Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Handwashing techniques Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Handwashing techniques - Essay Example coli and samples taken of the bacteria count on their fingers. Both hands were involved in the experiment. Next, half the participants (three in number) were asked to disinfect their hands using only soap and water while the other half were asked to do so with the NHS standard handwash – alcohol and chlorhexidine in 1:10 dilution. Samples were taken of the fingers after disinfecting. Samples were sustained for 24 hours after which the bacteria counts were taken. It was found that for all participants, both for normal and NHS standard handwash, there was reduction in the bacteria counts post-disinfect over pre-disinfect but the normal handwash – only soap and water – porved more efficacious than the NHS standard one. It is construed that since there is no established literature on the matter there is need to further investigate if the NHS recommended handwashing technique is superior to normal ones. As this report shows, it does seem like the normal handwashing te chniques proves superior to the NHS standard. This paper investigates the efficiencies of normal handwashing techniques against that recommended by the National Health Service (NHS) UK. It should be known that handwashing is a very essential part of not only the healthcare profession but also all other professionals that somehow deal with toxic and virulent substances and organisms whenever there is possibility of such malignant materials coming into contact with the hands. Since it is the hands that humans primarily use to connect with outside materials it is these appendages that have to be thoroughly cleansed to negate the possibility of the toxicity or virulence being transmitted to other human individuals who may later come into contact with the concerned individual. This is not only for the safety of the human community within which the individual coming into initial contact with such toxicity or virulence but also of the
Monday, October 28, 2019
Training Key Areas Essay Example for Free
Training Key Areas Essay Employee’s talents, happiness and productivity normally measures on a company’s overall prosperity. Corporate responsibility has become most important value in large organizations. This requires high levels of employee contribution. Community projects and promoting diversity helps companies develop symbiotic relationships with the surrounding environments. Working towards positive corporate culture will surly build the employee value over time. This paper will analyze key trainings that focus on legal requirements, diversity and employee growth, all focusing on larger companies. Legal Requirements According to the article â€Å"Employee Training Development†written by Noe, the different situations that can result in legal actions in a organization include, failure to meet training requirements, employee sustaining injuries due or during training or a injury outside of the training session. The breach of Confidentiality against employees or an employer is also punishable by law and it entitles the employee to punitive damages as their result of injury to his or her character. It’s also vital that the organization that is using the copyright material within its training; that they obtain permission and that it is legal and punishable by law. The business must maintain and abide by both federal and state regulations in addition to the local laws; because these laws may permit the amount of hours required by laws to maintain the status of a Limited Liability Company. Organizations that are established under a Limited Liability Company must keep track of an updated hour list that are spending on training and the people that participated in the trainings. Depending if the company is a sole proprietorship, corporation or a limited liability; the legal advisor can only strengthen the company after the trainings. The relationship between legal advisors and lawyers is extremely beneficial because he or she is well educated in the goals and objectives and can provide influential perspectives on any opportunities that can benefit the company in the future. The relationship between the employer and legal advisor is also important because they ensure that the employer is knowledgeable of the laws in other states as they are diffe rent depending on location of the business. Diversity The development of diversity training is further than just race, gender, culture and work ethic. Great diversity training within the company provides the employers the proper tools that are needed to attract new employers and maintain their great diversity work place. The diversified management and leadership programs provide coaching to assist individuals, by doing this it will create exceptional employer and employee relationships. These training programs that will be offered will increase the abilities of growth for the company and reduces the complaints and lawsuits that may be filled with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC). Complaints that would be filled with the EEOC would be any violation against the Civil Rights Act. The Civil Rights Act title VII prohibits employment discriminations based on sex, race, color or national origin. (EEOC, n.d.). The requirement needs for organization training is ensuring that all employees are present. Also that no materials presented are or could be offensive to any employees. Lastly organizations that are incorrectly report its training sessions as expenses’ or report reimbursements as income may harm the organization in forms of lawsuits and can very well damage the reputation. Employee Growth Employee growth is when organizations establish diversity training. When men and women participate in education courses, counseling services, and career development, it can lead to promotions and internal career advancement. The success of managers and hourly employees advancing to salary positions will produce a rippled affect as managers strive to their goals. Managers begin working closely with employees to mentor and provide them with any desired qualities that he or she may possess but need training to advance further. The end result is more stress free environment and increase in self esteem, and less turn over’s. Conclusion Even though in all business are different, they mostly all want the same end result; success. The road to get to success is quite similar, hard work and dedication. Employee growth, legal requirements and diversity will help get to the right road, yet clearly it takes work and trainings and patience. The end result will be worth the hardship. A company must be willing to do the job correctly and it will have success. References Title Vii of the civil rights act of 1964, retrieved from. Usa.Gov Noe, R. A. (2008). Employee Training and Development (4th ed.). New York: McGraw Hill. Blanchard, P. N., Thacker, J.W. (2007). Effective Training Systems, Strategies, and Practices (3rd ed.). Retrieved from The University of Phoenix eBook Collection.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
Kants Formalism Theory Essay -- essays research papers fc
Kant's Formalism Theory The theories of Immanuel Kant, a German philosopher, have had an impact on the formulation and shaping of ethics today. Immanuel Kant graced this earth from 1724 to 1804. During his eighty year life time, he formulated many interesting ideas regarding ethical conduct and motivation. Kant is strictly a non-consequentialist philosopher, which means that he believes that a person's choices should have nothing to do with the desired outcome, but instead mankind simply goes about doing good because it is morally correct. Kant theorizes that moral reasoning is not based on factual knowledge and that reason by itself can reveal the basic principles of morality. Ideas contemplated and developed and theorized by Kant include the concepts of good will, the categorical imperative, universal acceptability, and humanity as an end rather than a means. These non-consequential concepts have made a remarkable impression on current ethical views. According to Kant, the only good thing in the world is "good will." Other things might be desirable, but their ethical merit is only measured by an individual's good will. (Shaw, 65) As used by Kant, the term "will" is referred to as in individual's ability to act from principle. For example, if an individual performs a good deed motivated by anything other than the simple goodness of the deed, the individual is not ... Kants Formalism Theory Essay -- essays research papers fc Kant's Formalism Theory The theories of Immanuel Kant, a German philosopher, have had an impact on the formulation and shaping of ethics today. Immanuel Kant graced this earth from 1724 to 1804. During his eighty year life time, he formulated many interesting ideas regarding ethical conduct and motivation. Kant is strictly a non-consequentialist philosopher, which means that he believes that a person's choices should have nothing to do with the desired outcome, but instead mankind simply goes about doing good because it is morally correct. Kant theorizes that moral reasoning is not based on factual knowledge and that reason by itself can reveal the basic principles of morality. Ideas contemplated and developed and theorized by Kant include the concepts of good will, the categorical imperative, universal acceptability, and humanity as an end rather than a means. These non-consequential concepts have made a remarkable impression on current ethical views. According to Kant, the only good thing in the world is "good will." Other things might be desirable, but their ethical merit is only measured by an individual's good will. (Shaw, 65) As used by Kant, the term "will" is referred to as in individual's ability to act from principle. For example, if an individual performs a good deed motivated by anything other than the simple goodness of the deed, the individual is not ...
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Argumentative Position Paper
| | | | | | The â€Å"Weak†Tea Party Movement Curt D. Collins Bellevue University Professor Wright EN102-T301 Composition II October 13, 2012 The â€Å"Weak†Tea Party Movement On Feb. 19, 2009, about a month after President Barack Obama’s first day on the job, CNBC host Rick Santelli railed against the President’s proposed bank bailout and stimulus package on the floor of the Chicago Mercantile Exchange calling it an effort to help those who did not, or could not, help themselves (Tea Party Movement, 2012).Santelli sanctioned â€Å"another tea party†similar to the American Revolution movement of the same name, and almost immediately, the movement gained momentum. By autumn, hundreds of Tea Party groups organized efforts in every state (Tea Party Movement, 2012). A year later, the movement influenced Republican party politics in the 2010 congressional elections (Tea Party Movement Evolves, 2012). With all the hype and candidate activities grabbing headlines for the past two years, the Tea Party Movement has fallen back to the shadows of the alleys that seldom get noticed.The goals of the movement initially were to remove Republican Party officials who were not living up to the conservative standards adopted by the movement and stop the Democratic economic policy supporters from carrying out the bailout plan. Although the Tea Party Movement was effective in 2009 and 2010 at trying to accomplish it’s goals, the lack of a substantive spokesman, little to not political pull, and sporadic support has watered down the efforts of the movement to an almost complete halt in 2012. Therefore, the Tea Partiers have lost their chance to evoke change in the government. Since the Tea Party Movement ideals do not support the President’s party, Democrats view the movement as a road block to progressing the current administration’s plans for economic recovery. Conservative thinkers, on the other hand, see the Tea Partiers as throw back hardliners who will stop at nothing to achieve the success that comes with defeating the Democrats in elections, passing an economic strategy that supports a more conservative framework, and purging the Republican party of so called conservatives that really don’t practice what they preach.This kind of focus and drive is a good thing. The founding of the United States of America is based on the idea that we all have the right to speak out against the current government. Conflict is healthy. With conflict comes resolution. The resolution brings a new idea that best suites the situation. Theda Skocpol, Victor S. Thomas Professor of Government and Sociology Harvard University, cites three main forces behind the movement’s success: â€Å"grassroots activism, funding from wealthy conservative advocacy groups, and publicity from right-leaning broadcasters†(Skopcol and Williamson, 2012).The movement has all the ingredients of becoming a very viable and valid contender for fighting the good fight, according to some. Newt Gingrich, former Speaker of the US House of Representatives, stated the following in a July 29, 2010 interview with Newsmax. tv:†First of all, I think the Republican Tea Party will beat the Democratic Socialist Party†¦ Second, I like the Tea Party movement†¦ I think the Tea Partiers I meet with around the country†¦ re serious people studying the Constitution, trying