious lives. Each generation must tackle its own church-state question as Christie Davies does with homosexuality in her article (Davies, 1982).Furthermore, broadly considered, long-term relationship, heteros exual or homosexual, should be considered as families. The social definition of the family as a group of people related by blood, marriage, or adoption has come to its revolutionary point of reshaping into such as a group of people who love and care or each other regardless of spiritual background or sexual preference (Fisher, et al. , 1994). Some gays and lesbians are married, have children, and lead lives that in most respects are indistinguishable from those of the larger population.However, homosexual adults who have come to terms with their homosexuality, who do not regret their sexual orientation, and who can function effectively sexually and socially, are no more distressed psychologically than are heterosexual men and women (Klonoff Landrine, 2000). Homophobia Few people in the history of Western society have been more scorned, feared, and stigmatized than homosexuals. To put in a more appropriate context, these people who fear, hate, and persecute the homosexuals are homop hobic (Kagay, 1999).Gays and lesbians often hold determine and beliefs that are different from those of the dominant culture. Because of the controversial nature of being gay or lesbian, and the heavy social proscriptions against it, many individuals are reluctant to come out of the closet or to reveal their membership in this co-culture. As more gays and lesbians identify themselves publicly, they find that their attitudes and communication patterns often clash with people who do not understand the gay and lesbian co-cultures (Vander Zanden, 1995).When the collision involves the arbitrary denial of privilege, prestige, and power to members of the homosexual co-culture whose qualifications are equal to those of members of the dominant group as the heterosexuals, then generally, sociologists can easily label this as discrimination. And when the attitudes of aversion and aggression toward the homosexual co-culture abound because they simply belong to it and hence are presumed to have the objectionable qualities ascribed to it, then the label becomes prejudice (Vander Zanden, 1993).Whereas prejudice is an attitude or a state of mind, discrimination is action. Therefore, phobia as an false part of a persons mentality makes homophobia basically a prejudice that may lead to discrimination but cannot grow to be a form of racism (Klonoff Landrine, 2000). Racism or racism is a belief in the superiority of some races over others. It also involves prejudice against or disgust of other races. Discriminating behavior is also defining element in racism.Be that as it may, racism is based on none other than racial membership and in this papers case, on sexual preference or orientation too. Stereotypically, it is based on the color of the skin, the texture of the hair, the facial features, the stature, and the public figure of the heads. Biologists typically view races as populations that differ in the incidence of various inheritable traits. More narrowly, they unders tand of a race or subspecies as an inbreeding, geographically isolated population that differs in hereditary traits from other members of the species (Bullough Bullough 1996).Hereditary is the key term. Although there are some floating nature-nurture debate on the drift to be homosexual, being gay or lesbian is more broadly accepted as a behavior than a heritable peculiarity (Klonoff Landrine, 2000). Homosexuality knows no color or physical feature. Although gays color the color of their skin, stretch their hair length, effeminize their facial features, glamorize their stature, or cosmetically alter the shape of their heads, they cannot be classified a race but a co-culture instead (Bell and Weinberg, 1998).Although racial stratification is correspondent to other systems of stratification in which African Americans are a part of, including gender stratification, in its of the essence(p) features, there tends to be one major difference. Racial and ethnic groups often have the p otential for sculpture their own independent nation from the existing state (Klonoff Landrine, 2000). Political separatism may offer racial groups a solution that is not available to gender groups. Gender groups typically lack the potential for change state self-sufficient political states because they do not function as self-sufficient social or economic groups (Vander Zanden, 1995).Homosexuals are a varied group. They are found in all occupational fields, political persuasions, religious faiths, and racial and ethnic groups. Some are married, have children, and lead lives that in most respects are indistinguishable from those of the larger population. Others enter homosexual unions that are relatively durable (Kagay, 1999). In fact, if homosexuality could be considered a part of the gender stratification, then homophobia could even be more appropriately subsumed by the realms of sexism than racism.But the homosexual population cannot be undervalued that a gay joke can testify t o their numbers I wonder why gay people multiply. They dont have any vagina but they seem born twice a straight baby girls chance. In many modern nations, the members of some groups participate in the main culture of the society while simultaneously sharing with one another a number of unique values, norms, traditions, and lifestyles. These cultural patterns are termed a co-culture (Vander Zanden, 1993).African American co-cultures that have become prominent in the United States partly because of their numbers and partly because of their lack of subscription to many of the mainstream beliefs, attitudes, and values. Although there are many co-cultures in the United States, the homosexual culture has become increasingly prominent because of their demands for equality.