to find a way to get back to balanced, limited government with balanced budgets and with much less power in Washington, and I approve of their general direction. †July 29, 2010| The key point to take away from Gingrich’s statement is that the Tea Party is trying, without success, to invoke principles that have do not have widespread appeal. In cases like this, a spokesman for the Party Movement would be most beneficial.Rick Santorum, former US Senator (R-PA), stated the following during the June 13, 2011 CNN Republican presidential debate in Manchester, NH, available on CNN. com: | â€Å"I think the Tea Party is a great backstop for America. I love it when people hold up this Constitution and say we have to live by what our founders laid out for this country. It is absolutely essential that we have that backbone to the Republican Party going into this election. †June 13, 2011 | Although Santorum supports the ideas the Tea Party Movement endorses, he does not support the movement.Tea Partiers fight for what is theirs. Most are older citizens that rely on Social Security and Medicare, two things that the Democratic economic strategy will substantially reduce fiscally. â€Å"They think that government spending is OK as long as it’s for people who’ve worked all their lives and earned the benefits,†Skocpol said. â€Å"They speak of themselves as hard-working Americans who deserve all they’re getting from society. †The Tea Party Movement does not support pro grams like Pell Grants, food stamps, and Medicaide.In general, the movement members do not feel an obligation to support groups like immigrants, people of color, and young people. Opposition from these groups has contributed greatly to the demise of support for the Tea Party Movement. The mantra for Tea Partiers is that of a generation who worked hard for the benefits that they currently have and damned be anyone who tries to â€Å"steal†from that pot (Skopcol and Williamson, 2012). This ideology is slowly turning away a whole generation.Without support from these less mature individuals, the party is losing popularity, fast. The beginnings of the movement may have be admirable, however, its growth and victories are a result of donations from conservative groups and exposure due to making headlines (Skopcol and Williamson, 2012). â€Å"Conservative political action committees saw a good thing erupt in 2009, and joined with right-wing media leaders in cheerleading, pushing, leveraging the grassroots protesters to effect change within the Republican Party,†Skocpol said. Their goal was to move the GOP further to the right in policy terms, and to prevent moderates from getting elected, and from compromising with Democrats if they got there. The right-wing media helped to give scattered protesters and groups the sense that they were in something big together and could affect national politics. †Although Republicans benefitted from Tea Party influence by achieving electoral success in 2010 and may again in 2012, Skocpol says that the movement creates major problems for the Republican Party as the years go on (Skopcol and Williamson, 2012).One of the problems being that the popularity of the movement might polarize supporters, therefore, the support will die in order to facilitate â€Å"acceptance†in the party as a whole. The more likely result is that Tea Party supporters will come into the fold of the Republican Party, abandoning the ideals and issues once fought for strongly by the movement. Mitt Romney, former Governor of Massachusetts, stated the following during the NBC News/Politico Republican presidential debate held at the Reagan Library in Simi Valley, CA on Sep. , 2011, available at NYTimes. com:| â€Å"I believe in a lot of what the Tea Party believes in. The Tea Party believes that government's too big, taxing too much, and that we ought to get  get to the work of getting Americans to work. So I put together a plan with a whole series of points of how we can get America's economy going again. Tea Party people like that. So if the Tea Party is for keeping government small and spending down, and helping us create jobs, then, hey, I'm for the Tea Party. †Sep. 7, 2011|The real Tea Party Movement is not a political party. How can a movement endorse anybody? It can’t. This is a big factor for why interest and momentum is dwindling with the movement. One reason for the lack of leade rship: Romney, Gingrich, and Santorum have each taken political and economic contrary stands on issues that the Tea Party Movement supported. Gingrich and Romney both supported a bank bailout in 2008, as well as supporting health insurance incentives years earlier (Skopcol and Williamson, 2012).Santorum, the most conservative of the three, voted against several projects that received Tea Party support during his time in the Senate (Skopcol and Williamson, 2012). Looking more like a senior citizens brigade than a force to be reckoned with in the political arena, the Tea Party Movement is waning. â€Å"The Tea Party movement is dead. It’s gone,†says Chris Littleton, the cofounder of the Ohio Liberty Council, a statewide coalition of Tea Party groups in Ohio (The Tea Party Movement Evolves, 2012). I think largely the Tea Party is irrelevant in the primaries. They aren’t passionate about any of the candidates, and if they are passionate, they’re for Ron Paul . †Ron Paul has no support from any party and is not considered to be a contender for the office of the President. The Tea Party Movement will not influence government as long as it continues to repel support of minority groups, cling to issues that affect only a fraction of the population, and fail at choosing a spokesperson who can be rallied around to act as effective leader for the group.References Skocpol, T. , and Williamson, V. , (2012). The Tea Party and the Remaking of an Conservatism. Oxford; New York: Oxford UP. Print. Tea Party Movement. (2012). In The New York Times. Retrieved from http://topics. nytimes. com/top/reference/timestopics/subjects/t/tea_party_movement/index. html Barrow, W. , (2012). Tea Party Movement Evolves, Achieves State Policy Victories. (2012). In Huffington Post. Retrieved from http://www. huffingtonpost. com/2012/08/12/tea-party-movement_n_1770452. html
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Able Planet Case
Running head: Case 2 Able Planet Case 2 Able Planet Kelly Raines Devry University SBE 560 ? Contents Abstract3 The difficulties entrepreneurs face when raising between over $100,000 for their businesses4 Ways Kevin Semcken can raise $1. 5 million in capital5 Memo to Kevin Semcken7 References9 ? Abstract This paper will analyze Case Study 2 Able Planet. In this case study, Kevin Semcken, Able Planet’s CEO and chairman is seeking capital to finance existing operations for its current products, build a prototype for a new product and market both products to new and current customers (Scarborough, 2012).Furthermore, Able Planet is unable to secure financing from a bank due to a predicament in the economic markets which has all but closed shut the lending opportunities at most commercial banks. Information that will be evaluated includes the following: †¢Why entrepreneurs face difficulties when trying to raise between $100,000 and $3 million for their businesses †¢Ways Ke vin Semcken can raise $1. 5 million in capital by use of both debt and equity financing †¢What should be done before approaching potential lenders and investors in order to maximize the chance of getting needed capital ?The difficulties entrepreneurs face when raising between over $100,000 for their businesses Capital is the lifeline of any business; it supplies the funds to expand, grow and make a promising business idea into a money-making enterprise. However, many entrepreneurs miscalculate how difficult it is to obtain financing for a business venture and get annoyed by this step of the business startup process. Nevertheless, investors and banks have plenty of reasons to be wary of financing especially it involves several thousands of dollars.Some of the reasons that entrepreneurs have issues when trying to raise large sums of capital include: †¢Most small business fail: According to Channon (2012), â€Å"More than 50 percent of businesses fail within the first five y ears of operation. †This makes its difficult to raise capital due to the uncertainty in getting a return on an investment. †¢Unproven Business Model (Channon, 2012): If the business idea is new, then there is no historical data such as sales to show that the business will last. This means that there is no guarantee that the business will repay the loan or increase the investor’s equity. Lack of Coherent Business Plan (Channon, 2012): This will prevent lenders and investors from financing a business. The business plan will give a financial forecast along with market research and a list of competitors. This will allow investors to see an actual financial result that are expected and help them to decide of this is realistic. ? Ways Kevin Semcken can raise $1. 5 million in capital Whether Kevin Semcken is preparing to launch a new product or is trying to grow Able Planet, one thing is for certain; he will need money.Debt and equity financing are two different financia l strategies that can be used to raise capital: Taking on debt means borrowing money for the business, while gaining equity entails injecting his own or other stakeholders’ cash into the business. Mr. Semcken can use debt financing as a means to raise the needed capital. One way to do this is borrowing from a financial institution. This involves loans that have to be paid over time and with interest. Able Planet can borrow money over the short term (less than one year) or long term (more than one year).The chief sources of debt financing are banks and government agencies, such as the Small Business Administration (Rath, 2012). Debt financing presents businesses a tax advantage, because the interest paid on loans is usually deductible. Borrowing also reduces the company's future requirement for loan repayments, because the lender does not obtain an ownership share in the business. However, debt financing also has its disadvantages. New businesses at times find it hard to make regular loan payments when they have uneven cash flow.Thus, debt financing can cause businesses to be susceptible to economic downturns or hikes in interest rates. Carrying too much debt is a problem because it raises the supposed risk associated with businesses, making them unappealing to investors and thereby lowering their capacity to rise future additional funding (Rath, 2012). The other option Mr. Semcken can use is equity financing. Equity financing refers to money attained from investors in exchange for an ownership share in the business.Such funds may come from friends and family members of the business owner, wealthy angel investors, or venture capital firms (Rath, 2012). The main advantage of equity financing is that the business is not required to repay the money. Instead, the investors expect to recover their investment out of future profits. The participation of high-profile investors may also help raise the credibility of a new business. The main disadvantage to this t ype of financing is that the investors become partial owners of the business, and therefore have a say in business decisions.As ownership interests become blurry, managers face a probable loss of independence or control (Rath, 2012). As well, an undue dependence on equity financing may signify that a business is not using its capital in the most constructive way. ? Memo to Kevin Semcken Memorandum To:Kevin Semcken, CEO and Chairman of Able Planet From:Kelly Raines Date:3/24/2013 Re:Steps to take before Approaching Potential Lenders and Investors Money is the livelihood of any business, and at some point, every company is apt to need an outside source to help it grow.Regardless of the amount that you are seeking, you will need to take a few steps before trying to make your case. Here are some steps to you must do before approaching investors or lenders for any amount of money: †¢Gather together the documents that will help you secure funding from a backer and that indicate you a re a good risk (Clifford, 2012). You will need: oA well written business plan, which will shows the backer not only why you want the capital but what you plan to do ith the money; oCash flow projections, which will show lenders and investors if you are able to repay the loan or offer a return on the investment. This will give backers concrete financial data that they can use to assess this risk; oA statement of your personal financial status, which lists your personal assets and debts to give the backer a fuller financial picture; oPast business tax returns: As this business is established and you have past business tax returns, it is a good idea to take them with you to the meeting.They will give the lender/investor a better idea of how your business is doing financially; and oA credit rating report: Your credit rating report shows loan repayment history and will help backers determine if you are a good risk. Additionally you should: †¢Line up your team (Clifford, 2012): This shows that you and the management team are able to execute the ambitious business plan you have presented and pay back your loan or generate a return for investors.Make sure you and your key people can talk about what may be ahead for the business, what the later phases of growth might be, what can go wrong, and how you might handle those things. †¢Practice your presentation (Clifford, 2012): This will include highlighting key areas of your business plan to potential funding sources. Try to find areas of your plan that show what you consider to be the most advantageous to them, and put these attributes into a 15 minute slide show presentation appropriate mainly to the professionals to whom you are presenting.Also study the business plans completely because you never know what questions will be asked, and you want to have answers pertinent to your business model. †¢Finally, research those to whom you will be presenting, produce samples/prototypes of your main product(s) for them to assess, purchase a nice business suit, and conduct the presentation of a lifetime. By following the above steps securing funding for Able Planet should be easy if you are properly prepared for the meeting. ? References Channon, T. (2012). Why is it So Hard to Raise Capital When Starting a New Business?. Ehow.Retrieved August 10, 2012, from http://www. ehow. com/about_7448696_hard-capital-starting-new-business_. html Clifford, C. (2012, June 15). 9 Things Startups Must Know Before Approaching Lenders. Entrepreneur. Retrieved August 10, 2012, from http://www. entrepreneur. com/blog/223818 Rath, T. (2012). Debt and Equity Financing: Two Options for Financing Your Small Business. About. com. Retrieved August 9, 2012, from http://sbinformation. about. com/od/creditloans/a/debtequity. htm Scarborough, N. (2012). Effective Small Business Management. (10th ed. ). (p. 812). Boston, MA: Prentice Hall.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
SSAT Test Dates Complete Guide to Choosing (2017, 2018)
SSAT Test Dates Complete Guide to Choosing (2017, 2018) SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips When are the upcoming SSAT test dates? How often is this test administered?Students hoping to attend private schools often need to take the SSAT, and since this test is only given a few times a year, it’s important to know SSAT test dates so you can register early enough to ensure you get a spot. In this guide, we have a chart of the upcoming SSAT test dates which makes it easy to see when you can take the test and when you need to register. We also give tips on test fees, explain what to expect on test day, and give advice on when you should take the SSAT. When Are Upcoming SSAT Test Dates? The SSAT is administered eight times during a school year (August 1 - July 31).Middle and Upper versions of the test (for students in grades 5 through 11) are given on every test date, but the Elementary-level SSAT (for students in grades 3 and 4) isn’t administered on the October or November dates. Below is a chart of recent and upcoming SSAT dates and the registration deadlines for each.You should register for the SSAT at least three weeks before the exam date to avoid late fees.You can register for the SSAT up to three days before the exam, but you’ll end up paying $45 to $85 in late fees, depending on how late you register. SSAT Exam Date Regular Registration Deadline Late Registration Begins ($45 fee) Rush Registration Begins ($85 fee) Last Day for Registration Oct. 14, 2017* Sep. 23, 2017 Sep. 24, 2017 Oct. 1, 2017 Oct. 11, 2017 Nov. 11, 2017* Oct. 21, 2017 Oct. 22, 2017 Oct. 29, 2017 Nov. 8, 2017 Dec. 9, 2017 Nov. 18, 2017 Nov. 19, 2017 Nov. 26, 2017 Dec. 6, 2017 Jan. 6, 2018 Dec. 16, 2017 Dec. 17, 2017 Dec. 24, 2017 Jan. 3, 2018 Feb. 3, 2018 Jan. 13, 2018 Jan. 14, 2018 Jan. 21, 2018 Jan. 31, 2018 March 3, 2018 Feb. 10, 2018 Feb. 11, 2018 Feb. 18, 2018 Feb. 28, 2018 April 21, 2018 March 31, 2018 April 1, 2018 April 8, 2018 April 18, 2018 June 9, 2018 May 19, 2018 May 20, 2018 May 27, 2018 June 6, 2018 * No Elementary-Level SSAT testing on these dates If your student needs additional testing accommodations or needs to take the SSAT on a Sunday due to religious reasons, you can apply for testing accommodations.You’ll need to apply at least four weeks before the desired test date and have any requested materials submitted at least two weeks before the test date. What to Expect on SSAT Test Day Once you figure out your SSAT test date, there’s still more work to do! In this section we discuss all the info you need to be prepared on exam day. Where Are SSAT Exams Usually Held? SSAT exams are typically held at private schools and sometimes designated test centers.When you register for the SSAT, you’ll see a list of test center locations nearest to you, with the closest location at the top of the list. What Happens on Test Day? Most exams begin at 9:00AM, but you should double-check your admission ticket to be sure this is the case for the exam you register for.Be sure to arrive at the testing location at least 30 minutes early.The Elementary-Level test is about 110 minutes long, while the Middle and Upper-Level SSATs are about 170 minutes long. The Elementary-Level test includes one break, while the Middle and Upper-Level tests have two breaks. To learn more about what the SSAT tests and the types of questions you can expect, check out our in-depth guide to the SSAT. What Should You Bring to the SSAT? On test day remember to bring the following: Your SSAT admission ticket Sharpened #2 pencils An eraser That’s all you’ll need during the test! When Should You Take the SSAT? The most important factor for deciding when to take the SSAT is the admissions deadline of the school(s) you’re applying to.Scores are sent about two weeks after the SSAT exam dates, so be sure to choose an exam date that’s at least two weeks before the admission deadline. If possible, you may want to choose a test date later in the school year so your child has time to learn more and possibly score higher on the SSAT.Remember, the SSAT you register for is the one for the grade your child is currently in, not the grade they’ll be entering next year. Recap: Choosing SSAT Dates It’s important to know SSAT test locations and dates well before exam day so that you can register in time and meet the deadlines of the school(s) you’re applying to.The SSAT is administered eight times a year, typically at private schools. SSAT Testing dates are pretty consistent, so you can predict future test dates based on the upcoming SSAT dates in our chart.Most SSAT tests begin at 9AM and last between two and three hours. You should pick your test date primarily on the application deadlines of the schools you’re applying to. SSAT test dates later in the year may give your child time to learn more material and earn a higher score. What's Next? Want to learn more about what's covered on the Elementary, Middle, and Upper-level tests? Then be sure to readour complete guide to the SSAT. Looking for free materials to use for SSAT practice? We've gathered links to the best free SSAT practice tests here. Now you know when the SSAT is offered, but how do you register?Learn all the info you need to know in our step-by-step guide to SSAT registration. Want to improve your SAT score by 160 points or your ACT score by 4 points?We've written a guide for each test about the top 5 strategies you must be using to have a shot at improving your score. Download it for free now:
Monday, October 21, 2019
Relationship between Aboriginal law and state and commonwealth law.
Relationship between Aboriginal law and state and commonwealth law. Specific question: Analyze and discuss the nature of contemporary Aboriginal law and its relationship to state and commonwealth law. What changes, if any, should be made to this relationship?This essay will answer the specific question by first explaining Aboriginal and Australian law, show the relationship between the two, give examples of cases where the relationship between the two is shown and state, if any, changes should be made.Before talking about the relationship between Aboriginal law and state and commonwealth law there needs to be an understanding of what the two are and how they work. Aboriginal law originates from a long time ago. It's based on the Dreamtime. Even though there are many different tribes and clans, they are all based on the Dreamtime and therefore are similar. Aboriginal law consisted of two different kinds of law; sacred law and secular law. These can also be called religious and non-religious law.Playing the traditional aboriginal musical instrum...Thei r laws were spiritually based and were based on: unwritten rules, kinship ties and relationships with the law, ritual traditions, sacred and secular laws and clan consensus.Australian 'western' law consists of state law and commonwealth law. State law, is the law of each different state and the commonwealth law rules over the whole country. The state law can't contrast with the commonwealth law because the commonwealth law always takes precedence.The relationship between Aboriginal law and Australian law has changed a lot over time. Aboriginal and Torres Strait islander customary law, wasn't recognized in Australia in 1788 because of terra nullius. From the text book Heinemann Legal studies this quote is taken: 'The Australian Law Reform Commission, in its 1986 report, 'The Recognition of Aboriginal Customary Law', states that the recognition of customary law may have a number of benefits.' Indigenous Australians would be allowed to...
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Do you Want to Go to College This Fall Theres Still Room!
Do you Want to Go to College This Fall Theres Still Room! The National Association for College Admission Counseling (NACAC) just reported that colleges and universities still have space available for qualified freshman and/or transfer students. Even better news it that nearly all have financial aid to offer. The survey asked four-year colleges and universities about the availability of space, institutional financial aid and housing as of May 1, 2010. Twenty-three percent of the respondents are public colleges and 77% are private. Ninety-three percent have housing space. If you have not yet completed the college admission process, and want to apply, see NACACs annual Space Availability Survey: Openings for Qualified Students.
Saturday, October 19, 2019
A Description of Gangnam Style Viral Videos Essay
A Description of Gangnam Style Viral Videos - Essay Example The principal idea of the song is of a self-declared popular man searching for the ideal partner who knows the time to become wild and the time to be refined (Copsey 6). In addition, Psy’s Gangnam style unanticipated reputation has led to many interpretations of its meaning. Psy’s Gangnam style established a comical connection with its audience from the beginning. The video rapidly developed an association with the artiste, his actions, and events by permitting the viewers to share in Psy’s captivating dancing moves. As Psy entertains his viewers with the dancing moves, he also highlights aspects of his location, the Gangnam district. Associations such as these can be made through an entertaining artist or attractive elements in a video. Moreover, Psy’s Gangnam style video also went viral because it employed the element of creative disruption (Ramstad 26). The video contains memorable dance styles, a carousel, singing from a toilet, and houses. Gangnam style is entirely unexpected, catchy, and outrageous. The video received significant coverage from all over the world and from sites, for example, KoreaBoo, Yahoo, and AllKPop, and became viral within days of its circulation. The following weeks saw the music videos get recognition from pop music and internet humor sites, for example, PopDust, Gawker, FunnyJunk, and BuzzFeed. Psy’s Gangnam style was presumed to be a viral YouTube video by newsrooms, for example, ABC News and CNN by the first week of August (Ramstad 32). Community influencers also contributed to the video going viral. The popularity of a video can be enhanced by getting support from tastemakers and influencers within the related online communities. Psy’s Gangnam style has also had an impact in Asia. The video’s sophisticated arrangement and rendering have made it extremely popular with the entire public.Â
Friday, October 18, 2019
Business strategy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Business strategy - Essay Example According to Kaplan and Norton (2001), it is important for new business to actually make new and effective business strategies that both tackle internal and external environments, which includes the prevailing business environments. In this case, whenever formulating new strategies, especially in the corporate sector, it is important to look at several key indicators such as inflation, the position of competitors, the rate if employment and unemployment, the willingness of consumers to spend, as well as the overall rate of economic growth in the country (Kaplan & Norton, 2001). In this case, such factors will surely help business formulate their specific strategies, whether to focus on offering new products that would fit current consumer spending trends, or on building a more competitive and productive labor force, or even looking at potential competitive advantage over other competitors. However, looking into the external general business environment would not be enough, given that it is also important for a business organization to look into internal factors, such as the productivity of the current labor force, efficiency rates, and even the SWOT analysis.