Tuesday, April 9, 2019
Utilitarianism Essay Essay Example for Free
Utilitarianism Essay EssayUtilitarianism is an ethical theory which snatchs as a guideline on how people should act in genuine situations and was first introduced by a hedonist (pursuer of delight) named Jeremy Bentham who put forward the Principle of Utility which said The greatest felicity for the greatest form. Utilitarianism is a theory which bases on the end purpose (teleological) of achieving pleasure, our decisions should be based on consequences in interest of the principle of utility (consequentialist) and is a theory which judges each situation independently (relativistic). Jeremy Bentham was the first indorser and developer for Utilitarianism and was more or less famous for his version of Act Utilitarianism which focused applying the Principle of utility to each individual act to each unique situation. Bentham believed that happiness was the first thing to determine when making a decision, and our pleasure helped us achieve the nearly happiness. Bentham said that Nature has placed mankind under two sovereign masters, put out and pleasure and it is them that leave determine what we ought to do meaning the right moral decision will take place about through the considerations of pleasure and pain.He devised the Hedonic calculus (hedonic meaning pleasure) which was a piece of implement which helped him quantify happiness. The Hedonic calculus holds seven aspects which need to be considered Duration (How long the pleasure will last), Remoteness (How close is the happiness), Purity (How free from pain is the pleasure), Richness (How likely will the pleasure belong to more happiness), Intensity (How surd the pleasure is), Certainty (How sure the act will produce happiness) and accomplishment (Will other people be affected by the pleasure).Its these factors which a person must consider and weigh up in terms of pain and pleasure in order to find the most moral and ethical decision to make, if the calculus totals up in more pain over pleas ure then this defines it as the wrong choice to make. Bentham says that you must choose the act which maximises the amount of pleasure for the most amounts of people to ensure happiness. Bentham believed that all people were entitled to happiness, and so each to count as unrivaled and no-one as more than one.However, there were many obvious faults in this theory for example, eating a drinking chocolate bar is subjective to people who like and dislike chocolate therefore non every transaction has equal pleasure and pain for every person. John Stuart Mill, a fellow colleague of Jeremy Bentham criticised him for developing a Swine theory as it encouraged people to be selfish and recognizes no higher purpose for heart other than the mere pursuit of pleasure. Mill was concerned that one persons unhappiness could be entirely overlooked if the majority were happy.Unlike Bentham, Mill focused on differentiating the quality of pleasure and thus introduced a new theory of utility called Rule Utilitarianism which acted as a general guideline that achieved happiness without discriminating. Mills definition of happiness was tended to the spiritual and culture side rather than just physical. He distinguished between Higher and lower pleasures, higher pleasures were in pleasures in tune with the mind such(prenominal) as reading and poetry and lower pleasures tended to physical needs to do with the body like sexual practice and eating.Mill stated that lower pleasures are more easily accomplishable and thus have to be completed before satisfying the intellectual needs of the mind. He famously wrote It is better to be a human cheery than a pig satisfied, it is better to be Socrates dissatisfied than a fool satisfied this meant that humans were able to feel much more rewarding emotions far above the magnitude of the feelings of the pig, careless(predicate) of dissatisfaction. Two types of eclipse utilitarianism have been identified in modern times, strong rule and weak rule utilitarian.Each still focuses on the application of a general rule to achieve happiness, but strong rule utilitarianism defines the rule as absolute and must not be broken, an example of this is Do not kill which is created through the principle of utility. Weak rule utilitarianism offers a person the choice to break certain rules in order to achieve the greater good as an exception, for example the rule of Do not kill could be broken if the opportunity to kill Hitler to prevent more pain from occurring. Mill was define by some scholars as a weak Utilitarian.