Nissan or Ford Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Nissan or Ford - Essay Example Characteristics of Nissan Nissan cars are known for their good product quality which provides customer’s comfort and entertainment of riding. Nissan utilizes DR (Design Review) methods which help to produce superior quality parts. DR procedure helps Nissan to identify any potential threat of spare parts and devise ways to prevent the risk proactively. It allows quicker and appropriate design assessment. Another strategy that Nissan implemented in their vehicles has been the precision testing. It is a vital part of Nissan’s manufacturing process which helps to maintain high quality product. Nissan has digital technology in their plants which verify the paint condition and examine road testing. The ‘Environmental Testing Chamber’ of Nissan examines the vehicle temperature in extreme road condition. These technologies and processes make Nissan cars thoroughly protected against any problems. To manufacture trouble free parts, Nissan performs inspection at Desig n Diagram phase. Every parts of Nissan car undergo immediate testing and Nissan does not ignore any slightest vibration. Its weatherproof vibrator allows stimulating various temperatures and dealing with road surface situation. Thus, Nissan cars provide higher reliability and safety to consumers (Nissan, n.d.). Safety is one of the major concerns for Nissan Cars. In the year 2011, the Nissan Leaf had gained highest level of rating with regard to safety measures by Euro NCAP. It has passed the crash tests. In term of carbon emission, Nissan has gained five star ranking (Nissan, 2011). Characteristics of Ford Ford generally offers expensive vehicles which are highly capable and flexible. Ford vehicles are made to deliver safety, fuel efficiency and easier to operate features. Ford utilizes ‘Meta One’ technology for manufacturing the vehicle. This technology helps Ford to highlight future safety of ford vehicle (Ford Motor Company, 2011). Comparison of Nissan SUV and Ford SUV In the year 2010, Nissan had introduced Nissan Juke. It combines the nimbleness of sports sedan, handiness of a compact car and strong quality of a SUV. With regard to price, it had attracted wide ranges of consumers. In connection with reliability it had strong handling as well as fuel efficient performance which had made it an eco - friendly vehicle (Nissan, 2010). In order to meet the requirements of a good car it is equipped with 1.6 liter engine, Xtronic CVT along with 6–speed manual shift mode. It can provide the customers both good performance and similar facility such as other vehicle with 2.5 liter engine. Thus, it is proved to be economically feasible vehicle. Besides, the Nissan Juke had 16GT four components blended with torque vectoring engine which can produce massive power. Its MR16DDT engine is designed in such a way that can improve the ignition competence and have a powerful turbocharger. These features help to improve the ingestion and exhaust efficiency . Overall, the invigorating acceleration, swift response, bold design, environmental performance and enhanced fuel efficiency are optimally balanced in such a way that makes the Nissan Juke an affordable and reliable vehicle (Nissan, 2010). On the other hand, Ford Escape is combined with SUV capability with outstanding fuel economy and eco friendly feature. It provides customers a sporty performance and saves maximum fuel. It has 240 Horse Power V6 engines which can provide good mileage. The transmission of Ford is
Thursday, October 17, 2019
History Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 46
History - Essay Example Having complex roots to analyze, I think that studying America would prove both difficult and interesting in the sense that the bulk of studies are composed of various areas which may come hard to keep track of especially considering the quantity of details in volumes of text yet it would fascinate to find out as well that there are innumerable topics worth a student’s delight in the process. Since it entails becoming disposed to understand different cultures, economic development, and diplomatic relations, American history makes an overwhelming piece of literary journey with its own thematic features of action, romance, and mystery. Several people might have maintained a negative perspective of looking into the American history due to countless enormous controversies which have inevitably become attached to the system of U.S. government, set of ideologies, and knowledge of American societies, their corresponding beliefs, and functions in former ages and as they are at present. One such concrete instance is tolerating a negative view that Americans are racists by nature for it is by far established in human consciousness that the term ‘American’ is more often immediately attributed to an individual belonging to the ‘white race’. Hence, upon recollection of unpleasant events as black slavery during the period of Civil Rights Movement, it occurs amply reasonable to place education with American history under negative mode of interpretation. To persuade people to turn from such unfavorable perception, it would help to consider addressing the curriculum on American history course with some necessary modifications. The approach to teaching American history must be reformed in such a way as to shape student’s thoughts to obtain better understanding of the factors that constitute failure of the American government and the long- or short-term impacts brought by the industrial revolution and mixed socio-ethnic
National Policy Issue - Immigration Reform Research Paper
National Policy Issue - Immigration Reform - Research Paper Example †¢ The economic recession in the early 1990s led to the public developing a sentiment was against immigration-friendly policies.†¢ The economic recession in the early 90s led to the public developing a sentiment was against immigration-friendly policies.†¢ The Illegal Immigration Reform and Responsibility Act came into effect.IV. Many law makers realized that much had to be done in order to have a comprehensive immigration system.†¢ Their efforts culminated in a comprehensive Reform Act passed 2 years later. †¢ Barack Obama pledged to pursue immigration reform but was unsuccessful in his first term. V. In 2013, prospects for reform appear to be much higher with a draft legislation that has a number of contentious. †¢ The bill calls for higher border security in the form of greater border patrol agents. †¢ To meet the needs of the agricultural community, a seasonal workers program must be passed.†¢ The path to citizenship involves th e payment of back taxes, legalization fees among others.VI. Recently, a migration crisis has been looming at the border as a number of undocumented children have been arriving in the country. †¢ The president has called it a humanitarian crisis that requires immediate action from Congress. †¢ These children have arrived in tens of thousands and sparked outrage among natives in border towns.†¢ Many are from states like Honduras and other Central American nations and are giving more impetus for legislation in the Senate
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
History Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 46
History - Essay Example Having complex roots to analyze, I think that studying America would prove both difficult and interesting in the sense that the bulk of studies are composed of various areas which may come hard to keep track of especially considering the quantity of details in volumes of text yet it would fascinate to find out as well that there are innumerable topics worth a student’s delight in the process. Since it entails becoming disposed to understand different cultures, economic development, and diplomatic relations, American history makes an overwhelming piece of literary journey with its own thematic features of action, romance, and mystery. Several people might have maintained a negative perspective of looking into the American history due to countless enormous controversies which have inevitably become attached to the system of U.S. government, set of ideologies, and knowledge of American societies, their corresponding beliefs, and functions in former ages and as they are at present. One such concrete instance is tolerating a negative view that Americans are racists by nature for it is by far established in human consciousness that the term ‘American’ is more often immediately attributed to an individual belonging to the ‘white race’. Hence, upon recollection of unpleasant events as black slavery during the period of Civil Rights Movement, it occurs amply reasonable to place education with American history under negative mode of interpretation. To persuade people to turn from such unfavorable perception, it would help to consider addressing the curriculum on American history course with some necessary modifications. The approach to teaching American history must be reformed in such a way as to shape student’s thoughts to obtain better understanding of the factors that constitute failure of the American government and the long- or short-term impacts brought by the industrial revolution and mixed socio-ethnic
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Box 13.2 Crisis Preparedness Scale Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Box 13.2 Crisis Preparedness Scale - Essay Example X 5 Legal considerations do not override ethical and human concerns. X 6 Our organization has a trained crisis management team (CMT) that can assemble quickly and make effective decisions. X 7 Our organization has the capabilities to investigate and determine a. the precise type or nature of whatever crisis could occur. X b. the early warning signals that precede each type of crisis. X c. whether such signals were blocked or ignored. X d. the exact, human, organizational, and technical causes of a crisis. X 8 Our organization has properly designed, constantly maintained, and regularly tested damage containment systems in place. X 9 Our organization has backup manufacturing equipment and computers so that it can resume operations as quickly as possible. X 10 Our organization has recovery mechanisms to restore full site and organizational operations. X 11 Our organization has recovery mechanisms to restore the surrounding community and environment. X 12 Our organization has the capabil ities to communicate effectively, notify the proper authorities, respond to the media, and reassure a wide array of stakeholders. X If you answer no to two or more of these statements it is likely that your organization will have a crisis and that it will have difficulty handling it properly. 1. Short summary of results The preceding assessment indicates that the organization I am assessing has general provisions for addressing crises of a general sort, and provides for the manpower, equipment, and resources for most crises as they occur within the organization. It does not, however, have sufficient capability to quickly and accurately assess all types of injuries that may result in a crisis, nor does it have sufficient resources or provisions to restore the community or surrounding environment outside of the organization. It is doubtful that a quick and accurate assessment of the exact cause of the crisis could immediately be determined on its own without expert help. 2. What the r esults reveal about leadership communication behaviours The results reveal that leadership communication behaviours in this company fail to give due attention to important details about the causes and repercussions of the crisis, and likewise fail to go beyond the immediate confines of the organization. There is also a lack of importance given to people, both within and outside the organization. Because of this, my self-understanding has increased about the necessity of ascertaining details, especially in the human aspect, when assessing the effects of a crisis, because lack of detail compromises the effectiveness of any general crisis response plan that the management may have drawn. The assessment also reveals that in my role as leader or follower, my potential strength lies in my empathy with the human aspect, whether they involve the employees of the organization or the community, because I am able to appreciate the need for the human focus, and possess an insight about how it c ould be enhanced. On the other hand, I believe my weakness is in the establishment and operation of a mechanism to determine details such as the exact causes of a crisis. As far as I can perceive, a developing crisis is manifested by certain situations, but it will take a post-crisis assessment to determine the exact causes. While the crisis is unfolding, it appears highly unlikely that the exact cause of it may be immediately determined. In this weakness, I believe that the
Monday, October 14, 2019
Mobilization for War Essay Example for Free
Mobilization for War Essay Herman Goering thought that no Air force or military in the world could stand up to that of the Nazi Luftwaffe. His boastful statement was made with well acclaim in that the Luftwaffe was a very powerful aerial force, but he was being narrow-minded when he made this statement against the production potential of the United States, which has time and time again has proved to be the most powerful nation in the world. Without the military production of the United States, the Allies would not have had a chance against the Germans and their powerful forces. Through many changes, the labor and production force of the U.S. changed from producing civilian goods, to producing military goods. These goods were supplied to all nations of the Allied Powers, and the United States quickly became the most important factor in World War II. Starting in 1940, President Franklin D. Roosevelt promised to help the United Kingdom fight Nazi Germany by providing them with military supplies, but while staying out of actual combat. Roosevelt gave a radio broadcast on December 29, 1940, to address Americans to support the Allies in Europe and China, in their war against Germany and Japan. He called the nation an â€Å"Arsenal of Democracy†to reference the powerful industrial machine it is, and how it can be the supplier of military goods to the Allied war effort. The United States military forces and most allied forces relied on the United States production of food and military goods. This meant that Americans on the home-front had to be rationed for what they can have, which meant they can only purchase so much of certain items. Many consumer goods had to be severely rationed or taken out of the market totally, because they were needed for the war effort. This is why Americans were encouraged to grow â€Å"Victory Gardens†so that they produced their own food, and what food they normally consumed from markets could help contribute to our troops as well as those of the Allied forces. Food production was then focused on providing for the troops instead of the everyday consumer, because they were expected to contribute for themselves and thus help contribute to the soldiers. The United States also made many technological innovations that helped revolutionize certain aspects of war, one of these being the pressurized air cabin in air planes. This helped prevent pilots from getting hypoxia (low oxygen levels in the blood), while also letting planes fly higher, and with more comfort for its passengers. This meant allied bombers like the b-29 could fly higher and escape low anti air missiles and fire from the ground. The Manhattan Project that the U.S. held with the United Kingdom and Canada also helped produce many technological innovations. The main product of this research program was the atomic bomb that would eventually be ordered into use on Japan, and would usher in their surrender and the end of the Second World War. We all know now that Goering’s statement was terribly misinformed, otherwise Germany and the Axis Powers would not have been defeated by the Allies. The United States was the team Captain in this effort and without them the chances of winning would have been slim to none. In the case of this war, and in the case of any war, production plays a key role, and in World War Two, the United States â€Å"Arsenal of Democracy†provided the Allies with the goods and resources necessary for victory.