Monday, April 8, 2019
The Modernist Theater’s Departure from the Romantic Theater Essay Example for Free
The Modernist households Departure from the romantic subject field EssayFrom the early field of the Greeks to Broadway, champaign had definitely evolved to one of the well-nigh accepted and highly communicated form of art. After all, everything is subject to change, the world of menage is no exception. The discipline that we know today had undergone heavy changes. In those stages of changes, it had seemed that just after a emblem of theater has been accepted by the public, another typesetters case of theater will arise.It withal seems that the following type of theater intentionally digresses from its predecessor just like in the case of the shift from theater of the romanticist period to the Modernist Theater. Much of the theater that our generation experiences (this type of theater can be categorized as post-modern) owes much from Modernist Theater. With that taken into account, Modern theater as well owes much from its forerunner quixotic Theater change surface though Modern Theater intentionally defies the convention set by the theater of the Romantic period.To stick out off, we will have a brief background of the kind of theater in the Romantic period. The Romantic period followed after period Neoclassical had receded. Perhaps the best and concise way of theater of the Romantic period could be described is with the name of probably one greatest playwright that had ever written, William Shakespe ar. He is considered as an immortal in the world of literature simply because his works are still the most popular of plays even if it has been generations since he had wrought it.Other famous playwrights during this time are Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Friedrich Schiller, and Victor Hugo among legion(predicate) others. They plays of William Shakespeare and his fellow playwrights during the Romantic period are usually written in poetic linguistic process. This poetic language could also be called as elevated language that is seemingly too compl icated to be employ in conversations of our generation. The plays during this time were mostly plot driven. The theater of the Romantic period is often criticized as appeal more to the emotion and not to the intellect.It is also a convention that the characters of the plays were of noble status in the society. The plays were designed to be long that they could run for several long acts. Moreover, one their theater many practices is having the sense of hearings distributed within the theater according to the amount that they had paid. (Kermode 2005) All of those conventions and practices were intentionally defied by the Modernist Theater. The language that they used is prosaic, imitating the way people usually speak in casual conversations.The plays are also centering on the characters themselves rather than the plot. Modernist Theater also gave way to the rise of one-act plays that would run for just minutes as opposed to hours in Romantic plays. The plays of Modernist Theater i s appealing more to the intellect rather than the emotion, thus they can be called intelligent plays. The seats for the audience are fashioned in such way that there will be no marginalisation of the poor and the rich. That is because Modernists wanted to have what they call a classless theater.Aside from the direct deviations from the Romantic Theater, Modernists also gave way for revolutions in the theater world. They had formulated plots that can be considered contemporary so the audience could carry on more to the play. Modernists Theater also gave way to a new kind of conflict for plays that they call as inner conflict. (Wainscott 1997) All in all, the Modernist Theater had surfaced because (just like how the Romantic period had replaced the Neoclassical period) the context of theater in general is changed through time.The times are changing and so are the demands of the new audience. Modernist Theater had defied the theater of the Romantic period not because the former has n o respect to the latter. It just because some things are not fitting anymore, and the new generations requires changes. Reference Kermode, F. 2005. The Age of Shakespeare. Random House Publishing Group Ontario Wainscott, R. H. 1997. The appendage of the Modern American Theater, 1914-1929. Yale University Press
Sunday, April 7, 2019
Romeo and Juliet Essay Example for Free