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Language Learning Is A Complex Process English Language Essay
Language Learning Is A Complex Process English Language Essay Spielberger defined as the subjective feeling of tension, apprehension, nervousness and worry associated with an arousal of the autonomic nervous system. It is a psychological and physical response to a threat to certain values which the person holds as essential to his existence (May, 1977). Foreign language classes is perceived by many students as more anxiety provoking than other classes (Horwitz et al., 1986). Although some past researches suggested that foreign language anxiety may be facilitating (Chastain, 1975; Kleinmann, 1977), recent studies have proved that its effect is more debilitating to the language learning process (e.g. Philips, 1992; Aida, 1994; Donley, 1997; Von Wà ¶rde, 1998; Ando, 1999). In addition, MacIntyre and Gardner (1991) states that anxiety is really problematic to foreign language learners since it hinders the acquisition, retention and production of the new language. Foreign language anxiety (FLA) is a new term coined by Horwitz et al. (1986). It is a specific type of anxiety experienced by learners of foreign and second language learners. It is the feeling of stress and nervousness which affect non-native speakers while studying a foreign or second language. Horwitz, Horwitz, and Cope (1986) define FLA as a complex phenomenon which consists of self-perceptions, beliefs, feeling, and behaviours related to classroom language learning arising from the uniqueness of the language learning process. Young (1992) defined it as a complex psychological phenomenon specific to language learning. A more general definition of FLA given by MacIntyre and Gardner (1994) describes it as a type of situation-specific anxiety in speaking, listening, and learning that is experienced by learners in the context of second or foreign language learning. Moreover, MacIntyre (1995) pointed that anxiety may facilitate or debilitate the learners academic performance. Accordin g to Spielberger et al (2005) FLA is the fear that a person feels when using a second or foreign language in which he is not proficient. He describes it as the tendency of the individual to react nervously when using the second language in the different linguistics skills, (i.e. speaking, listening, reading and writing). Since then researchers have produced a considerable number of studies to prove that it is not merely an abstract issue, but a reality for foreign language students (e.g., Casado Dereshiwsky, 2001; Coryell Clark, 2009; KostiĆ¡-BobanoviĆ¡, 2009; Liu, 2006; Liu Jackson, 2008; MacIntyre Gardner, 1994a; Tallon, 2009; Von Wà ¶rde, 2003). According to Horwitz et al (1986) the main causes of foreign language anxiety to communication apprehension, fear of negative evaluation and test anxiety. Communication apprehension prevents the learner to develop communication skills in the target language. Likewise, fear of negative evaluation is the learners feeling that the teacher and other classmates may negatively evaluate their language ability (Horwitz et al.; 1986). According to Horwitz et al (1986), test anxiety is related to the performance of the learner. He considers the task or test as a threat instead of an opportunity to improve his language skills (Dà ¶rney, 2001). Horwitz et al (1986) pioneered the first instrument to measure the foreign language anxiety named as the Foreign Language Classroom Anxiety Scale (FLCAS). Since then, various studies have been conducted to define the relationship between foreign language anxiety and performance of learners. There is a general agreement that FLA has a negative effect on the language learning process and performance (Horwitz et al., 1986; MacIntyre Gardner, 1991; Phillips, 1992; Young, 1991). Horwitz (2000) further adds, countless language learners and teachers across the world identify with the experience of foreign language anxiety, and the potential of anxiety to interfere with learning and performance is one of the most accepted phenomena in psychology and education. There is a general agreement among researchers that there is a consistent moderate negative correlation between FLA and learners performance (Aida, 1994; Horwitz et al., 1986; MacIntyre Gardner, 1991; Phillips, 1992; Saito Samimy, 1 996; Coulombe , 2000; Kim , 1998). Foreign language speaking anxiety (FLSA) is specific type of anxiety which prevents the learner to communicate in the target language. Horwitz et al. (1986) suggested that FLA frequently occurs also in speaking in the form of a shyness characterized by fear of communicating in the foreign language. Tsiplakides and Keramida (2009) concluded that FLSA has a negative influence on students performance and they also proved that a decrease in anxiety automatically causes an increase in students motivation and hence performance is enhanced. However there are very few studies conducted to explore the reality FLSA and determine its impact on the learning process from the students perspective.
Saturday, October 12, 2019
Ron Howard :: essays research papers
Ronald William Howard was born March 1st, 1954 in Duncan, Oklahoma. He is the older of two brothers. His parents, Rance Howard his father was an actor, director and writer, his mother Jean Howard was an actress, in 1959 his family relocated to Hollywood. Young Ron quickly joined the family business and his first television role was on an episode of "Playhouse 90" and was followed by an appearance on "The Red Skelton Show." He also was in four episodes of "Denis the Menace" and five shows of "The Many Loves of Dobie Gillis." (Encarta) Ron has the face that refused to age. No matter how much of his hair he looses, or how much of a beard he grows, he continues to have a boyish charm. For some viewers he is always remembered as Opie Taylor and to others as Richie Cunningham, while the more populated group of the confused he is know as Opie Cunningham. (sitcomsonline) The television producer Sheldon Leonard, who had seen Howard’s performance in Barnaby and Mr. O’Mally, cast the actor in the "Andy Griffith Show" which began its eight years on CBS on October 3, 1960. The gentle and subtle comedy of the show was set in the sleepy town of Mayberry, North Carolina, and was centered on the daily lives of sheriff Andy Taylor (Griffith), his young son, Opie (Howard), Aunt Bee (Frances Bavier), who was the live in housekeeper and Opei’s surrogate mother, and Barney Fife (Don Knotts), Andy’s deputy. The scenes between Andy and Opie were sensitively written by Ron’s father with similarities of their relationship, some of Opeis lines were also written by his father. Howard’s parents intervened in certain ways in his life since he was a child star like making sure certain aspects of contracts said didn’t say that he had to do promotional tours. When he was not working he was enrolled in public schools so he could interact with other kids his age. "In school I was a novelty at first," Howard told Edwin Miller. "People got very jazzed up about the idea of having a kid actor in class. That would blow over in a couple of weeks, and then I was able to blend right in." Howard later made the basketball team at Burroughs High School in Burbank; Howard then had to turn down acting assignments so he wouldn’t miss any basketball games.
Friday, October 11, 2019
Managing User Accounts In Linux Essay
Linux’s most notable advantage over other operating systems such as Windows and Mac is security and in order for a user to modify critical components of the system, such as user accounts, is to have access rights of a ROOT. The root is at the top level of Linux’s user hierarchy and has all the privileges to access all resources. To login as root, a user must use the command su username. After pressing the ENTER key, the system will prompt the user to type in the corresponding password. After entering the correct password, the user will inherit full access privileges including the right to modify other user’s account information. Attempting to enter the correct password will deny the user from inheriting the root’s privileges. # su – [screenshot] Let us now attempt to create a new user called ‘bozo’. But first, let us check if that username is not yet taken. # id bozo [screenshot] Since username bozo is still available we can now create his user account. # useradd bozo -d /home/bozo -u 600 We have just created a username called bozo and makes his default folder under /home/bozo and gave him the UID of 600. by the way, UID’s are unique identifiers of users. Users can be a representation of both human users and services running in the Linux system. UID’s are used by Linux in relation to his password and privilege information stored in the /etc/passwd, /etc/shadow and /etc/group. One of the very first thing Linux does when creating a new user is to copy the files from the skeleton folder, which contains whatever files the admin wants to give to new users, into the newly created user’s folder. Now, let us try to take a look at those files by displaying a detailed listing of files including hidden ones. # ls –la /home/skel/ So far so good. Now let us try creating another user and call her bozoette. # useradd bozo -d /home/bozo -u 600 We had an error. As stated earlier, UID’s are unique. Since we attempted to create a user and assigned the same UID with bozo, the system denied our request. But what if we do want give bozoete the UID #600? One of the many ways to do it is to first change bozo’s UID, say 601 and then create bozoette’s user account using the newly-vacant UID of 600. Change bozo’s UID from 600 to 601. # id bozo # usermod -u 601 bozo # id bozo Then create bozoette’s new account with UID 600. # useradd bozoette -d /home/bozoette -u 600 Now we have two new users bozo(uid:601) and bozoette(uid:600) with user directories /home/bozo and /home/bozoette, respectively. Note that user accounts remain inactive until a password is assigned to them. Let us now activate the two new user accounts by assigning passwords to them. # passwd bozo # passwd bozoette Users bozo and bozoette are now active and users can now login to the system using the correct username and password combinations for the accounts. REFERENCES Linux Headquarters. Adduser: Adding A New User. Advanced Horizons. Linux Users. Mario P. Free November 28, 2007. Tutorial @HowTo. fm. Command Line User Management. Notaras, George. 6 November 2005. G-Loaded! User management from the command line
Thursday, October 10, 2019
Expansion In The Supermarket Commerce Essay
As we know that enlargement in the supermarket and now it is besides diversified in the Fieldss like communicating, insurance, fiscal services. Here we are we are sing the vision of the Tesco and the ways Tesco comes up with the taking rival in the market for the remainder of companies. Here we will be discoursing the assorted stairss and schemes, policies, theoretical accounts used by the company in order to increase its public presentation in the market. Introduction: Here we are we are sing the vision of the Tesco and the ways Tesco comes up with the taking rival in the market for the remainder of companies. Here we will be discoursing the assorted stairss and schemes, policies, theoretical accounts used by the company in order to increase its public presentation in the market. In the supermarket and now it is besides diversified in the Fieldss like communicating, insurance, fiscal services. Talking about Tesco it is presently the UK ‘s most successful supermarket with a UK market portion in surplus of 30 % and one-year net incomes of some ?2bn. It is the universe ‘s 4th largest retail merchant. Although after the debut in the US markets Tesco was the one of the most sensible retail merchants for the clients but it have to confront the critics of some of the analyst who was analyzing the consequence of debut of Tesco into the retail market of US. It was said by some of the analyst that if Tesco effort to come in in the American market it has been a failure that the company should retreat. One of the known analysts named Piper Jaffray has estimated the cost for the company which will be the set uping cost if the Tesco will retreat from the US markets which would be near about one billion lbs. The company ‘s environmental claims have come un der analysis, along with its belongings scheme, its non-unionisation policy in a comparatively strongly nonionized sector of concern and its refusal to subscribe a community benefits understanding. Community benefits understandings are used by shops in the USA to derive client trueness. Tesco, in bend, has countered these unfavorable judgments. Jack Cohen ‘s concern slogan was â€Å" pile it high and sell it inexpensive †, although this was rapidly replaced with the stating â€Å" You Ca n't Do Business Siting On Your Buttocks †. He was known to administer points bearing the acronym to his gross revenues force. Talking about the history of this company who has strong clasp In the UK markets was started in 1919. This was the started by Jack Cohen who started his concern calling by selling the food markets from the streets of London. Tesco is the name that was billed by the names of provider the individual who brought the cargo of tea his name was T.E Stock good and the label was made by utilizing the initial of his name and by adding the name of the proprietor Jack Cohen and they gave this house a name called Tesco that is a shop now sits in the sites. When Tesco stepped in to twenty-first century it was the most effectual period for the company to turn and supply its excellence services to the clients as in 2001 they had started the online shopping for the food markets as after achieving more that one-fourth interest in the food market works and it was good feedback from the clients. In the period of 2002 they made the major alterations to the shops in UK as they have purchased more than 80 0 T & A ; S shop in one spell. They have besides shown some of the biggest influence in the Polish market when they purchased more than ten biggest hypermarkets in Poland. The twelvemonth 2003 can be called the technological twelvemonth for this company as they have entered in to the telecommunication universe consisting nomadic and place phone services, to complement its bing Internet service supplier concern. In 2004 Tesco was the other company to launch broadband services but unluckily the program for Tesco in Thailand for making and running the hypermarkets in the coaction with Charoen Pokphand Group was non really successful as confronting the heavy unfavorable judgment in the market the Charoen Pokphand Group sold their interest. In the twelvemonth 2005 when there was the breakage of contract between Safeway and BP so Tesco bought some of the shop to increase its market In 2007 Tesco was placed under probe by the UK Office of Fair Trading ( OFT ) for moving as portion of a tru st of five supermarkets ( Safeway, Tesco, Asda, Morrisons and Sainsbury ) and a figure of dairy companies to repair the monetary value of milk, butter and cheese. They were reportedly paid i5 million ( US $ 10 million ) . In April 2009, Tesco announced that it had created a ace tomato that â€Å" does n't leak †. The tomato is grown in Holland and is meant to be a better tomato for sandwiches since, being less juicy, they will non do sandwiches every bit boggy as regular tomatoes do. 2 Strategic Decisions for the company Before stating the strategic determination, plans or aims for the company foremost of all we have to understand â€Å" what are the thing that can be covered under these determinations? †In the simple words we can state that it is the systematic and the analytic attack which review the concern as a whole in relation to the environment and which can be said into two different footings To develop an integrated, co-ordinate and consistent position of the path the company wishes to follow To ease the version of the organisation to environmental alteration. They together describe the construct of the house ‘s concern which specifies the sum of growing, the country of growing, the way of growing, the taking strengths, and the profitable marks. In add-on they are stated operationally in a signifier useable for steering direction determinations and actions. It is concerned with the preparation of the schemes within the model of company policies. It involves the procedure of strategic direction that will take through assorted operational and undertaking programs for the accomplishment of the aims ( Michael Armstrong, 1990 ) . Now speaking about the company which is tesco the basic attack they use for the preparation and completion of the aim and ends is the IBM attack in this attack the company will demo the type of concern they are making and they will show the sense of concern the endeavor is in and the way in which they are traveling. For doing it simple for the client to understand what they want to accomplish is some clip shown by the aid of graph and pie charts or the waggon wheels. Before utilizing this attack they have to maintain in head some of the basic characteristics or demands for the theoretical account. Operational Plans Undertaking Plans Recourse Plans Corporate Management Strategic Management Aims Valuess Policies Mission Feedback Actions Budgets So this is the chief flow of program which should be followed while utilizing IBM attack. Now in the instance of tesco they have followed the same form but in the different format. So now we should look at the different strategic determination or programs for the tesco. There are three type of the schemes that the tesco following in order to accomplish their ends and aims as they are typed below: Cost leading: One of the schemes that are used by Tesco for accomplishing their ends in a simple and easy manner id the cost leading as we can place from the word cost that they are taking about the monetary value thing as they have the scheme to supply their client with the lower monetary values from any other company. The ability for cut downing the cost for client or to take down the monetary values they control their operating costs in such a manner that they are easy able to take down the monetary values as in compared to others which help them to bring forth the high net incomes and therefore assisting them in the important manner. Scheme of distinction: Now this is the scheme that will distinguish the offer and the services that they have to offer to the clients and the featured clients. On the footing of this scheme they can make their trade name vicinity for the clients that they have to offer in footings of publicities, engineering, heath merchandises, bakeshop, etc. Customer service is popular attacks to distinction. Focused market. In prosecuting a cost leading scheme Tesco focuses on the creative activity of internal efficiencies that will assist them defy external force per unit areas. As we have seen that how tesco take attention of their client by utilizing the assorted schemes for the clients and which makes us to believe that tesco will be in the regular connexion with the operational governments and the other in the same sectors such as purchasers. While seeing to these schemes we can state that the schemes of cost leading and market distinction are aimed at the wide market and by utilizing these schemes they can settle their merchandises to any markets ( thrower, 1980 ) . Or we can state in other words that they pursue a scheme of cost leading or distinction either in a specific market or with specific merchandises. The danger some administration face is that they try to make all three and go what is known as stuck in the center. In instance of Tesco it is non appropriate, as they do hold a clear concern scheme with a clearly defined market section. Swot Analysis Strengths Raising market part: One of the strengths of the Tesco is the big size in the retail market which covers about the 13 per centum of the entire value. Just because of it versatility in every field it will be continuously turning in the UK market and part will besides be increased non in merely in nutrient sector but besides in non nutrient. Tesco ‘s general growing and ROI show no mark of slaking: One of the other strength of the Tesco is big investing in the West midlands departmental shops name called T and S Group which was considered the one of the monolithic measure taken by the company for the vicinity markets. In add-on in this twelvemonth Tesco became the UK ‘s 2nd largest convenience concatenation as compared to the co-operative shops and they besides opened more than 5o new shops this twelvemonth. If we take a expression towards the international concern portion of Tesco so we can see that it is continuously turning and the anticipation made by the board of the company that it will lend about one one-fourth of its net income in following consecutive five old ages. Now it is so much grown that it entire