Romeo and Juliet EssayThe Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet The wipeouts of Romeo and Juliet in William Shakespeares play are both friar and elder Capulet. This takes place in Italy. Although much could have been done to prevent their suicides, these star-crossed lovers ultimately are not able to avoid their destiny. A series of unfortunate circumstances result in disaster, and even though many people could be to blame for their deaths, the friar plays a particularly integral role.While approximately believe that sr. Capulet is responsible for Romeo and Juliets death, this is not the case. Upon further investigation the friar should receive the blame. Admittedly, Sr. Capulet has a large influence on Romeo and Juliets death because he forced Juliet to marrying Paris. But, the friar hook up with Juliet and Romeo without anyone finding out and if he wouldnt have married them then Juliet would have never killed herself because she wouldnt have a solid ground to.For example the first r eason why Friar Lawrence is responsible for the disaster of Romeo and Juliet is when he married them he knew what he was getting into and what the consequences were but he didnt care. Also the back up reason is in act 4 scene 5 the Friar Lawrence quotes Your part in her you could not keep from death, but heaven keeps his part in eternal life he means that he approved her death even though it wasnt real. So the friar is a bad contriver and liar.He didnt plan Juliets death on time to let Romeo know it was not real so he believed it and suicide himself so he could be with her. If the friar planned her death without rushing Romeo would have found out her death wasnt realistic and that the friar planned it so Juliet wouldnt have to marry Paris and they could live happily in Verona, Italy. A third reason is because he sends Romeo a letter about Juliets death and where Romeo is suppose to meet Juliet and take her to verona
Saturday, April 6, 2019
Cricks view of politics Essay Example for Free
Cricks view of politics undertakeThis essay will explain Cricks views on politics, as outlined in his book In self-renunciation of Politics (1962). That politics is a way to bring unneurotic differing opinions to resolves problems and disputes in a peaceful expression for the benefit of the majority and for the true(p) of the populace. Cricks belief of what politics entails involves a democratic ideology and as we ar considered to have a democratic society in which we live validating with quotes from cricks book.Also Crick highlights the sizeableness of the difference of opinion people have, and such opinions creation recognised, and cosmos able to have freedom of speech, being unrestricted in the way that other countries are bound by dictatorship. Crick acknowledges that politics is never a straightforward seam, in Cricks words, he describes politics as a messy business, being unpredictable, for example international and domestic events. This essay will use contempora ry examples to show how this so.In the 2010 election, in that location wasnt any party that had an overall majority (no party had more than half of members of parliament in the House of Commons), which meant that the Conservatives would be unable to have the majority of votes, to pass laws etc, without the meet of other parties. In this case, the support came in the form of a formal alliance, with the Liberal Democrats. This being the first time Britain has had a coalition government in seventy years.This situation could said to be in accordance with what Crick asserted, that politics, ideally draws all these groups into each other, so that each individually, and together, can make a positive contribution towards the business of government, the maintaining of order (Crick 1962 18). Crick (1962 16) stated that for some politics is muddled, contradictory, self-defeatingly recurant, unprogressive, unpatriotic, inneficiant mere agree, or even a fictional or conspiracy .In contempor ary society, many would argue that this is the case, and the reason why we are perceive parties such as UKIP becoming more populer. Politics can also be on a micro level,involving issues on a smaller scale, such as in the family home, for example, refering to Crick Jones states that People or groups of people who want different things-be it power, money, liberty, ect-face the potential or reality of conflict when such things are in short supply.For instance, a situation may arise where a husband being given an function opportunity,involving relocation toanother city,compromise would have had to play a big part,for financial gain for the greater good of the family,as the earning potential of the husband is greater than that of the wife. In this situation issues of power also being present, the husband having the advantage,having the preponderating position,simple due to earning more money. In conclusion, although Crick wrote his book in 1962, his ideas regarding politics , and the positive role, he believes it plays,is suave applicable in contemporay society today.In the case of the present day coalition ,political parties of differing ideologies,have had to join together for the smooth running of the country, for greater good of the people. However, Crick also recognised that politics is still very(prenominal) much a messy, complicated process,and not everyone would feel that politicians were working in their best interests. Also that compromise plays a vital part on both a micro and macro level to cut down conflict.
Friday, April 5, 2019
Scooter sales in Vietnam Essay Example for Free
iceboat sales in Vietnam EssayHom kia ong th? y em g? i cho em 1 cai article kha hay v? th? tru? ng xe 2B VN kha hay, m? i cac bac xem. EM xin l? i vi no la ti? ng Anh nhung vi? t cung kha d? hi? u . Qua bai bao nay em gi? t minh khi bi? t con s? ban ra c? a xe AB hon 120K , kh? ng thi? t . Va cac bac th? ng? m Hon Da VN da moc tui bao nhieu ti? n c? a dan minh pic Em xin phep VietNamNet Bridge Two years ago the Vietnamese media was goaded into a frenzy when Hollywood stars Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie came to visit Vietnam for the first time. The image of the couple in perfunctory clothes riding a black Yamaha Nouvo iceboat in downtown HCMC was widely seen in refreshingspapers and magazines. Scooter riders seen in downtown HCMC. Vietnamese consumers eat up an increase preference for ice yachts. This actually gave free publicity to Yamaha. sales of the Yamha Nouvo scoter have rocketed in Vietnam as this scooter has become a fashion for non scarce women but likewise me n. Yamahas unspoilt business has led to other ride makers to enter the market or boost scooter production to capitalize on the growing charter. The race starts.Italys Piaggio, the worlds fourth largest scooter and motorbike manufacturing business, started construction of its first factory in Vietnam. Honda and Yamaha from Japan provide open their second Vietnam factories soon. Honda Vietnam, the largest motorcycle manufacturer in Vietnam, has shifted focus to scooters for men. It started a campaign to enter the market six months aft(prenominal) the trip of Vietnam by Mr. and Mrs. Smith. It entraped the Air Blade scooter dateed with a sporty fashion. As a favorite motorcycle station, Honda caused an instant fever on the market after launching this scooter.When placing an order for an Air Blade at a Honda authorized exclusive dealer in HCMC, customers will get a shake of the head. The dealers argon flooded with a lot of orders. A Honda dealer on Nguyen Trai Street in Distric t 1 says it still has more than 600 orders to fulfill. But those really wishing to own an Air Blade scooter buns go to plenty of private retailers in the city, but the price is usually VND8-10 zillion high than Hondas tip price. Despite the strong demand, the company says it is unable to scale up production as its factory in the northern province of Vinh Phuc is running at full capacity.As an adaptive measure, Honda has increased shifts to fulfill the climbing orders. Koji Onishi, general director of Honda Vietnam, says that by end-April this year, more than 120,000 Air Blade units had been sold, becoming the best-seller of the scooter category on the local market. Not to miss the race, Yamaha introduced the new Yamaha Nouvo Elegance scooter that comes with an engine of 135cc in later(a) April, which is higher than those of the previous scooter versions. With a list price of VND29. 2 one thousand thousand, including VAT, the new Nouvo scooter is going desire hot cakes.Just ar ound 10 days after the new Nouvo version came out, Honda announced the launch of dickens new Air Blade versions with a sportier and more fashionable construct. They retail for VND28. 5 million (VAT included) and come with three colors dark blue, white and red. In addition to the new Air Blade, a sporty Air Blade Repsol version with the color of Repsol Honda racing team in MotoGP World backing has been introduced this time at VND29. 5 million. The market is so lucrative that another Japanese motorcycle maker, Suzuki Vietnam Corp. , has also forayed into the scooter market, with the launch ofthe Hayate priced between VND21. 8 million and VND22. 8 million.The 125cc Hayate has a sporty design and targets phallic motorcyclists and is expected to strongly compete with Hondas Air Blade and Yamahas Nouvo. The Suzuki prices are lower VND7-8 million than the other two brands, so the Hayate has a competitive advantage in pricing. The competition in design Vietnam Manufacturing and Export treat Co. (VMEP), Sanyangs motorbike maker in Vietnam, was the first to make scooters in Vietnam with the SYM brand. Taiwans SYM is one of the successful stories.The company launched the Attila scooter in 1997, which has since larned increasing popularity among puppyish people. SYM leaders say that the introduction of the Attila has paved the way for the company to gain a competitive edge over cheap Chinese motorcycles, which overwhelmed the local market in the late 1990s and early 2000s, as well as others. The Attila was then the best-selling locally assembled scooter model. trade scooters like Dylan, and Spacy of Honda, Majesty of Yamaha, and Epicuro and Aventis of Suzuki are prohibitively expensive but the compact and fashionable design and moderate price have made the Attila more competitive.The Attila retails for about VND30 million, around one- and two-thirds of imports. Buoyed by SYMs success, other distant companies including Yamaha, Suzuki, Honda from Japan later jumpe d into the market. Experts formerly showed concern that SYM would find it hard to maintain its dominance on the scooter market since more Japanese producers were aggressively increasing investment in scooter innovation and design to gain a slice of the pie. But brands like Honda Click, Yamaha Mio Classical and Suzuki Amity seem to be not the archrivals of the Attila which is particularly