gross comes to 23 per centum of the entire group net incomes. And in terminal if we talk about the regional or geographical strength that is immense and will continues to turn. Insurance: In the twelvemonth 2003 Tesco reached the new stat mi rock of finishing the one million clients under the insurance subdivision by selling the motor insurance policies which made Tesco one of the fastest service supplier and marketer for the motor insurance. One of the characteristics that Tesco provides a simple characteristic to their club card holders that they can buy the vacations or travel insurance really easy at the sections. In the field of life insurance it gained award for most competitory life insurance supplier in the money facts awards 2003 and got the good response of the clients. It besides sells more than 330,000 pets insurance for the Canis familiariss and cats. Tesco online: One of biggest and the most convenient characteristic that Tesco provides is the on-line shopping. Tesco web site is the universe ‘s one of the biggest online shopping site. In this online shopping that about had a sale of over 550 million lbs which shows the addition in the company of more that 27 per centum in the last twelvemonth stats. We can run this site in more than 250 shops around the UK and have the client count of over one million to whom they provide on-line service. This company is besides demoing the strong development in its gross watercourse. UK market leading reinforced: If we take into consideration the size and the competition of Tesco to their rivals in this graduated table Tesco is really huge and immense in the service supplying. As they got the figure one ranking the twelvemonth 1996 for the best markets every bit merely because they have the multi format programs to follow which make them successful to accomplish the ends easy. And in the study by the competition committee as they have said that it is really hard for any company in the retail markets to vie with Tesco as if we see UK their gross revenues are 71 per centum larger than any company. And if it will turn at this rate so it will convey down the Wal- marketplaces opportunities of being the largest marketer in UK. Failings Reliance upon the UK market: As this the one of the best and the biggest company in the UK markets but it is really limited in the most of the UK markets. Although it s turning internationally but their chief stairss are based in the UK market will is the most important failing of the company. As we know that they are lifting twenty-four hours by twenty-four hours but we have to see the competition in the market as it was in the studies that in the supermarket industry over the period of one twelvemonth Morrison group will purchase the Safeway group will be the affecting for the market sharing for the company. Debt decrease: One of the other failing for the Tesco Idaho of high pitching ratio for the company as their Debs Ate increasing at really high rate and they are n ready to cut down that as because they had used all the money in the immense investing for the increasing the assets for the company and in the meeting with the pull offing manager he said that there is small program to return the debts as batch of money is being used in the other sectors. Signs point to consecutive acquisitions: One the company assets and the operation we have seen that this company is tremendously large in every province but to make fulling up the spread they have to sued the certain methods or programs that can assist them to accomplish the things easy. Thays why they have used the fill the spread scheme and has been the instance with the UK convenience market, there is the danger of Tesco going a consecutive acquirer, as this tends to cut down net incomes visibleness and quality. Opportunities Health and beauty: Opportunities are the things that are good for any company to turn as we have seen in the instance of Tesco that it have increased its market in the wellness and beauty merchandises from rather a piece and became the taking retail merchant in the field of wellness and beauty. As the secondary things they have one of the best toilet articless and health care and they have progressively become the figure marketer of baby goods. They have invested in the wellness and beauty about 27 million entirely in the market the money in the immense investing for the increasing the assets for the company and in the meeting with the pull offing manager he said that there is small program to return the debts as batch of money is being used in the other sectors. Further international growing: Tesco has shaped a strategic association with US supermarket, Safeway Inc, to take the place shopping theoretical account to the US. Telecommunications are the latest phase in its scheme to develop popular retail services. It has repeated its attack in banking, by capitalising on its trade name. In 2004 the company plans to come in the Chinese market, as China is one of the largest economic systems in the universe with enormous prognosis growing and will show many chances for Tesco. Menaces UK structural alteration could trip a monetary value war: Menaces are the more likely to be in the big concern as they have more things to worry approximately as per the little things can do large harm to them. As now the biggest menace to the concern is the monetary value for the clients and as in UK the clients are more aggressive for the monetary values merely because in the competition the companies are cut downing their monetary values and in the instance of Morrison they are diminishing the monetary values by 6 per centum on every point as in comparison to Tesco. For these things they have to be committed to monetary value alterations in approaching hereafter. Overseas returns could fall: In the instance of the UK it is developed and they have nil in comparison able to the others but it will non be the good for the company to travel to the other state and put up the concern as they are certain factors that they have to see while puting up. They have to look at the economical, political, societal factors and rival ‘s status. So that they are ready to take the effects if we take the illustration of China and Japan they are have wholly different conditions. Talking about the challenges faced by the company here we can take the illustration of Tesco ‘s experience in the in-between land like in the state like China and the center of the Asia. As they all are saturated markets and all these are maximum the developed states and they have the maximal competition and really less chance so the Tesco is believing about the most effectual and the simplest schemes so that they can construct up at that place. Ut we have to see the assorted factors which have to be keep in head like the economic, political, societal and environmental issues. Decision So here in this paper after speaking about the one of the biggest group in the retail markets we merely came to decision that it is working really good from every facet as there are many Fieldss where we have seen that Tesco was new but utilizing their most simple and easy schemes they made them self a really immense and big industry and have reached to the success in one twelvemonth clip that is so impressive. The manner they trade name their merchandises and the manner they provide the client service to their client ‘s is beyond the thought. It had fostered powerful individualities by doing their retailing construct into a virus and disbursement it out into the civilization via a assortment of channels: cultural sponsorship, political contention, and consumer ‘s experience and trade name extensions. So here we did the grind analysis of the company which give us the fact that there are many planetary and internal factors that rhenium associated with the companies ‘ public presentation. In last 30 old ages sentiment of the market has altered from a merchandise and client way to strategic class. Here we are we are sing the vision of the Tesco and the ways Tesco comes up with the taking rival in the market for the remainder of companies. Here we will be discoursing the assorted stairss and schemes, policies, theoretical accounts used by the company in order to increase its public presentation in the market.
Succubus Shadows Chapter 1
I was drunk. I wasn't entirely sure when it had happened, but I suspected it had occurred around the time my friend Doug had bet me I couldn't take down three vodka gimlets faster than he could. He'd promised to take my weekend shift at work if I won, and I was going to do his stock duty for a week if he won. When we'd finished, it looked like I wasn't going to be working next weekend. â€Å"How did you out-drink him?†my friend Hugh wanted to know. â€Å"He's twice your size.†Through the crowd of people crammed into my condo, I peered at the closed bathroom door, behind which Doug had disappeared. â€Å"He had stomach flu this week. I'm guessing that doesn't go so well with vodka.†Hugh raised an eyebrow. â€Å"Why the fuck would anyone take a bet like that after having the flu?†I shrugged. â€Å"Because he's Doug.†Hoping Doug would be okay, I scanned the rest of my party with the pleased air of a queen sizing up her kingdom. I'd moved into this place back in July and had been long overdue for a housewarming party. When Halloween had finally rolled around, combining the two events had seemed like a pretty reasonable solution. Consequently, my guests tonight were clad in an array of costumes, everything from elaborate Renaissance fair quality garb to the slackers who'd simply thrown on a witch's hat. Me, I was dressed as Little Bo Peep – well, that is, I was dressed the way Little Bo Peep would if she was a stripper and/or a shameless strumpet. My frilly blue skirt stopped just above the halfway point on my thighs, and my puff-sleeved white blouse was so low-cut that I had to be careful when leaning over. The crowning achievement – literally – was my curly mane of flaxen blond hair, neatly arranged into two pigtails tied with little blue bows. It looked perfect, absolutely indistinguishable from the real thing because†¦well, it was real. Shape-shifting always came in handy as a succubus, but for Halloween, it was golden. I always had the best costumes because I really could turn into anything I wanted. Of course, I had to keep it within reason. Too much of a change would raise the suspicions of the humans around me. But for a hair change? Yeah. Shape-shifting was pretty convenient. Someone touched my elbow. I turned, and my smug enthusiasm dimmed a little when I saw who it was: Roman, my sociopathic roommate. â€Å"I think someone's getting sick in the bathroom,†he told me. Roman was a nephilim, half-angel and half-human, with soft black hair and sea-green eyes. If not for the fact he occasionally went on immortal killing sprees and had me on his hit list, he would have been a pretty good catch. â€Å"Yeah,†I said. â€Å"It's Doug. He lost a vodka challenge.†Roman grimaced. He wore devil horns and a red cape. The irony wasn't lost on me. â€Å"Hope he's got good aim. I don't want to clean that up.†â€Å"What, you don't do housework either?†asked Hugh. He'd recently learned Roman wasn't paying me rent because he was â€Å"between jobs.†â€Å"Seems like you should pull your weight around here somehow.†Roman gave Hugh a warning look. â€Å"Stay out of this, Spiro Agnew.†â€Å"I'm Calvin Coolidge!†exclaimed Hugh, highly offended. â€Å"This is the same suit he wore at his inauguration.†I sighed. â€Å"Hugh, nobody here remembers that.†That was one of the downsides of being immortal. Our memories became obsolete as more time passed. Hugh, an imp who bought souls for Hell, was much younger than Roman and me, but he had a lot more years than any human here. Slipping away from Roman and Hugh's argument, I headed across the room to mingle with my guests. Some of my coworkers from the bookstore Doug and I worked at were huddled around the punch bowl, and I stopped to chat. Immediately, I was bombarded with compliments. â€Å"Your hair is amazing!†â€Å"Did you dye it?†â€Å"It doesn't even look like a wig!†I assured them it was a very good wig and dealt out praise for them in return. One person, however, earned a rueful head-shake from me. â€Å"You have more creativity than all of us put together, and that's the best you could do?†I asked. Best-selling author Seth Mortensen turned to look at me with one of his trademark, slightly scattered smiles. Even when I was dizzy with vodka, that smile never failed to make my heart speed up. Seth and I had dated for a while, plunging me into the depths of a love I'd never imagined possible. Part of being a succubus was an eternity of seducing men and stealing the energy of their souls – a real relationship had seemed out of the question. And in the end, it had been. Seth and I had broken up – twice – and while I usually accepted that he had moved on, I knew that I would love him forever. For me, forever was a serious matter. â€Å"I can't waste it on a costume,†he said. His amber-brown eyes regarded me fondly. I no longer knew if he loved me too; I only knew for sure that he still cared about me as a friend. I kept trying to portray the same image. â€Å"Gotta save it for the next book.†â€Å"Lame excuse,†I said. His shirt depicted Freddy Krueger, which might have been acceptable if not for the fact I suspected he had owned it long before Halloween. Seth shook his head. â€Å"Nobody cares what guys wear at Halloween anyway. It's all about the women. Look around.†I did and saw that he was right. All the elaborate, sexy costumes were on my female guests. With a few exceptions, the men's dulled by comparison. â€Å"Peter's dressed up,†I pointed out. Seth followed my gaze to another of my immortal friends. Peter was a vampire, a very fastidious and obsessive-compulsive one. He was clad in pre-Revolutionary French garb, complete with brocade coat and a powdered wig over what was normally thin brown hair. â€Å"Peter doesn't count,†said Seth. Recalling how Peter had painstakingly stenciled swans around his bathroom's baseboards last week, I couldn't help but agree. â€Å"Fair point.†â€Å"What's Hugh supposed to be? Jimmy Carter?†â€Å"Calvin Coolidge.†â€Å"How can you tell?†I was saved from answering when Seth's fianc? ¦e – and one of my best friends – Maddie Sato appeared. She was dressed as a fairy, complete with wings and a gauzy dress nowhere near as slutty as mine. Fake flowers wreathed black hair that had been pulled into a bun. Her being with Seth was something else I'd more or less come to accept, though I suspected the sting of it would never leave. Maddie didn't know Seth and I had dated and had no clue about the discomfiture I felt over their whole relationship. I expected her to slip her arm around Seth, but it was me she grabbed hold of and jerked away. I stumbled a bit. Five-inch heels weren't normally a problem for me, but the vodka complicated things a bit. â€Å"Georgina,†she exclaimed, once we were far enough away from Seth. â€Å"I need your help.†Reaching into her purse, she pulled out two pages torn from magazines. â€Å"With wha – oh.†My stomach twisted uncomfortably, and I hoped I wouldn't be joining Doug in the bathroom. The pages showed photos of wedding dresses. â€Å"I've almost narrowed it down,†she explained. â€Å"What do you think?†Grudgingly accepting the man I loved was going to marry one of my best friends was one thing. Helping them plan their wedding was an entirely different matter. I swallowed. â€Å"Oh, gee, Maddie. I'm not very good at this stuff.†Her dark eyes widened. â€Å"Are you kidding? You're the one who taught me how to dress right in the first place.†She apparently hadn't taken the lessons to heart. The dresses, while beautiful on the anorexic models wearing them, would look terrible on Maddie. â€Å"I don't know,†I said lamely, dragging my eyes away. The dresses were conjuring mental images of Maddie and Seth walking down the aisle together. â€Å"Come on,†she entreated. â€Å"I know you have an opinion.†I did. A bad one. And honestly, if I were a good servant of Hell, I would have told her they both looked great. Or I would have endorsed the worst one. What she wore was no concern of mine, and maybe if she showed up at her wedding looking subpar, Seth would realize what he'd lost when we broke up. And yet†¦I couldn't. Even after everything that had happened, I just couldn't let Maddie do it. She'd been a good friend, never suspecting what had occurred between Seth and me before and during their relationship. And as much as that petty, selfish part of me wanted it, I couldn't let her go forward in a bad dress. â€Å"Neither are good,†I said at last. â€Å"The full skirt on that one will make you look short. The flowers on top of that one will make you look fat.†She was taken aback. â€Å"Really? I never†¦Ã¢â‚¬ She studied the pictures, face falling. â€Å"Damn. I thought I had this stuff down now.†I can only assume my next words came from the liquor. â€Å"If you want, I'll go with you to some places this week. You can try some stuff on, and I'll tell you what works.†Maddie lit up. She wasn't gorgeous in the popular, magazine sort of way, but when she smiled, she was beautiful. â€Å"Really? Oh, thank you. And you can look for your dress too.†â€Å"My what?†â€Å"Well†¦Ã¢â‚¬ Her smile turned sly. â€Å"You're going to be a bridesmaid, aren't you?†At that moment, I reconsidered my earlier thoughts about nothing being more painful than helping plan her wedding. Being her bridesmaid pretty much blew that out of the water. Those who believed we made our own hells on earth must have had something like this in mind. â€Å"Oh, well, I don't know†¦Ã¢â‚¬ â€Å"You have to! There's no one else I'd rather have.†â€Å"I'm not really the bridesmaid type.†â€Å"Of course you are.†Maddie's eyes suddenly looked at something beyond me. â€Å"Oh, hey. Doug's back. I'm going to go check on him. We'll talk about this later. You'll give in.†Maddie scurried off to her brother, leaving me numb and speechless. I decided then it was worth risking illness to go get another drink. This party had taken a definite U-turn. Yet, when I turned around, it wasn't toward the bar. It was toward my patio. One of the best features of this condo was its expansive balcony, one that looked out over Puget Sound and the Seattle skyline beyond. As I stood there, though, it wasn't the view that captivated me. It was†¦something else. Something I couldn't explain. But it was warm and wonderful and spoke to all my senses. I imagined I could see colored light on my balcony, kind of like the waves of an aurora. I could also hear a type of music that defied all human words and had nothing to do with the Pink Floyd blasting from my stereo. The party faded into the background as I slowly moved toward the balcony. The door was open to air out the hot room, and my two cats, Aubrey and Godiva, lay near it to look outside. I stepped past them, drawn toward that which had no explanation or description. Warm autumn air engulfed me as I groped for what called me. It was all around me and yet out of my reach. It was summoning me, drawing me toward something right on the balcony's edge. I almost considered climbing on the ledge in my heels and looking over. I had to reach that beauty. â€Å"Hey, Georgina.†Peter's voice jerked me out of the trance. I stared around, startled. There was no music, no color, no beckoning embrace. Only the night and the view and the patio furniture on my balcony. I turned around, meeting his eyes. â€Å"We have a problem,†he said. â€Å"We have a lot of problems,†I said, thinking of Maddie's wedding dress and the fact that I'd nearly walked off my own balcony. I shivered. I definitely was not going back for that next drink. Sick was one thing. Hallucinations were another. â€Å"What's wrong?†Peter led me inside and pointed. â€Å"Cody's in love.†I looked over at our friend Cody, another vampire and Peter's apprentice. Cody was a young immortal, optimistic and endearing. He was dressed as an alien, with green antennae sticking out of his shaggy blond hair. The perfection of his silvery space suit made me think Peter had played a role. Right now, Cody was staring across the room, mouth open as he gazed at someone. He looked like I had felt just moments ago. Her name was Gabrielle, and she'd just started working at the bookstore. She was tiny, almost pixie like, and wore black fishnets and a ripped black dress. Her spiky hair was also black, as was her lipstick. Easy coordination. Cody was staring at her like she was the most beautiful creature on earth. â€Å"Huh,†I said. Hugh dated all the time, but I'd never really thought of the vampires – particularly Peter – having any sort of romantic interactions. â€Å"I think he likes that she's dressed as a vampire,†said Peter. I shook my head. â€Å"Actually, that's how she always dresses.†We walked over to Cody, and it took him several moments to notice us. He seemed excited to see me. â€Å"What's her name?†he breathed. I tried to hide my smile. Cody being smitten was one of the cutest things I'd ever seen and a welcome distraction from the other drama tonight. â€Å"Gabrielle. She works at the store.†â€Å"Is she single?†I looked back at her as she laughed at something Maddie had said. â€Å"I don't know. Want me to find out?†Cody blushed – in as much as a pale vampire could. â€Å"No! I mean†¦unless you think it wouldn't be too obvious? I don't want you to go to any trouble.†â€Å"No trouble for me,†I said, just as Doug walked by. â€Å"Hey.†I caught hold of his sleeve. â€Å"Do me a favor, and I'll take my shift back.†Doug, whose Japanese-American skin was normally golden tan, could have also currently passed for an alien with his green hue. â€Å"I'd rather have my stomach back, Kincaid.†â€Å"Go investigate Gabrielle's romantic status. Cody's interested.†â€Å"Georgina!†exclaimed Cody, mortified. Sick or not, Doug couldn't resist a little intrigue. â€Å"Sure thing.†He headed off across the room and pulled Gabrielle to him, leaning down so she could hear. At one point, he glanced over toward us, and Gabrielle looked as well. Cody nearly died. â€Å"Oh God.†Doug returned five minutes later and shook his head. â€Å"Sorry, kid. She's single, but she doesn't think you're her type. She's into the Goth and vampire scene. You're too mainstream for her.†I was sipping a glass of water and nearly choked on it. â€Å"That,†said Peter, as soon as Doug was gone, â€Å"is what we call irony.†â€Å"How is that possible?†exclaimed Cody. â€Å"I am a vampire. I should be exactly what she wants.†â€Å"Yeah, but you don't look like one,†I said. If Gabrielle had been a Trekkie, he might have had a shot tonight. â€Å"I look exactly like a vampire because I am one! What should I dress up as? Count Chocula?†The party continued in force for another couple hours, and finally, people began trickling out. Roman and I, playing good hosts, smiled and bade each of them farewell. By the time everyone left, I was weary and more than happy for it all to be over. I'd refused to drink after the balcony incident and now had a headache as a pleasant reminder of my indulgences. Roman looked as exhausted as me as he scanned the messy condo. â€Å"Funny, huh? You throw a housewarming party to show the place off, and then people trash it.†â€Å"It'll clean up fast,†I said, studying all the bottles and paper plates with remnants of food. Aubrey was licking frosting off a half-eaten cupcake, and I hastily took it away from her. â€Å"But not tonight. Help me take care of the perishables, and we'll do the rest tomorrow.†â€Å"There's no ‘we' in ‘clean,'†Roman said. â€Å"That doesn't even make sense,†I said, covering up some salsa. â€Å"And Peter's right, you know. You really should do more around here.†â€Å"I provide good company. Besides, how can you get rid of me?†â€Å"I'll get Jerome to,†I warned, referring to his demon father, who also happened to be my boss. â€Å"Sure. Run off and tell on me.†Roman stifled a yawn, demonstrating just how worried he was about his father's wrath. The annoying part was, he had a point. I couldn't get rid of him on my own, and I doubted Jerome would really help. Still, I could hardly believe it when Roman did wander off to bed and leave me alone with the cleanup. I hadn't thought he'd go that far. â€Å"Asshole!†I yelled after him, getting only a slammed door in response. He really wasn't that bad of a roommate, but our troubled past often made him want to annoy me. It worked. Fuming, I finished the necessary tidying and dropped into bed a half-hour later. Aubrey and Godiva followed me, lying side by side at the end of the bed. They were a contrast in colors, like some piece of modern art. Aubrey was white with black specks on her head; Godiva was a riot of orange, brown, and black patches. All three of us drifted off to sleep immediately. Sometime later, I woke to the sound of singing†¦or, well, that was the closest I could come to describing it. It was the same thing I'd felt earlier, an alluring, haunting pull that spoke to every part of me. Warm and bright and beautiful. It was everywhere and everything, and I longed to have more of it, to walk toward the light that shone with indescribable colors. It felt so, so good – like something I could melt into, if only I could reach it. I had the impression of an entrance, a door I simply had to push open and step through and – Rough hands gripped my shoulders and jerked me around. â€Å"Wake up!†Like before, the sensory overload vanished. I was left alone in a quiet, empty world. No more siren song. Roman stood in front of me, hands shaking me as his face stared down at me with worry. I looked around. We were in the kitchen. I had no memory of getting there. â€Å"How – what happened?†I stammered. The face that had taunted me earlier was now filled with concern, something that troubled a small part of me. Why should someone who wanted to kill me be worried about me? â€Å"You tell me,†he said, releasing his grip. I rubbed my eyes, willing myself to recall what had happened. â€Å"I†¦I don't know. I must have sleepwalked†¦.†His face was still drawn and anxious. â€Å"No†¦there was something here†¦.†I shook my head. â€Å"No, it was a dream. Or a hallucination. I had it happen earlier†¦. I just drank too much.†â€Å"Didn't you just hear me?†There it was again, fear for me underneath the anger. â€Å"There was something here, some†¦force. I felt it. It woke me up. Don't you remember anything at all?†I stared off, trying to summon up the light and haunting melody. I couldn't. â€Å"It was†¦it was exquisite. I wanted†¦I wanted to go to it†¦to be part of it†¦Ã¢â‚¬ There was a dreamy, wistful note in my voice. Roman's expression grew dark. As a succubus, I was a lesser immortal, one who had once been human. Greater immortals, like angels and demons, had been created at the universe's beginning. Nephilim were born and fell somewhere in the middle. As such, their powers and senses were greater than mine. Roman could detect things I couldn't. â€Å"Don't,†he said. â€Å"You feel it again, you pull away. Don't let it draw you in. Under no circumstances should you go to it.†I looked back at him with a frown. â€Å"Why? Do you know what it is?†â€Å"No,†he said grimly. â€Å"And that's the problem.â€
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