popular among urban females.SYMs Attila Elizabeth version has become a favorite among young women thanks to its fashionable, handsome and compact design. The demand for the Attila Elizabeth has outpaced SYMs supply, leading to its price outside the company dealers increasing by VND2-3 million per unit. The good outlook The growth prospects of the market are good as young consumers in cities have an increasing preference for scooters. Many motorcycle assemblers have switched to scooter production to capitalize on this market propensity and have been expanding production to meet local demand. Taiwan s biggest bike maker Kwang Yang Motor Co. Ltd. (KYMCO) is an example.It has become the majority proprietor of Hoa Lam Kymco Motors Corp. after acquiring a 60% stakes from its local partner. Hoa Lam Automobile-Motorcycle Joint-Stock Co. transferred its 60% stake in this joint venture to the Taiwanese company, thus reducing its holding to 30% from the previous 40%. KYMCOs stake in the venture, meanwhile, is up to 90%. Nguyen Tien Sy, deputy general director of Hoa Lam Kymco Motors Corp. , says that the authorities have endorsed the stake transfer between the two partners. The acquisition, whose value is not disclosed, is part of the Taiwanese companys plan to change its investment in Vietnam.KYMCO will develop a new factory in HCMCs District 2 besides the joint venture factory that is mainly assembling motorcycles in Binh Chanh District. The new factory in Cat Lai Industrial Park will produce motorcycle parts for local sale and exporting to ASEAN markets, Sy says. KYMCO will move its production lines from a factory in Taiwan next month to the new factory, which will mainly manufacture scooters. KYMCO attributes its increased investment in Vietnam to the strong demand for motorcycles. This firm estimate the domestic scooter market will continue expanding in the next five to 10 years.KYMCO entered Vietnam in late 2004 by buying a 30% stake in the bike manufacturing plant, which was wholly have by Vietnams Hoa Lam Automobile-Motorcycle Joint-Stock Co. The value of the factory then was set at US$15 million. The brand name KYMCO, however, is not popular in Vietnam, but the Taiwanese company has reaped success elsewhere, exporting products to 81 countries worldwide, including Europe. KYMCO has set up nine motorcycle factories in Asia. The two market leaders, Honda and Yamaha, also started work on their second factories in northern Vietnam last year. Hondas new factory worth US$65million will mainly produce scooters.The plant, which is located next to the first o ne in Vinh Phuc Province, is part of Hondas expansion plan after its success over the past 13 years. The new 28-hectare plant is scheduled for mass production in the third quarter of this year, with initial annual production capacity of 500,000 units, says Koji Onishi, general director of Honda Vietnam. Together with the quick plants annual capacity of one million units, this plant will help meet the increasing demand of Vietnamese customers, he says, adding state-of-the-art technology would be applied to ensure high quality.The most youthful and latest technology of Honda will be applied to this new plant that may produce the hone quality products for Vietnamese customers, he says. The income level is increasing and the infrastructure is developed. Thus, the demand for scooters becomes higher and higher. In addition, its well-fixed operation and modern design can sharpen customers personality. Thanks to the growth of the Vietnamese economy, we realize that young people especial ly in big cities prefer the scooters, says Yasuhiro Imazato, director of Honda Vietnam brand in HCMC.Meanwhile, Piaggio, the worlds fourth largest scooter and motorcycle manufacturer, is building its first factory in northern Vietnam. The company will spend US$45 million on the factory which covers eight hectares in Binh Xuyen Industrial Park in Vinh Phuc Province, and will be commissioned in mid-2009, with an initial annual output capacity of 50,000 units for local sale and export. The project is part of Piaggios broader three-year plan to expand its operations in Asia by setting up shop in Vietnam and India, Piaggio chief executive Roberto Colaninno.He says the companys products are already available in Vietnam, but it still wants a factory plus a sales network in the country. Piaggio brand is generally targeted at high-end customers. The Italian firm has five local companies as distributors Sapa Trade Co. , Xuan Cau Co. , Viet Nhat Motor Co. , Y Viet Motor Co and worldwide Frie ndship Co. However, Piaggios investment in Vietnam is still smaller than Japanese and Taiwan motorbike producers. Taiwans Sanyang Industry, which is known for SYM brand, looks to Vietnam as one of its major motorbike production hubs in Asia and its biggest investment markets.Under a motorcycle fabrication development plan recently approved by the Ministry of Industry and Trade, Vietnam will become a major Asian center for motorcycle design and production. The plan envisages local motorcycle demand reaching 2-2. 2million units a year. By 2015, there will have been some 31 million motorcycles in use across the country and some 33 million by 2020, compared to the current 20 million, according to the plan. An additional 1. 8 million motorbikes will hit the road a year. (Source SGT).
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